



威海市环翠区文化西路2号 海洋学院C楼206室  




1978.10 – 1982.07 哈尔滨工业大学  化学系,化学 理学学士

1985.08 – 1988.06 哈尔滨工业大学  化学系,环境化工 工学硕士

2000.08 – 2004.08 哈尔滨工业大学  环境科学与工程系,环境工程 工学博士


1982.08 – 1985.08  国营122厂(现哈尔滨飞机制造公司)工作,教师

1988.06 – 2000.06 哈尔滨工业大学  理学院工作,教师




2000.06 – 2012.10 哈尔滨工业大学  市政环境工程学院工作,教师




2012.10 – 现在 哈尔滨工业大学(威海)  海洋科学与技术学院工作,教师



Ø  国际水协会(IWA)会员;

Ø  美国化学会(ACS)会员;

Ø  臭氧应用技术与设备开发黑龙江省重点实验室  主任。


Ø   2009年,聚驱采油污水深度处理与回用技术,黑龙江省科技进步二等奖(排名第2)

Ø   2009年,三元复合驱采油污水深度处理与回用技术,环境保护部环保科技二等奖(排名第2)


Ø  黑龙江省研究生优秀导师(2010)

Ø  哈尔滨工业大学优秀教师(2001)


l  工业废水深度处理与回用技术:工业废水的水处理技术与工艺研究,废水的深度处理与零排放工艺研究,工业用水优化与节能减排体系研究。  

l  高级氧化技术理论及其在污染治理中的应用:单一及复合高级氧化技术中的相关基础理论、反应器的设计基础、反应动力学等研究。

l  环境纳米技术及对生态环境影响:新型环境纳米功能材料开发与应用研究,纳米粒子的环境行为与生态风险研究。

l  流域水环境的环境监控、风险防范及生态安全体系:水环境分析与监测自动化新方法新技术;污染事故风险源识别与风险评估体系,生态安全评价以及生态修复。  

l  海岸带水生态安全与水质保障:持久性有毒物质及重金属的近海环境化学行为、毒性机制与生态毒理效应;海岸带城市污水的健康循环和回用、海岸带特种废水的深度处理技术。  



1.         Yingcao Xu, Hong You*. TiO2 modified with Ag  nanoparticles synthesized via ultrasonic atomization-UV reduction and the use of  kinetic models to determine the acetic acid photocatalytic degradation. Applied  Surface Science. 2014, 321: 481-487(SCI收录/IF:2.538)

2.         Qi, Lili; Yao, Jie; You, Hong*; et al. Oxidation  products and degradation pathways of 4-chlorophenol by catalytic ozonation with  MnOx/g-Al2O3/TiO2 as catalyst in aqueous solution. Journal of Environmental  Science and Health Part A. 2014, 49(3): 327-337 (SCI收录/IF:1.252,EI收录)

3.         Xuesong Zhao, Jing Ding, Hong You*. Spatial  distribution and temporal trends of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in  water and sediment from Songhua River, China. Environ Geochem Health. 2014,  36(1): 131-143(SCI收录/IF:2.076)

4.         Derong Lin, Lijiang Hu, Hong You*, Stephanie H.  Tolbert, Douglas A. Loy. Comparison of new periodic, mesoporous,  hexylene-bridged poly- silsesquioxanes with Pm3n symmetry versus sol–gel  polymerized, hexylene- bridged gels. Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids. 2014,  406:  139–143(SCI收录/IF:1.597,EI收录)

5.         Du, Jia; Wang, Shutao; You, Hong*; Jiang, Rui;  Zhuang, Changlu; Zhang, Xiaohui. Developmental toxicity and DNA damage to  zebrafish induced by perfluorooctane sulfonate in the presence of ZnO  nanoparticles. Environmental Toxicology, 2014, (SCI收录/IF:2.708,EI收录)

6.         Baoling Liu, Gang Li, Hong You*, Mingrui Sui and  Shutao Wang. Evaluation of dynamic groundwater quality simulation based on  Cloud-GIS: a case study in Harbin urban area, China. Water Science &  Technology: Water Supply. 2014, 14(6): 1095-1014(SCI收录/IF: 0.505)

