![]() 城市水资源与水环境国家重点实验室(哈尔滨工业大学) 哈尔滨工业大学二校区哈宜楼307室 哈尔滨市南岗区黄河路73号2650信箱 电话:+86-451-86282735 传真:+86-451-86282735 电子邮件:yyx1957@163.com 教育经历 1978.02—1982.01 哈尔滨建筑工程学院 给水排水工程,本科,工学学士学位; 1992.07—1995.07 哈尔滨建筑大学 市政工程,硕士 2002.07—2005.07 北京工业大学 环境工程,博士 工作经历 1999.05—至今 哈尔滨工业大学 市政工程学科 教授/博士生导师,党委书记、常务副院长 1994.05—1999.04 哈尔滨建筑大学 市政工程学科 副教授 1987.05—1994.04 哈尔滨建筑工程学院 市政工程学科 讲师 1982.02—1987.04 哈尔滨建筑工程学院 市政工程学科 助教 主要学术兼职 全国高校给水排水工程专业教学指导委员会委员 黑龙江省建设行业专家委员会委员 全国高等教育自学考试委员会委员 全国城镇供水排水专家委员会委员 主要科研获奖 Ø 2013年,给排水科学与工程专业发展战略与专业规范研究及其创新性实践,黑龙江省高校优秀教学成果一等奖(排名2) Ø 2009年,磨盘山长距离输水管线安全输水建模与水锤事故分析,黑龙江省科技进步二等奖(排名1) Ø 2005年,生物固锰除锰机理与生物除铁除锰工程技术,国家科技进步二等奖(排名9) Ø 2003年,高效流化水处理工艺及设备研究,黑龙江省科技进步二等奖(排名2) Ø 2001年,天津市给水管网信息管理及分析系统,天津市科技进步二等奖 学术奖励及荣誉 Ø 全国高校教师“宝钢优秀教师奖” Ø 校优秀教学成果奖 研究方向 l 供水管网水质安全保障技术:以用户龙头水达标为目标,根据出厂水水质状况,研究水在供水管网内的停留时间、管材等对龙头水水质的影响,从龙头水的化学稳定性、生物稳定性角度,建立以余氯消耗为标志的供水管网水质变化规律。 l 供水系统节能运行与优化改造技术:以供水系统为研究对象,建立水力相似实验模型,利用计算机仿真技术,开发相应的软件系统,通过设立多目标约束条件的数学模型,引入高级算法以及模拟计算与实验模型相结合等方式,进行供水泵站水泵节能运行方案与供水管网优化改造技术研究。 l 长距离输水系统安全性评价与保障技术:针对供水系统长距离输水工况存在爆管、水质恶化等共性问题,通过建模、试验、理论推演等途径,开展以气液两相流特征为标志的输水安全性研究,包括水锤计算与分析,原水水质变化规律等内容。 出版专著或编著 1 吕广、袁一星、刘俊良等. 给水排水工程专业生产实习. 化学工业出版社, 2004年5月 2 李欣、袁一星、宋学峰、齐晶瑶等. 水环境信息学——给水管网信息管理分析系统. 哈尔滨工业大学出版社. 2004年2月 3 赫俊国、袁一星等. 城市水环境评价与技术. 哈尔滨工业大学出版社. 2008年 4 赫俊国,李相昆,袁一星等. 城市水环境规划治理理论与技术. 哈尔滨工业大学出版社. 2012年 发表论文 2014 1. Jha A K, Li J Z, Yuan Y X, N Baral and BL Ai. A Review on Bio-butyric Acid Production and its Optimization[J]. International Journal of Agriculture & Biology, 2014, 16(5):1019-1024. 2. Zhu Z, Wu C, Dan Z, Yixing Yuan, Lili Shan and Jie Zhang. Effects of Pipe Materials on Chlorine-resistant Biofilm Formation Under Long-term High Chlorine Level[J]. Applied Biochemistry & Biotechnology, 2014, 173(6):1564-1578. 3. Liu Haixing, Savić Dragan, Kapelan Zoran, Ming Zhao, Yixing Yuan and Hongbin Zhao. A diameter‐sensitive flow entropy method for reliability consideration in water distribution system design[J]. Water Resources Research, 2014, 50(7):5597-5610. 4. Hai Lu, Jun Yin, Yixing Yuan, Jianhui Wang, Yingzi Lin and Xiaoling Wang. Energy Consumption Analysis of Sludge Transport Pipeline System Based on GA-DE Hybrid Algorithm[J]. Journal of Chemical Engineering of Japan, 2014, 47(8):621-627. 5. Yali Liu, Xin Li, Xiaorong Kang, Yixing Yuan and Maoan Du. Short chain fatty acids accumulation and microbial community succession during ultrasonic-pretreated sludge anaerobic fermentation process: Effect of alkaline adjustment[J]. International Biodeterioration & Biodegradation, 2014, 94:128–133. 6. Yali Liu, Xin Li, Xiaorong Kang and Yixing Yuan. Performance of denitrifying phosphorus removal of Acinetobacteria strain at low temperature[J]. International Biodeterioration & Biodegradation, 2014, 95:135–138. 7. Kui Chang, J.Gao, Shaojian Qu and Yixing Yuan. Research on Water Distribution Network Calibration Using Heuristics Algorithm and Pipeline Resistance Coefficient Empirical Model[J]. American Society of Civil Engineers, 2014, (425):1645-1651. 