应城市水资源与水环境国家重点实验室的邀请,美国田纳西大学微生物学院环境生物技术中心Gary S. Sayler、Frank Löffler和Jennifer Jurado教授来实验室访问讲学。学术讲座主要内容、时间和地点安排如下,欢迎感兴趣的师生踊跃参加:
报告题目1:Recapturing the Potential for Bioremediation of Hazardous Wastes and Site Restoration
报告人:Dr. Gary S. Sayler
报告题目2:Science-driven Engineering of the Contaminated Subsurface
报告人:Dr. Frank Löffler
报告题目3:Building Community Resilience through Integrated Natural Resource and Urban Planning in Broward County, Florida, USA
报告人:Dr. Jennifer Jurado
Dr. Gary S. Sayler简介:
Dr. Sayler is the Beaman Distinguished Professor in the Department of Microbiology, Ecology and Evolutionary Biology at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville; director of the University of Tennessee-Oak Ridge National Laboratory Joint Institute for Biological Sciences; adjunct professor at Gwangju Institute for Science and Technology, South Korea; and Honorary Professor at East China University, Shanghai. He is the founding Director (1986) of the University of Tennessee Center for Environmental Biotechnology. His research interests include microbiology, toxicology, and molecular biology of biodegradation, of toxic pollutants such as PCB and PAH. He pioneered the development of environmental molecular diagnostics including the extraction and analysis of nucleic acids from the environment and wastes, environmental gene probe analysis, bioluminescent bioreporter/sensor technology, and conducted the first field release of a genetically-engineered microorganism for remediation process monitoring and control. Over his career, Dr. Sayler has built and directed programs of approximately $100 million in environmental research, edited five books, and contributed 400 publications and 500 invited presentations. He holds 16 patents on environmental gene probing, genetic engineering for bioremediation, biosensor technology, and environmental gene expression. He received the NIEHS’ Research Career Development Award (1980-1985); was named a Top 100 Innovator in Science by Science Digest (1985); received the American Society for Microbiology, Procter and Gamble Award for Environmental Microbiology (1994), the Distinguished Alumni Award of the University of Idaho (1995), the DOW Chemical Foundation SPHERE Award (1998-2000), as well as the Chancellor’s Research Scholar Award and the Arts and Sciences Senior Researcher award from the University of Tennessee . He was elected to the American Academy of Microbiology in 1991 and elected AAAS Fellow in 2012. Dr. Sayler has served on numerous of councils and committees for the National Research Council, DOE, EPA, NIEHS, NSF, NASA, and WERF. He was a member of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s Science Advisory Board, and Chair of the Board of Scientific Counselors for EPA’s Office of Research and Development, and is a past member of the DOE/OS Biological and Environmental Research Advisory Committee. Dr. Sayler is a member of the Science Advisory Board for the Strategic Environmental Research Defense Program, is a member of five professional societies, currently serves on five editorial boards and is associate editor of the ACS journal Environmental Science and Technology. Dr. Sayler has directed graduate research of approximately 50 doctoral and 15 master’s students in microbiology, ecology and evolutionary biology and engineering. He is President of 490 BIOTech, a bioluminescent imaging start-up company.
Dr. Frank Löffler简介:
Dr. Löffler received his BS degree in Biology/Agricultural Sciences and the MASc in Microbiology both from the University of Hohenheim in Germany. He performed his doctoral work in the department of Technical Biochemistry at the Technical University Hamburg-Harburg, Germany. The same year, he was awarded a Feodor-Lynen fellowship from the Alexander von Humboldt foundation, and joined the Center for Microbial Ecology at Michigan State University. From 1999 to 2010, he was faculty holding the Carlton Wilder Professorship in the Schools of Civil and Environmental Engineering and of Biology at the Georgia Institute of Technology. Since 2010, Dr. Löffler is a Governor’s Chair at the University of Tennessee (UT) and Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) with appointments in UT’s Department of Microbiology, the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, and ORNL’s Biosciences Division. Discoveries in the Löffler lab have advanced understanding of the diversity and ecophysiology of microorganisms controlling environmentally relevant processes and have contributed quantitative tools for monitoring the presence and activity of microbes involved in bioremediation, nutrient cycling, and greenhouse gas emissions. He has 2 patents and engages in transitioning research findings to bioremediation applications. Dr. Löffler has contributed 120 peer-reviewed publications, more than 350 abstracts, and several book chapters.