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2013年04月18日 浏览次数:864
  应城市水资源与水环境国家重点实验室邀请,美国工程院院士 John C. Crittenden 教授将于2013年4月20日至23日对我校进行访问。期间将于2013年4月22日上午9:30在二校区哈宜楼613进行学术讲座。此次活动是城市水资源与水环境国家重点实验室2013年“城市水高端论坛”系列学术讲座之一,该活动由国家重点实验室组织实施,每年邀请此领域院士及著名专家10余名,来实验室进行长短期访问及学术交流。欢迎广大师生积极参加,具体讲座信息如下:

讲座题目:Water and Energy Savings, and Carbon Emission Reductions From Rain Water Harvesting, Combined Heat and Power, and Compact Residential Communities

主讲人:美国工程院院士 John C. Crittenden 教授

单位: Brook Byers Institute for Sustainable Systems,Georgia Institute of Technology

讲座时间:2013年4月22日 上午9:30



Prof John C. Crittenden, NAE, Georgia Institute of Technology

  Prof John C. Crittenden, member of National Academy of Engineering(NAE), professor in the School of Civil and Environmental Engineering (CEE) at the Georgia Institute of Technology and the director of Georgia Tech’s Brook Byers Institute for Sustainable Systems.
  Dr. Crittenden is an accomplished expert in sustainability, pollution prevention, physical-chemical treatment processes, nanotechnology, air and water treatment, mass transfer, numerical methods, and modeling of air, wastewater and water treatment processes. He has received multiple awards for his research in the treatment and removal of hazardous materials from drinking water and ground water. He also has four copyrighted software products and three patents. The American Institute of Chemical Engineers’ (AIChE) Centennial Celebration Committee recently named Crittenden as one of the top 100 Chemical Engineers of the Modern Era at their 100th annual meeting. 
  Dr. Crittenden is active in an array of national organizations. He serves on the Environment Protection Agencies’ Science Advisory Board as well as the Engineering Advisory Board for the National Science Foundation. He is a member of the National Academy of Engineering and has received the AEESP Landmark Achievement Award and the ASCE Huber Research Prize. He is also an associate editor for the Environmental Science and Technology journal. He has authored more than 120 publications in refereed journals, 135 reports or contributions to proceedings, and has garnered more than 2,700 citations. 

Prof John C. Crittenden,美国工程院院士,佐治亚理工大学

  John C. Crittenden教授,是美国工程院院士,美国佐治亚理工大学布鲁克贝尔可持续性发展研究所主任、市政环境工程学院教授,其研究领域涉及可持续发展理论、污染物阻断、物化处理工艺、纳米技术、空气与水处理、质量传递、数值方法以及空气、废水和水处理工艺模拟等方面。他因在饮用水和地下水有毒物质去除方面取得的突出成绩而获得了多种奖项,获得专利3项,软件著作权4项。美国化学工程师协会(AIChE)百年庆典委员会曾授予John C. Crittenden教授“当代最有影响力的百名化学工程师之一”,以彰显他作为美国纯净水工业及处理技术中心主任期间杰出的科研成果和领导才能。曾获得过美国环境工程及科学教授协会杰出成就奖和美国土木工程师协会Huber研究奖。
  Crittenden教授在许多国际组织中任职,是美国环保署顾问团、国家环境政策及科学技术顾问团以及国家科研顾问委员会成员,环境领域知名杂志Environmental Science and Technology副主编。目前,他发表120余篇学术论文,135篇学术报告或会议论文,论文被引用超过2700多次。 

