








1978.2—1982.1 哈尔滨工业大学 电化学工程专业,本科,工学学士学位;

1997.9—2000.9 哈尔滨工业大学 环境工程学科,工学博士学位


2008.07— 至今       哈尔滨工业大学化工学院 副院长

2013.01— 至今       哈工大化工学院特种电源研究所 所长

1999.04— 2008.07    哈尔滨工业大学应用化学系 副主任

2008.01— 2008.04    日本横滨国立大学工学部 高级访问学者

1985.09— 1986.09    日本东京工业大学资源化学研究所 访问学者

2003.04—  至今        哈尔滨工业大学 博士生导师

2001.09— 至今       哈尔滨工业大学应用化学系 教授

1993.09— 2001.09    哈尔滨工业大学应用化学系 副教授

1988.09— 1993.09    哈尔滨工业大学应用化学系 讲师

1982.01— 1988.09    哈尔滨工业大学应用化学系 助教








Ø   高稳定性纳米电催化剂及储能材料的构筑与机理研究,黑龙江省科学技术一等奖(自然科学类),2014(排序1)

Ø   先进电池关键材料的设计、制备与电极反应机理,黑龙江省科学技术一等奖(自然科学类),2008(排序1)

Ø   电化学器件中的微纳米材料、结构及表界面的基础研究,黑龙江省科学技术二等奖(自然科学类),2011(排序3)

Ø   机器人独立电源系统研制,航空航天部科技进步三等奖,1992(排序2)


l  动力锂离子电池;

l   锂离子电池电极材料、新型功能电解液、电池安全性、电池寿命预测与加速方法研究;

l   锂空气电池反应原理、关键材料、电解液及电池设计;

l   锂硫电池高性能电极材料、电解液及电极反应机理研究;

l   铝空气电池关键电极材料、新型电解液体系研发,大功率铝空气电池电堆结构设计;

l   质子交换膜燃料电池纳米催化剂合成、电催化机理、高效膜电极制备及电池系统;

l   直接液体(二甲醚、甲醇、甲酸等)燃料电池电催化及电池系统;



1.        Cui Y Z, Du C  Y, Yin G P, et al. Multi-stress factor model for cycle lifetime prediction of  lithium ion batteries with shallow-depth discharge[J]. Journal of Power Sources,  2015, 279: 123-132.

2.        Liu H, Chen C,  Du C Y, He X S, Yin G P, et al. Lithium-rich Li1.2Ni0.13Co0.13Mn0.54O2 oxide  coated by Li3PO4 and carbon nanocomposite layers as high performance cathode  materials for lithium ion batteries[J]. Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2015,  3(6): 2634-2641.

3.        Wang L G, Zuo P  J, Yin G P, et al. Improved electrochemical performance and capacity fading  mechanism of nano-sized LiMn0.9Fe0.1PO4 cathode modified by polyacene  coating[J]. Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2015, 3(4): 1569-1579.

4.        Teng X G, Dai J  C, Su J, Yin G P. Modification of Nafion membrane using fluorocarbon surfactant  for all vanadium redox flow battery[J]. Journal of Membrane Science, 2015, 476:  20-29.

5.        Teng X G, Dai J  C, Bi F Y, Yin G P. Ultra-thin polytetrafluoroethene/Nafion/silica composite  membrane with high performance for vanadium redox flow battery[J]. Journal of  Power Sources, 2014, 272: 113-120.


6.        Guan T, Zuo P  J, Sun S, Du C Y, Zhang L L, Cui Y Z, Yang L J, Gao Y Z, Yin G P, et al.  Degradation mechanism of LiCoO2/mesocarbon microbeads battery based on  accelerated aging tests[J]. Journal of Power Sources, 2014, 268: 816-823.

7.        Du L, Zhang S,  Chen G Y, Yin G P, et al. Polyelectrolyte Assisted Synthesis and Enhanced Oxygen  Reduction Activity of Pt Nanocrystals with Controllable Shape and Size[J]. ACS  applied materials & interfaces, 2014, 6(16): 14043-14049.