2013 8. Mu Xin Han, Dong Mei Li, Yu Jie Feng, Yu Fei Tan and Yi Xing Yuan. Microwave Pre-Treatment of Corn Straw and its Enzymatic Hydrolysis. Advanced Materials Research. Vol. 641. 2013. 9. Shize Zhang, Yixing Yuan and Peiming Li. Two-Step Optimization for the Design of Water Distribution Networks[J]. Applied Mechanics & Materials, 2013, 316-317:758-761. 10. Dan Zhong, Wencheng Ma, Yixing Yuan, Zebing Zhu, Hui Wang and Taiping. (2013). Effects of pipe material on chlorite formation in combined disinfection of chlorine and chlorine dioxide.HarbinGongye Daxue Xuebao/Journal of Harbin Institute of Technology, 45(10), 20-24. 11. Bei Meng Qi, Bei Jia Wang, Chen Guang Wu and Yi Xing Yuan. The disinfection efficacy of chlorine on sulfate-reducing bacteria and iron bacteria in water supply systems. Applied Mechanics and Materials. Vols. 316-317. 2013 12. Ya Li Liu, Yi Xing Yuan and Mao An Du. Microbial Community Dynamics and Nutrient Removal Performances in A2O System Using Ultrasonic-Disintegrated Sludge Supernatant as Internal Carbon Source[J]. Advanced Materials Research, 2013, 777:196-200. 13. Jingyang Yu, Chenguang Wu, Li Li, Yixing Yuan and Bilong Bian. Research on the Stable Time of Hydraulic Transients in the Process of Adjusting Flow on the Water Transmission Pipelines[J]. American Society of Civil Engineers, 2013. 14. Dan Zhong,Wencheng Ma,Yixing Yuan,Zebing Zhu,Hui Wang and Taiping. Research on Inorganic Disinfection By-products in Combined Disinfection of Chlorine and Chlorine Dioxide. ICPTT 2013@ sTrenchless Technology. ASCE. 2012 15. Ji Ku Zhang, Yang Jiang and Yi Xing Yuan. Comparative Study on the Mn2+ Removing Performance of Several Filters. Advanced Materials Research. Vol. 415. 2012. 16. Zhong Dan, Wencheng Ma, Yixing Yuan, Zebing Zhu and Taiping Yu. Research and application of Distributed Effluent-Treatment Systems. ICPTT 2012@ sBetter Pipeline Infrastructure for a Better Life. ASCE, 2013. 17. JingYang Yu, Chenguang Wu, Yixing Yuan, Xiaolong Bian LiLi and Fang Liu. Research on Operation Safety in the Long-Distance Water Transmission Pipelines with Gravity Flow[C]// ICPTT 2012@sBetter Pipeline Infrastructure for a Better LifeASCE, 2012:431-440. 18. Qi, Beimeng, Chen, Xiaoju ; Wu, Chenguang and Yuan, Yixing. The effect of sufate-reducing bacteria and iron bacteria on corrosion in water distribution systems. World Automation Congress (WAC), 2012. IEEE, 2012. 19. Kun Yang , Chenguang Wu, Yixing Yuan and Jingyang Yu. Application of Virtual Instrument Technique in Data Acquisition of Gas-Water Pulse Pipe Cleaning Experiment[C]//Proceedings of the 2011 2nd International Congress on Computer Applications and Computational Science. SpringerBerlinHeidelberg, 2012: 465-470. 20. Dan Zhong, Yixing Yuan, Wencheng Ma, Chongwei Cui and Yan Wu. Influences of pipe materials and hydraulic conditions on the process of trihalomethanes formation in water distribution network[J]. Desalination & Water Treatment, 2012, 49(1):165-171. 