7.         Chi, Zhenxing; Liu, Rutao; You, Hong; et al.  Binding of the veterinary drug tetracycline to bovine hemoglobin and  toxicological implications. Journal of environmental science and health. Part.  B, Pesticides, food contaminants, and agricultural wastes. 2014, 49(12):  978-984(SCI收录/ IF:1.234)

8.         Chi, Z. X.; Liu, R. T.; You, H.; Ma, SS; Cui, H;  Zhang, Q. Probing the In Vitro Cytotoxicity of the Veterinary Drug  Oxytetracycline. PLoS One. 2014, 9(7): 8(SCI收录/ IF:3.534)

9.         Yu Hu, Wenlong Geng, Hong You, You Wang, and  Douglas A. Loy. Modification of a Phenolic Resin with Epoxy- and Methacrylate-  Functionalized Silica Sols to Improve the Ablation Resistance of Their Glass  Fiber-Reinforced Composites. Polymers. 2014, 6: 105-113(SCI收录/  IF:1.687,EI收录)

10.     Ran Zhang, Hong You*, Donghai Wu A process  integration approach to water conservation of a coal to methanol plant water  system. Advanced Materials Research. 2014, 955-959: 3418-3421(EI收录)

11.     Donghai Wu, Ran Zhang, Hong You*, Guanghua Lu,  Zhenhua Yan, and Qiuhong Lin. Treatment of simulated ballast water using  combined photocatalysis and ozonation process. Advanced Materials Research.  2014, 864-867: 1478-1481(EI收录)

12.     Yingcao Xu, Hong You*. Preparation and photocatalytic  activity of silver doped TiO2 nanotubes. Applied Mechanics and Materials. 2014,  618: 14-18(EI收录)

13.     Yingcao Xu, Hong You*. Preparation of titanium  dioxide nanotube arrays and photocatalytic degradation of methyl orange.  Advanced Materials Research. 2014, 886: 262-265(SCI收录/ IF: 0,EI收录)


1.         Xuesong Zhao, Shutao Wang, Dongmei Li, Hong You,  Xin Ren. Effects of perchlorate on BDE-47-induced alteration thyroid hormone and  gene expression of in the hypothalamus–pituitary–thyroid axis in  zebrafish larvae. Environmental Toxicology and Pharmacology.  2013, 36: 1176–1185(SCI收录/IF: 2.005)

2.         Long Ye, Hong You*, Jie Yao, Xi Kang, Lu Tang.  Seasonal variation and factors influencing perchlorate in water, snow, soil and  corns in Northeastern China. Chemosphere, 2013, 90(10):  2493-2498(SCI收录/IF:3.137,EI收录)

3.         Xuesong Zhao, Shutao Wang, Yuan Wu, Hong You*,  Lina Lv. Acute ZnO nanoparticles exposure induces developmental toxicity,  oxidative stress and DNA damage in embryo-larval zebrafish. Aquatic Toxicology.  2013, 136: 49-59 (SCI收录/IF: 3.73)

4.         Lili Qi, Hong You*, Zhiwei Zhang, Chunhui Feng,  Sjack van Agtmaal. Degradation of 4-Chlorophenol by Catalytic Ozonation using  γ-Al2O3/TiO2 Supported Managanese Oxides in Aqueous Solution. International  Journal of Electrochemical Science . 2013, 8(4): 5457-5468(SCI收录/IF:3.729)

5.         Liu, Ting, You, Hong.  Photoassisted Fenton-like  degradation of polyacrylamide aqueous solutions using iron oxide/TiO2/Al2O3  heterogeneous catalysts. Reaction Kinetics, Mechanisms and Catalysis. 2013,  109(1): 233-246(SCI收录/IF:1.104,EI收录)

6.         Ye, Long, Wang, Shutao; You, Hong; Yao, Jie; Kang,  Xi. Photocatalytic reduction of perchlorate in aqueous solutions in  UV/Cu-TiO2/SiO2 system. Chemical Engineering Journal. 2013, 226:  434-443(SCI收录/IF:3.437,EI收录)

