










1986.07—1990.07 哈尔滨建筑工程学院建筑材料系 复合材料专业,本科,学士学位;

1992.09—1995.07 哈尔滨建筑大学  公路、城市道路与机场工程专业,硕士学位;

1996.09—1999.12 哈尔滨建筑大学  道路与铁道工程专业,博士学位;

2000.06—2002.09 同济大学  道路与铁道工程专业,博士后


1990.09—1995.03  哈尔滨建筑大学  道路与交通工程系  助教

1995.09—1999.09  哈尔滨建筑大学 交通科学与工程学院  讲师

1999.09—2003.06  哈尔滨工业大学 交通科学与工程学院  副教授

2003.06—2004.03  哈尔滨工业大学 交通科学与工程学院  教授

2004.03—至今    哈尔滨工业大学 交通科学与工程学院  教授、博士生导师

2008—至今     交通安全特种材料与智能化控制技术交通行业重点实验室 副主任

2009—至今     现代道路工程技术研究中心技术委员会  学术委员会主任

2014.05—至今    哈尔滨工业大学  交通科学与工程学院  副院长

2004.06—2005.06  Technical University of Munich,Germany  访问教授  

2009.01—2010.01  Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State  University,USA  访问教授


Journal of Road Material  and Pavement Design               Editorial Board Member

International Journal of  Pavement Research and Technology     Editorial Board Member

International Journal of  Transportation Science and Technology  Editorial Board Member

黑龙江省复合材料学会   理事

中国公路学会道路工程分会   理事

全国混凝土标准化技术委员会沥青混凝土分技术委员会   委员

全国专业标准化技术委员会石油化工分委会   委员  


Ø  2013年,环保型路面建造技术与工程应用,国家科技进步奖二等奖

Ø  2011年,固体废弃物循环利用新技术及其在公路工程中的应用,国家科技进步奖二等奖

Ø  2011年,环保型道路建设与维护技术,陕西省科学技术进步奖一等奖

Ø  2011年,寒冷地区SBS改性沥青生产与技术标准的研究,黑龙江省科技进步奖二等奖

Ø  2009年,废旧轮胎在道路建设工程中的应用,石化协会科技进步奖二等奖


Ø 国家杰出青年科学基金获得者(2012)  

Ø 教育部新世纪优秀人才支持计划(2006)  

Ø 第八届黑龙江省青年科技奖(2007)

Ø  第四届黑龙江省归国留学人员“报国奖”(2013)


l   沥青基材料复杂粘弹行为及破坏机理:沥青路面在复杂气候条件下易引起的车辙、裂缝、老化等问题,在重载条件下结构行为常表现为非线性特性,经典粘弹力学在表征路面的破坏特性、疲劳特性以及老化特性等方面具有局限性,因此,对沥青路面材料复杂粘弹行为及破坏机理进行了系统研究。  

l   特殊环境下沥青路面结构性能监测与仿真分析:在复杂的环境和荷载作用下沥青路面应力应变场一直是一个黑箱,其损坏机理不清,路面耐久性差。面向重大工程安全服役和路面长寿命问题,在国际上率先开展了光纤传感技术与非接触式测量技术相结合的沥青路面结构行为研究,从根本上阐示沥青路面早期损坏机理,并提出了相应的设计方法和性能预测方法。  

l   路面主动除冰雪与冻融损伤修复技术:冰雪灾害严重影响道路交通安全和通行能力,现有的被动路面融冰化学技术与冰冻损伤处置方法严重阻碍了高效、安全交通的可持续发展,因此,需要开展冰雪条件下路面安全保障技术研究,形成主动除冰雪路面和损伤修复的综合性技术体系。  


1    谭忆秋.  沥青与沥青混合料. 哈尔滨工业大学出版社. 2007年

2    谭忆秋.  橡胶颗粒路面主动除冰雪技术. 科学出版社. 2012年

3    沙爱民、谭忆秋等.  环境友好型路面材料与结构. 科学出版社.2012年

4    谭忆秋、董泽蛟.  沥青路面的力学响应. 科学出版社. 2015年



1.        Xu Huining, Tan Yiqiu. Modeling and operation  strategy of pavement snow melting systems utilizing low-temperature heating  fluids. Energy, 80, pp 666-676, 2015/2

2.        Ouyang Jian, Tan Yiqiu. Rheology of fresh cement  asphalt emulsion pastes. Construction and Building Materials, 80, pp 236-243,  2015/4