21. Xiaodong Zhu, Xinbing Chen, Yixing Yuan, Kening Sun , Naiqing Zhangl. Influences of synthesis route and preparation process on the electrochemical properties of Fe-doped strontium cobaltite[J]. Journal ofSolidStateElectrochemistry, 2012, 16(1):313-319. 2011 22. Jingyang Yu, Chenguang Wu, Caihong Wang, Xilong Bian, Zherei Hu, Yixing Yuan and Chen, Weixiong. RESEARCH ON THE ARRIVAL TIME OF WATER HEAD IN THE PROJECTS OF LONG-DISTANCE WATER TRANSMISSION AT FIRST WATERING[J]. 23. Kun Yang, Chenguang Wu, Yixing Yuan and Haixing Liu. Effects of temperature and hydraulic factors on water supply pipe breakage in seasonally frozen regions.2011. 24. Hai Lu, Jun Yin, Yi Xing Yuan, Biao Wang, Hong Wei Chen and Jian Hui Wang. Flow pattern and pressure drop in highly concentrated slurries transportation pipelines.2011, Paper presented at the , 281 179-182. doi:10.4028/. 25. Wencheng Ma, Dan Zhong, Yingxi Yuan. Rapid start-up of ethanol-type fermentation with acidogenic reactor[J]. Journal of Harbin Institute of Technology, 2011, 43(4):37-41. 26. Xiaodong Zhu, Shiru Le,Xinbing Chen,Kening Sun,, Yixing Yuan, and Naiqing Zhang. Chemical compatibility, thermal expansion matches and electrochemical performance of SrCo0.8Fe0.2O3--La 0.45Ce0.55O2- composite cathodes for intermediate-temperature solid oxide fuel cells (EI)[J]. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2011, 36(19). 27. Xin Geng, J. Gao, Wendy Wu and Yixing Yuan. Analysis of Water Supply Capacity under the Condition of Trenchless Rehabilitation Technology[J]. American Society of Civil Engineers, 2014, (423):1274-1284. 28. Shaofeng LI, Zhilin Ran, Chongwei Cui and Yixing Yuan. Study on the Inactivation of Cryptosporidium and Giardia by Chlorine Dioxide in Water[C]// Computer Distributed Control and Intelligent Environmental Monitoring, International Conference onIEEE, 2011:1819-1822. 29. Zhonghua He1, Yixing Yuan, and Hongbin Zhao. Analysis of Lifecycle Model for Water Distribution Systems[J]. American Society of Civil Engineers, 2011:47-53. 30. Haixing Liu, Yixing Yuan, Ming Zhao3, Jing Lu, Xiaoming Zheng, and Hongbin Zhao. Optimization of Monitoring Point Placement of Water Quality in the Water Distribution System Based on TEVA-SPOT[C]//Reston, VA: ASCE copyright Proceedings of the International Conference on Pipelines and Trenchless Technology 2011 October 26. 29, 2011,Beijing, china| d 20110000. American Society of Civil Engineers, 2011. 31. Wenyan Wu, Jinliang Gao, Yixing Yuan and Hongbin Zhao. Water distribution network real-time simulation based on SCADA system using OPC communication[C]// Networking, Sensing and Control (ICNSC), 2011 IEEE International Conference onIEEE, 2011:329-334. 32. Haixing Liu, Yixing Yuan, Ming Zhao, Xiaoming Zheng, Jing Lu and Hongbin Zhao. Study of Mixing at Cross Junction in Water Distribution Systems Based on Computational Fluid Dynamics[C]//Reston, VA: ASCE copyright Proceedings of the International Conference on Pipelines and Trenchless Technology 2011 October 26. 29, 2011,Beijing, china| d 20110000. American Society of Civil Engineers, 2011. 