7.         Du, Jia; Wang, Shutao; You, Hong; Zhao, XS.  Understanding the toxicity of carbon nanotubes in the environment is crucial to  the control of nanomaterials in producing and processing and the assessment of  health risk for human: A review. Environmental Toxicology And Pharmacology.  2013, 36(2): 451-462 (SCI收录/IF: 2.005)

8.         Xi Kang, Jing Qi, Long Ye, Hong You, and Lijiang  Hu. Study on Catalytic Efficiency of Ag/N Co-doped TiO2 Nanotube Arrays Under  Visible Light Irradiation. Advanced Materials Research. 2013, 690-693:  511-517(SCI收录/IF:0,EI收录,CPCI-S收录)

9.         Yu Hu, Xingwen Zhang, Hong You, Morphology  Measurement on Phenolic-Resin/Vitreous-Silica- Fabric Ablation Composites  Modified with Tetraethoxysilicate and Silsesquioxanes. Applied Mechanics and  Materials. 2013, 333-335: 1934-1937(SCI收录/IF:0,EI收录)

10.     Hu, Lijiang; Hu, Yu; You, Hong. Nanoscratchprofiles  of SSO film based on (3-methacrylpropyl)trimeth- oxysilane modified with  titanium tetrabutoxide. 245th National Spring Meeting of the  American-Chemical-Society (ACS). New Orleans, LA, 2013, APR  07-11(SCI收录/IF:0,CPCI-S收录)

11.     Hu, Y; Zhang, XW; You, H; Loy, D. Nanoindentation and  nanoscratch profiles of thinner POSS films modified with titanium tetrabutoxide.  246th National Meeting of the American-Chemical-Society (ACS). Indianapolis, IN,  2013, SEP 08-12(SCI收录/IF:0,CPCI-S收录)

12.     Lin, Derong; Hu, Lijiang; You, Hong; Loy, D. Effect  of the reaction conditions on powder X- ray diffraction patterns and nitrogen  adsorption of hexane BPS materials. 246th National Meeting of the  American-Chemical-Society (ACS). Indianapolis, IN, 2013, SEP  08-12(SCI收录/IF:0,CPCI-S收录)

13.    Wang, HY; Wang, D;  You, H; Hu, LJ. Enhancement corrosion resistance of SSO/SiO2/TiO2 hybrid films  and its validation by gas-molecule diffusion coefficients using MD simulation.  246th National Meeting of the American-Chemical-Society (ACS). Indianapolis, IN,  2013, SEP 08-12(SCI收录/IF:0,CPCI-S收录)


1.         Ye, L; You, H; Yao, J; Su, HL. Water treatment  technologies for perchlorate: A review. DESALINATION 2012, 298():  1-12(SCI收录/IF:3.014,EI收录)

2.         Yingcao Xu, Hong You. A statistical experimental  design to degradation of aqueous methyl orange Solution with photocatalyst of  Ti/TiO2 nanotube array. Advanced Materials Research. 2012, 479-481:  221-225(EI收录,CPCI-S收录)

3.         尤宏; 金大瑞; 李肖琳; 吴东海. 无泡供氧湿式催化氧化体系的研究. 哈尔滨工业大学学报.  2012, 44(Sup. 2): 135-139(EI收录)

4.         赵雪松; 王树涛; 谭敏卿; 尤宏. 菲的短期暴露对成年斑马鱼及其胚胎的毒性效应.  哈尔滨工业大学学报. 2012, 44(Sup. 2): 268-273(EI收录)

5.         Y. Hu, D. Wang, H. You Ultraviolet absorbance of  (γ-methacrylpropyl)- silsesquioxane films modified with titanium tetrabutoxide  and its validation by computing energy-band structure. 244th  American-Chemical-Society National Meeting, August 19-23,  2012(SCI收录/IF:0,CPCI-S收录)

6.         Y. Hu, D. Wang, H. You Structure of POSS with  large organic group characterized by UV-MALDI-TOF mass spectrometry and quantum  chemical calculation. 244th American-Chemical-Society National Meeting, August  19-23, 2012(SCI收录/IF:0,CPCI-S收录)

7.         Y. Hu, D. Wang, H. You Transparency and absorbance  of the SiO2/TiO2 modified (γ-glycidoxypropyl)- silsesquioxane films and its  validation by computing method. 244th American-Chemical-Society National  Meeting, August 19-23, 2012(SCI收录/IF:0,CPCI-S收录)