3.        Mateos Angel, Antonio Gomez Jose, Hernandez  Roberto, Tan Yiqiu, Loria Salazar Luis Guillermo, Vargas-Nordcbeck Adriana.  Application of the logit model for the analysis of asphalt fatigue tests  results. Construction and Building Materials, 82, pp 53-60, 2015/5

4.        Li Xiaolin, Shan Liyan, Tan Yiqiu. Analysis of  different indices for high- and low-temperature properties of asphalt binder.  Construction and Building Materials, 83, pp 70-76, 2015/5


5.        Tan Yiqiu, Hou Minghao, Zhang Lei, Zhang Kui.  Studying the strain field distribution of asphalt mixture with the digital  speckle correlation method. Road Materials and Pavement Design, 15(1), pp  90-101, 2014/1

6.        Tan Yiqiu, Wang Haipeng, Ma Shaojun, Xu Huining.  Quality control of asphalt pavement compaction using fibre Bragg grating sensing  technology. Construction and Building Materials, 54, pp 53-59, 2014/3

7.        Tan Yiqiu, Guo Meng. Interfacial thickness and  interaction between asphalt and mineral fillers. Materials And Structures,  47(4), pp 605-614, 2014/4

8.        Guo Naisheng, You Zhanping, Zhao Yinghua, Tan  Yiqiu, Diab Aboelkasim. Laboratory performance of warm mix asphalt containing  recycled asphalt mixtures. Construction and Building Materials, 64, pp 141-149,  2014/8

9.        Tan Yiqiu, Guo Meng. Micro- and Nano-Characteration  of Interaction Between Asphalt and Filler. Journal of Testing and Evaluation,  42(5), pp 1089-1097, 2014/9

10.    Guo Meng, Tan Yiqiu, Zhou Shuiwen. Multiscale test  research on interfacial adhesion property of cold mix asphalt. Construction and  Building Materials, 68, pp 769-776, 2014/10

11.    Tan Yiqiu, Ouyang Jian, Li Yunliang. Factors  influencing rheological properties of fresh cement asphalt emulsion paste.  Construction and Building Materials, 68, pp 611-617, 2014/10


12.    Xu Huining, Tan Yiqiu. Modeling Temperature  Distribution in Soil Profile Impacts of Moisture Transport, Snow Cover, and Soil  Freezing. Transportation Research Record, 2329, pp 63-70, 2013

13.    Tan, Yiqiu, Guo Meng, Cao Liping, Zhang Lei.  Performance optimization of composite modified asphalt sealant based on  rheological behavior. Construction and Building Materials, 47, pp 799-805,  2013/10

14.    Tan Yiqiu, Guo Meng. Study on the phase behavior of  asphalt mastic. Construction and Building Materials, 47, pp 311-317, 2013/10  

15.    Tan Yiqiu, Guo Meng. Using surface free energy method  to study the cohesion and adhesion of asphalt mastic. Construction and Building  Materials, 47, pp 254-260, 2013/10

16.    Tan Yiqiu, Ouyang Jian, Lv Jianfu, Li Yunliang. Effect  of emulsifier on cement hydration in cement asphalt mortar. Construction and  Building Materials, 47, pp 159-164, 2013/10

17.    Zhao Yanqing, Liu Hui, Bai Long, Tan Yiqiu.  Characterization of Linear Viscoelastic Behavior of Asphalt Concrete Using  Complex Modulus Model. Journal of Materials In Civil Engineering, 25(10), pp  1543-1548, 2013/10

18.    Shan Liyan, Tan Yiqiu, Kim Y. Richard. Establishment  of a universal healing evaluation index for asphalt binder. Construction and  Building Materials, 48, pp 74-79, 2013/11

19.    Wang Jiani, Xue Zhongjun, Tan Yiqiu, Zhang Lei. Effect  of Ultraviolet Aging on Asphalt Rheological Properties. China Petroleum  Processing & Petrochemical Technology, 15(4), pp 26-32, 2013/12


20.    Tan Yiqiu, Zhang Lei, Xu Huining. Evaluation of  low-temperature performance of asphalt paving mixtures. Cold Regions Science and  Technology, 70, pp 107-112, 2012

21.    Xu Huining, Tan Yiqiu. Development and Testing of  Heat- and Mass-Coupled Model of Snow Melting for Hydronically Heated Pavement.  Transportation Research Record,2282, pp 14-21, 2012

22.    Zhao Yanqing, Tan Yiqiu; Zhou, Changhong.  Determination of axle load spectra based on percentage of overloaded trucks for  mechanistic-empirical pavement design. Road Materials and Pavement Design,  13(4), pp 850-863, 2012

