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2017年06月28日 水资源国家重点实验室 浏览次数:906




题目:Smart cities and smart water systems




摘要:Protecting critical infrastructure and ensuring continued and efficient operation is and will be an important part of future sustainable cities and ‘Smart City’ ecosystems. However, water infrastructure systems are often overlooked when ‘Smart City’ initiatives are considered. This may be due to several factors, including the centralised ‘top down’ approach to provision of water services by an ‘invisible utility’, disengagement of citizens who often feel that their individual actions are insignificant compared with actions of the utility, or simply our inability to properly harness the power of new technologies to better manage urban water systems.

In this talk, Prof.Savić will address some of those Smart City issues, providing a summary of important information and communication technologies and how they fit with the ‘smart water’ infrastructure concepts. Illustrative examples of some smart water technologies and their use in water system management will also be shown. Prof. Fu will discusses the development of smart urban wastewater systems and the operational need for smart operation. It will demonstrate through case studies that integrated real time control of urban wastewater systems can improve system performance, reduce environmental risk and increase system resilience.


DraganSavić 院士简介:

Professor Savic is a founder and co-director of the Centre for Water Systems, an internationally recognised group for excellence in water and environmental science research. He is a Chartered Civil and Water Engineer with over thirty years experience in research, teaching and consulting. He is elected Fellow of the Royal Academy of Engineering, Member of the European Academy of Sciences, Fellow of the Institution of Civil Engineers (ICE), Fellow of the Chartered Institution of Water and Environmental Management (CIWEM) and Fellow of the International Water Association (IWA). Professor Savic served as a Head of Engineering Department in the College of Engineering, Mathematics and Physical Sciences from 2010 until 2014.

  Professor Savic (FREng, FICE, FCIWEM, FIWA, MASCE, CEng) is the UK’s first Professor of Hydroinformatics having held this post at the University of Exeter since 2001. His research interests cover the interdisciplinary field of Hydroinformatics, which transcends traditional boundaries of water/ environmental science and engineering, informatics/ computer science (including Artificial Intelligence, data mining and optimisation techniques) and environmental engineering. Applications are generally in the environmental engineering/science areas, including water resources management (both quality and quantity), flood management, water & wastewater systems and environmental protection & management.