8.        Zhang L L, Ma Y  L, Cheng X Q, Zuo P J, Cui Y Z, Guan T, Du C Y, Gao Y Z and Yin G P. Enhancement  of high voltage cycling performance and thermal stability of  LiNi1/3Co1/3Mn1/3O2 cathode by use of boron-based additives[J]. Solid State  Ionics, 2014, 263: 146-151.

9.        Yang L J, Cheng  X Q, Gao Y Z, Zuo P J, Ma Y L, Du C Y, Shen B, Cui Y Z, Guan T and Yin G P.  Lithium Compound Deposition on Mesocarbon Microbead Anode of Lithium Ion  Batteries after Long-Term Cycling[J]. ACS applied materials & interfaces,  2014, 6(15): 12962-12970.

10.    Yang L, Cheng X,  Gao Y, Ma Y L, Zuo P J,  Du C Y, Cui Y Z, Guan T, Lou S F, Wang F P, Fei W D  and  Yin G P. Lithium deposition on graphite anode during long-term cycles and  the effect on capacity loss[J]. RSC Advances, 2014, 4(50): 26335-26341.

11.    Kong F D, Zhang  S, Yin G P, et al. A Facile Route to Fabricate Effective Pt/IrO2 Bifunctional  Catalyst for Unitized Regenerative Fuel Cell[J]. Catalysis letters, 2014,  144(2): 242-247.

12.    Zhang N, Zhang S,  Du C Y,Wang Z B,  Shao Y Y, Kong F D, Lin Y H and Yin G P. Pt/Tin Oxide/Carbon  Nanocomposites as Promising Oxygen Reduction Electrocatalyst with Improved  Stability and Activity[J]. Electrochimica Acta, 2014, 117: 413-419.


13.    Fang W, Cheng X,  Zuo P J, Ma Y L, Liao L X, Yin G P. Hydrothermal-assisted sol-gel synthesis of  Li4Ti5O12/C nano-composite for high-energy lithium-ion batteries[J]. Solid State  Ionics, 2013, 244: 52-56.

14.    Kong F D, Zhang  S, Yin G P, et al. IrO2-graphene hybrid as an active oxygen evolution catalyst  for water electrolysis[J]. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2013,  38(22): 9217-9222.

15.    Fang W, Zuo P J,  Ma Y L, Cheng X Q, Liao L X, Yin G P. Facile preparation of Li4Ti5O12/AB/MWCNTs  composite with high-rate performance for lithium ion battery[J]. Electrochimica  Acta, 2013, 94: 294-299.

16.    Fang W, Cheng X Q,  Zuo P J, Ma Y L, Yin G P. A facile strategy to prepare nano-crystalline  Li4Ti5O12/C anode material via polyvinyl alcohol as carbon source for high-rate  rechargeable Li-ion batteries[J]. Electrochimica Acta, 2013, 93: 173-178.

17.    Yang L J, Cheng X  Q, Ma Y L, Lou S F, Cui Y Z, Guan T, Yin G P. Changing of SEI film and  electrochemical properties about MCMB electrodes during long-term  charge/discharge cycles[J]. Journal of The Electrochemical Society, 2013,  160(11): A2093-A2099.

18.    Zhang S, Shao Y  Y, Yin G P, et al. Recent progress in nanostructured electrocatalysts for PEM  fuel cells[J]. Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2013, 1(15): 4631-4641.

19.    Liao L X, Cheng X  Q, Ma Y L, Zuo P J, Fang W, Yin G P, Gao Y Z. Fluoroethylene carbonate as  electrolyte additive to improve low temperature performance of LiFePO4  electrode[J]. Electrochimica Acta, 2013, 87: 466-472.