2010 33. Yixing Yuan, Dan Zhong, Xiuqin Hou, Hongbin Zhao. Estabishment and performance of variable rate coefficient model[J]. Journal of Harbin Institute of Technology, 2010. 34. Jinliang Gao, Hui Wang, Xiuqiang Hou, Yixing Yuan. Influencing factors on dissolved organic halide in urban water supply[J]. Journal of Harbin Institute of Technology, 2010, 42(8):1264-1268. 35. Sun, Siqi, Xiaodong Zhu, and Yixing Yuan. Electrochemical properties of La0. 8Sr0. 2FeO3-aEuro parts per thousand delta-La0. 45Ce0. 55O2-aEuro parts per thousand delta composite cathodes for intermediate temperature SOFC. JOURNAL OF SOLID STATE ELECTROCHEMISTRY 14.12 (2010): 2257-2260. 36. Shiru Le, Zhemin Shen, Xiaodong Zhu, XiaoLiang Zhou, Yan Yan, Kening Sun, Naiqing Zhang, YiXing Yuan and Yachun Mao. Effective Ag–CuO sealant for planar solid oxide fuel cells[J]. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2010, 496(1): 96-99. 37. Zhilin Ran, Shaofeng Li, Junhui Huang, Yixing Yuan, Chongwei Cui and CraigDenverWilliams. Inactivation of Cryptosporidium by ozone and cell ultrastructures[J]. Journal of Environmental Sciences, 2010, 22(12): 1954-1959. 38. Kui Chang, J.Gao, Shajian Qu and Yixing Yuan.. Research on Water Distribution Network Calibration Using Heuristics Algorithm and Pipeline Resistance Coefficient Empirical Model[C]// Water Distribution Systems Analysis 2010ASCE, 2015:1645-1651. 39. Haixing Liu, Yixing Yuan, Ming Zhao, Haien Fang and Hongbin Zhao. (2010). Hybrid Multi-Objective Genetic Algorithm for Optimal Design of Water Supply Network. In Water Distribution Systems Analysis 2010 (pp. 899-908). ASCE. 40. Kun Yang, Yixing Yuan, Ming Zhao, Haixing Liu and Hongbin Zhao. (2015). Experimental Study of Gas-Water Pulse Pipe Cleaning. Water Distribution Systems Analysis 2010. ASCE. 41. Kui Chang, J.Gao, Yingxing Yuan and Wendy Wu. Water Distribution Network Residual Chlorine Modeling Based on the Synergy of Chlorine and Chlorine Dioxide[C]// Water Distribution Systems Analysis 2010 - Proceedings of the 12th International Conference, WDSA 202011:678-686. 42. Hai Lu, Jun Yin, Yixing Yuan and Jianhui Wang. Effect Of Particle Size Distribution On Flow Pattern And Pressure Drop In Pipeline Flow Of Slurries[J]. Environmental Science & Information Application Technology International Conference, 2010. 43. Haien Fang, J.Gao and YiXing Yuan. Optimal Scheduling of Multi-Tank Multi-Source System Using Genetic Algorithm[C]// Intelligent Systems and Applications (ISA), 2010 2nd International Workshop onIEEE, 2010:1 - 6. 44. Dong Zhang, Suiqing Liu, Mingqun Meng, Ming Zhao, Yixing Yuan, Jinliang Gao Zhao and Hongbin. Decision support system of water distribution network expansion[C]//E-Business and E-Government (ICEE), 2010 International Conference on. IEEE, 2010: 1520-1523. 45. Shihu Shu, Dong Zhang, Suiqing Liu, Ming Zhao, Yixing Yuan and Hongbin Zhao. Power saving in water supply system with pump operation optimization[C]//Power and Energy Engineering Conference (APPEEC), 2010 Asia-Pacific. IEEE, 2010: 1-4. 个人主页 http://homepage.hit.edu.cn/pages/yuanyixing |