23.    Tan Yiqiu, Shan Liyan, Kim Y. Richard, Underwood B.  Shane. Healing characteristics of asphalt binder. Construction and Building  Materials, 27(1), pp 570-577, 2012

24.    Zhao Yanqing, Liu Wanqiu, Tan Yiqiu. Analysis of  Critical Structure Responses for Flexible Pavements in NCHRP 1-37A  Mechanistic-Empirical Pavement Design Guide. Journal Of Transportation  Engineering-Asce, 138(8), pp 983-990, 2012/8

25.    Tan Yiqiu, Guo Meng, Xu Huining, Zhang Rui.  Comparative Study on Laboratory Performance of Hot- and Warm-mix Asphalt  Mixtures. Journal Of Testing and Evaluation,40(5), pp 715-723, 2012/9

26.    Tan Yiqiu, Li Xiaolin, Wu Jiantao. Evaluation indices  of interaction ability of asphalt and aggregate based on rheological  characteristics. Journal of Wuhan University of Technology-Materials Science  Edition, 27(5), pp 979-985, 2012/10

27.    Tan Yiqiu, Lei Zhang, Lun Ji. Analysis of the  Evaluation Indices from TSRST. Journal of Materials In Civil Engineering,  24(10), pp 1310-1316, 2012/10

28.    Dong Zejiao, Tan Yiqiu, Cao Liping, Li Shenglong.  Rutting Mechanism Analysis of Heavy-duty Asphalt Pavement Based on Pavement  Survey, Finite Element Simulation, and Instrumentation. Journal of Testing and  Evaluation, 40(7), pp 1228-1237, 2012/12

29.    Dong Yuming, Tan Yiqiu, Yang Liying. Evaluation of  Performance on Crumb-Rubber-Modified Asphalt Mixture. Journal of Testing and  Evaluation, 40(7), pp 1089-1093, 2012/12

30.    Tan Yiqiu, Li Xiaolin, Wu Jiantao. Internal Influence  Factors of Asphalt-Aggregate Filler Interactions Based on Rheological  Characteristics. Journal of Materials In Civil Engineering, 24(12), pp  1520-1528, 2012/12

31.    Shan Liyan, Tan Yiqiu, Kim Y. Richard. Applicability  of the Cox-Merz relationship for asphalt binder. Construction and Building  Materials, 37, pp 716-722, 2012/12


32.    Al Al-Hadidy, Yiqiu Tan. Performance of the SMA Mixes  Made With the Various Binders. Construction and Building Materials, 25(9), pp  3668-3673, 2011/9.

33.    Al Al-Hadidy, Yiqiu Tan, Hameed Ayman Talib. Starch as  a modifier for Asphalt Paving Materials. Construction and Building Materials,  25(1), pp 14-20, 2011/1.

34.    Liyan Shan, Yiqiu Tan, Underwood. B. Shane, Kim. Y.  Richard. Separation of Thixotropy from Fatigue Process of Asphalt Binder.  Transportation Research Record, 2207, pp 89-98, 2011.

35.    Al Al-Hadidy, Yiqiu Tan. Effect of  Styrene-Butadiene-Styrene on the Properties of Asphalt and Stone-Matrix-Asphalt  Mixture. Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering, 23(4), pp 504-510, 2011/4.  


36.    Yiqiu Tan, Zhihui Li, Xiaoyan Zhang, Zejiao Dong.  Research on High and Low Temperature Properties of Asphalt Mineral Filler  Mastic. Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering, 22(8), pp 811-819,2010/8.  

37.    Al Al-Hadidy, Yiqiu Tan. Comparative Performance of  the SMAC Made With the SBS and Modified Binders. Journal of Materials in Civil  Engineering, 22(6), pp 580-587, 2010/6.

38.    Yiqiu Tan, Xiaolin Li, Xingye Zhou. Interactions of  Granite and Asphalt Based on the Rheological Characteristics. Journal of  Materials in Civil Engineering, 22(8), pp 820-825, 2010/8.

39.    Yuzhen Zhang, Yiqiu Tan, Shinche Huang. Special Issue  on Asphalt and Modified Asphalt Materials Introduction. Journal of Materials in  Civil Engineering, 22(8), pp 759-765, 2010/8.

40.    Liyan Shan, Yiqiu Tan, Underwood. Shane, Kim. R.  Richard. Application of Thixotropy  to Analyze Fatigue and Healing  Characteristics of Asphalt Binder. Transportation Research Record, 2179, pp  85-92, 2010.

