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美国加州大学伯克利分校Slav Hermanowicz教授讲学通知

2016年07月13日 浏览次数:770

  应市政环境工程学院/城市水资源与水环境国家重点实验室高大文教授邀请,美国加州大学伯克利分校Slav Hermanowicz教授将于2016718-721日访问哈尔滨工业大学并进行学术讲座,欢迎广大师生积极参加。


1)题目:Sustainable Water Management : Is China Ready?



摘要:Water and wastewater management is a very big challenge in China. The country has limited water resources especially in the North. Limited supplies are exacerbated by population growth, industry needs and widespread pollution. These challenges are now widely recognized both at the official and societal level. What are the solutions and is there time to implement them? Possibly, yes but it will take a concerted effort and multi-targeted and multi-scale approaches.

2)题目:Membrane Bioreactors: A 15-Year Professional Stroy



摘要:A brief description of membrane bioreactor (MBR) historical evolution with emphasis on continual decline of treatment costs and energy requirements. Although MBR can operate at biomass (MLSS) concentrations 5 to 10 times higher than activated sludge these concentrations are limited in practice by increasing biomass suspension viscosity that in turn increases “reversible” membrane fouling and decreases oxygen transfer rates. “Irreversible” fouling is a major operational challenge since it depends on subtle interactions of membranes with various fractions of soluble microbial products resulting from microbial metabolism.


Prof. Slav Hermanowicz简介:

Slav Hermanowicz has been at the University of California at Berkeley since 1983 where he has conducted research and teaching in the area of environmental protection with special emphasis on physical sustainability, water and wastewater treatment, and water management. The focus of his research is on metrics of sustainability, integrated water management, water reuse, biological processes in water and wastewater, membrane bioreactors, and biostability of drinking water. At the same time, he consulted for public and private clients including utilities, venture capital, engineering companies, attorneys, governmental and supranational organizations in the US, EU and Asia.  He is also a Visiting Professor and a National High-End Foreign Expert of China at the Tongji University in Shanghai where he manages projects on wastewater treatment and water reuse.  Recently, he also became Core PI at the Tsinghua-Berkeley Shenzhen Institute working on water reuse. 