1.         Hong You, Jing  Ding, Xue-Song Zhao, Yi-Fan Li, Li-Yan Liu, Wan-Li Ma, Hong Qi and Ji-Min Shen.  Spatial and seasonal variation of polychlorinated biphenyls in Songhua River,  China. Environmental Geochemistry and Health. 2011, 33(3):  291-299(SCI收录/IF:1.66)

2.         Donghai Wu, Hong You*, Jiaxuan Du, Chuan Chen,  Dari Jin. Effects of UV/Ag-TiO2/O3 advanced oxidation on unicellular green alga  Dunaliella salina—implications for removal of invasive species from ballast  water. J. Environ. Sci.-China. 2011, 23(3): 513-519(SCI收录/IF: 1.5,EI收录)

3.         Wu DH, You H, Jin DR, Li XC. Enhanced inactivation  of Escherichia coli with Ag-coated TiO2 thin film under UV-C irradiation.  Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology A-Chemistry. 2011, 217(1):  177-183(SCI收录/IF:2.2)

4.         Wu Donghai; You Hong; Zhang Ran; Chen, Chuan; Lee  Duu-Jong Inactivation of Amphidinium sp in ballast waters using UV/Ag-TiO2 + O3  advanced oxidation treatment. Bioresource Technology. 2011,102(21):  9838-9842(SCI收录,IF:4.4,EI收录)

5.         Wu Donghai; You Hong; Zhang ran; Chen Chuan; Lee  Duu-Jong. Ballast waters treatment using UV/Ag-TiO2+O3 advanced oxidation  process with Escherichia coli and Vibrio alginolyticus as indicator  microorganisms Chemical Engineering Journal. 2011, 174(2-3):  714-718(SCI收录/IF:3.1,EI收录)

6.         Donghai Wu, Hong You, Ran Zhang, Chuan Chen,  Jiaxuan Du. Inactivation of Escherichia coli using UV/Ag-TiO2/O3 - mediated  advanced oxidation: Implications for ballast water disinfection. Journal of  Chemical Technology and Biotechnology. 2011, 86(12): 1521-1526(SCI收录/IF:1.8)  

7.         Lin, Derong; Hu Lijiang; You Hong; Williams  Roberto J.J.    Synthesis and characterization of a nanostructured  photoluminescent silsesquioxane containing urea and dodecyl groups that can be  patterned on carbon films. European Polymer Journal.      2011, 47(8):  1526-1533(SCI收录/IF:2.517,EI收录)

8.         Wang Di; You Hong; Hu Lijiang. Study of  three-dimensional configurations of (gamma- methacryloxypropyl)silsesquioxanes  by ultraviolet laser matrix-assisted desorption/ionization time-of-flight mass  spectrometry and quantum chemical calculation. Papid Communications in Mass  Spectrometry. 2011, 25(11): 1652-1660(SCI收录/IF:2.85)

9.         Zhao Xuesong; Wang Shutao; Tan Minqing; You, Hong;  Qi Lili.   Joint acute toxicity of phenanthrene and sodium perchlorate to adult  Zebrafish. 5th International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedical  Engineering, iCBBE. 2011(EI收录,ISTP收录)

10.     Jin Darui; You Hong. Preparation and characterization  of a Pt/AC catalyst. 5th International Conference on Bioinformatics and  Biomedical Engineering, iCBBE. 2011(EI收录,ISTP收录)

11.     Qi Lili; You Hong; Zhang Ran; Zhao Xuesong; Wu  Donghai. Degradation of 4-chlorophenol simulated bio-chemical effluent from coal  gasification industry by catalytic ozonation.     5th International Conference  on Bioinformatics and Biomedical Engineering, iCBBE. 2011(EI收录,ISTP收录)

12.     Yao, Jie; Su, Huailong; You, Hong; Ye, Long; Wang,  Yuehu; Li, Erping. A primary experiment of perchlorate reduction by  photocatalyst. 5th International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedical  Engineering, iCBBE. 2011(EI收录,ISTP收录)