20.    Liao L X, Zuo P J,  Ma Y L, An Y X, Yin G P, et al. Effects of fluoroethylene carbonate on low  temperature performance of mesocarbon microbeads anode[J]. Electrochimica Acta,  2012, 74: 260-266.

21.    Kong F D, Zhang  S, Yin G P, et al. Preparation of Pt/Irx(IrO2)10−x bifunctional  oxygen catalyst for unitized regenerative fuel cell[J]. Journal of Power  Sources, 2012, 210: 321-326.

22.    Xing L H, Wang Z  B, Du C Y,  Yin G P. The influence of anode diffusion layer on the performance  of direct dimethyl ether fuel cell[J]. International Journal of Energy Research,  2012, 36(7): 886-890.

23.    Zhao D J, Zhang  S, Yin G P, et al. Effect of Se in Co-based selenides towards oxygen reduction  electrocatalytic activity[J]. Journal of Power Sources, 2012, 206: 103-107.

24.    Liao L, Zuo P, Ma  Y, Cheng X Q, An Y X, Gao Y Z, Yin G P. Effects of temperature on  charge/discharge behaviors of LiFePO4 cathode for Li-ion  batteries[J]. Electrochimica Acta, 2012, 60: 269-273.

25.    Xing L H, Yin G P,  Wang Z B, et al. Investigation on the durability of direct dimethyl ether fuel  cell. Part I: Anode degradation[J]. Journal of Power Sources, 2012, 198:  170-175.

26.    Kong F D, Zhang  S, Yin G P, et al. Pt/porous-IrO2 nanocomposite as promising electrocatalyst for  unitized regenerative fuel cell[J]. Electrochemistry Communications, 2012,  14(1): 63-66.

27.    Kong F D, Zhang  S, Yin G P, et al. Electrochemical studies of Pt/Ir–IrO2 electrocatalyst as a  bifunctional oxygen electrode[J]. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy,  2012, 37(1): 59-67.

28.    Zhang S, Wang H,  Zhang N, Kong F D, Liu H, Yin G P. Role of Pt-pyridinic nitrogen sites in  methanol oxidation on Pt/polypyrrole-carbon black Catalyst[J]. Journal of Power  Sources, 2012, 197: 44-49.

29.    An Y X, Zuo P J,  Du C Y, et Ma Y L, Cheng X Q, Lin J Y, Yin G P. Effects of VC-LiBOB binary  additives on SEI formation in ionic liquid–organic composite electrolyte[J]. RSC  Adv., 2012, 2(10): 4097-4102.


30.    Zhang S, Shao Y  Y,  Liao H G, Engelhard M H, Yin G P, Lin Y H. Polyelectrolyte-Induced Reduction  of Exfoliated Graphite Oxide: A Facile Route to Synthesis of Soluble Graphene  Nanosheets. ACS Nano, 2011, 5(3): 1785-1791.

31.    Zhang S, Shao Y  Y,  Liao H G, Liu J, Aksay I A, Yin G P, Lin Y H. Graphene nanosheets decorated  with PtAu alloy nanoparticles:  facile synthesis and promising app lication for  formic acid oxidation. Chemistry of Materials, 2011, 23, 1079-1081.

32.     Zhang S, Shao Y  Y,  Yin G P, Lin Y H. Self-assembly of Pt nanoparticles on highly graphitized  carbon nanotubes as an excellent oxygen-reduction catalyst. Applied Catalysis  B-Environmental ,2011,102(372): 372-377.

33.    Zhang S, Shao Y  Y, Gao Y Z, Chen G Y, Lin Y H, Yin G P. In situ ion exchange preparation of  Pt/carbon nanotubes electrode: Effect of two-step oxidation of carbon  nanotubes. Journal of Power Sources, 2011,196(23): 9955-9960.

34.    Xing L H, Gao Y Z,  Wang Z B, Du C Y, G.P.Yin. Effect of anode diffusion layer fabricated with  mesoporous carbon on the performance of direct dimethyl ether fuel  cell. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2011. 36(17): 11102-11107.

35.    An Y X, Zuo P J,  Cheng X Q,  Liao L X, Yin G P. The effects of LiBOB additive for stable SEI  formation of PP13TFSI-organic mixed electrolyte in lithium ion  batteries.Electrochimica Acta, 2011. 56(13): 4841-4848.

36.    An Y X, Zuo P J,  Cheng X Q,  Liao L X, Yin G P. Preparation and Properties of Ionic-Liquid Mixed  Solutions as a Safety Electrolyte for Lithium Ion Batteries. International  Journal of Electrochemical Science, 2011. 6(7): 2398-2410.

37.    An Y X, Cheng X  Q,  Zuo P J, Liao L X, Yin G P. The effects of functional ionic liquid on  properties of solid polymer electrolyte. Materials Chemistry and Physics, 2011.  128(1-2):250-255.

38.    Xu Y H, Yin G  P , Cheng X Q, Zuo P J. Enhanced lithium storage performance of silicon anode  via fabricating into sandwich electrode. Electrochimica Acta. 56(11) 2011:  4403-4407.

39.    Du C Y, Gao C  H, Yin G P, et al. Facile fabrication of a nanoporous silicon electrode with  superior stability for lithium ion batteries[J]. Energy & Environmental  Science, 2011, 4(3): 1037-1042.


40.    Zhang S, Shao Y  Y, Yin G P, Lin Y H. Electrostatic Self-Assembly of a Pt-around-Au Nanocomposite  with High Activity towards Formic Acid Oxidation.Angewandte Chemie-International  Edition, 2010, 48(12): 2211-2214.

41.    Xu Y H, Yin G  P, Ma Y L, Zuo P J, Cheng X Q. Nanosized core/shell silicon@carbon anode  material for lithium ion batteries with polyvinylidene fluoride as carbon  source.  J. Mater. Chem., 2010, 20, 3216-3220.

42.    Xu Y H, Yin G  P, Ma Y L, Zuo P J, Cheng X Q. Simple annealing process for performance  improvement of silicon anode based on polyvinylidene fluoride binder.J. Power  Sources. 195(7) 2010: 2069-2073.

43.    Cai K D, Yin G P.  Optimum compositions of membrane electrode assemblies (MEAs) for direct dimethyl  ether fuel cell[J]. International Journal of Energy Research, 2010, 34(8):  695-701.

44.    Cai J J, Zuo P J,  Cheng X Q, Xu Y H, Yin G P. Nano-silicon/polyaniline composite for lithium  storage[J]. Electrochemistry Communications, 2010, 12(11): 1572-1575.

45.    Wang G, Gao Y,  Wang Z, Du C Y, Yin G P. A membrane electrode assembly with high fuel coulombic  efficiency for passive direct borohydride fuel cells[J]. Electrochemistry  Communications, 2010, 12(8): 1070-1073.

46.    Xu Y H, Yin G P,  Ma Y L, et al. Simple annealing process for performance improvement of silicon  anode based on polyvinylidene fluoride binder[J]. Journal of Power Sources,  2010, 195(7): 2069-2073.

47.    Lu L L, Yin G P,  Tong Y J, et al. Electrochemical behaviors of dimethyl ether on platinum single  crystal electrodes. Part II: Pt (100)[J]. Journal of Electroanalytical  Chemistry, 2010, 642(1): 82-91.

48.    Zhang S, Shao Y  Y, Yin G P, et al. Facile synthesis of PtAu alloy nanoparticles with high  activity for formic acid oxidation[J]. Journal of Power Sources, 2010, 195(4):  1103-1106.

49.    Liu P, Yin G P,  Shao Y Y. High electrochemical activity of Pt/C cathode modified with  NH4HCO3 for direct methanol fuel cell[J]. Journal of Solid State  Electrochemistry, 2010, 14(4): 633-636.

