









1987.9—1991.7 大连理工大学 无机化工,本科,工学学士学位;

1993.9—1996.7 哈尔滨工业大学 应用化学系,硕士研究生,工学硕士学位

1998.3—2001.7 哈尔滨工业大学 化学工程与技术,博士研究生,工学博士学位


2004.08--至今   哈尔滨工业大学 化学工程与技术学科 教授/博士生导师

2001.08--2004.07 哈尔滨工业大学 化学工程与技术学科 副教授

1996.08--2001.07 哈尔滨工业大学 化学工程与技术学科 讲师

1996.01--1996.07 哈尔滨工业大学 化学工程与技术学科 助教

2008.07--至今   哈尔滨工业大学 化工学院  副院长

2004.10--2008.06 哈尔滨工业大学 应用化学系 副主任

2004.08--2004.10 访问学者,材料科学系,英国牛津大学

2003.02--2004.01 访问学者,工学院,美国斯坦福大学




中国晶体学会 理事

中国化工学会 理事


Ø   2013年,中远红外非线性光学晶体XXXX生长技术及应用,国家科学技术发明二等奖(排名第1)

Ø   2012年,中远红外非线性光学晶体XXXX生长技术及应用,国防科学技术发明一等奖(排名第1)

Ø   2009年,非线性与光波导晶体生长与光学性质,黑龙江省自然科学一等奖(排名第1)


Ø 科技部中青年科技创新领军人才(2015)  

Ø 国家杰出青年科学基金获得者(2013)  

Ø  大学化学及应用化学系列课程教育部优秀团队,骨干成员(2010)

Ø 教育部新世纪优秀人才支持计划(2006)  

Ø 黑龙江省青年科学家奖(2006)


l   红外非线性光学晶体生长,缺陷结构,性能与器件研究:(i)新型非线性光学晶体的设计、合成与生长,开发非线性系数、损伤阈值和转换效率更高的新型非线性晶体,通过光参量振荡等技术实现高功率中远红外波段激光输出;(ii)中远红外晶体砷锗镉和硒化镓的合成、生长与器件。  

l   低维微纳晶体的制备、缺陷结构与光、电性能研究:(i)利用壳层实现对高能太阳光子的量剪裁,利用内核实现硅带隙以下波段的上转换发光。兼具量子剪裁和硅带隙以下波段上转换性能核壳低维晶体获取将会更加有效地和全面利用太阳能光谱,弥补只利用上转换材料或者只利用量子剪裁材料增加太阳能效率的不;(ii  )将独特核壳结构的超小低维晶体与生物医学应用有机合起来,高效地将标识癌变细胞以及对其治疗。

l   无氯高纯多晶硅,硅基新材料制备工艺研究与开发:(i)合成方面,以直接法合成烷氧基硅烷为起点,以无机硅材料和有机硅烷偶联剂为左右翼的发展模式;(ii)直接法合成烷氧基硅烷的工程放大评价,同时对副产物四乙氧基硅烷的应用研究深入扩展(iii)针对直接法合成的烷氧基硅烷卤素含量低的优势,通过硅氢化反应制备各种新型硅烷偶联剂,开展其多领域的应用研究。  


1        杨春晖、孙亮等. 光折变非线性学材料铌酸锂晶体(专著). 科学出版社. 2009年

2        李铭华、杨春晖、徐玉恒. 光折变晶体材料科学导论(专著). 科学出版社. 2009年(再版)



1.        Shuwei Hao, Liming Yang, Hailong Qiu, Rongwei Fan,  Chunhui Yang*, and Guanying Chen, Heterogeneous Core/Shell Fluoride Nanocrystals  with Enhanced Upconversion Photoluminescence for In Vivo Bioimaging, Nanoscale,  2015, 7, 10775-10780; (SCI)

2.        Weiwei Yang, Yongsheng Yu, Liang Wang, Chunhui  Yang*, Haibo Li, Controlled synthesis and assembly into anisotropic arrays of  magnetic cobalt-substituted magnetite nanocubes, NANOSCALE, 2015, 7 (7),  2877-2882; (SCI)

3.        Yunfei Shang, Shuwei Hao, Jing Liu, Meiling Tan,  Ning Wang, Chunhui Yang*, Guanying Chen, Synthesis of Upconversion  β-NaYF4:Nd3+/Yb3+/Er3+ Particles with Enhanced Luminescent Intensity through  Control of Morphology and Phase, Nanomaterials 2015, 5(1), 218-232; (SCI)

4.        Tianhui Ma, Chongqiang Zhu, Zuotao Lei, Chunhui  Yang*, Liang Sun, Hongchen Zhang, GrowthandcharacterizationofLiInSe2 single  crystals, Journal of Crystal Growth, 415 (2015) 132–138; (SCI)

5.        Zhu Chongqiang, Lei Zuotao, Song Liangcheng, Ma  Tianhui, Yang Chunhui*, Synthesis and growth of GaSe single crystals, JOURNAL OF  CRYSTAL GROWTH, 421, 53-57; (SCI)

6.        Liangcheng Song, Yifang Xu, Tao Si, Chunhui Yang*,  Huai Guo, Measurement and Application of a Solid–Liquid Equilibrium for the  Ternary NaCl + Na2S2O3 + H2O System, Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., 2015, 54 (15),  3976–3980; (SCI)

7.        Wei Shao, Guanying Chen, Tymish Y. Ohulchanskyy,  Andrey Kuzmin, Jossana Damasco, Hailong Qiu, Chunhui Yang*, Hans Ågren, Paras N.  Prasad, Lanthanide-Doped Fluoride Core/Multishell Nanoparticles for Broadband  Upconversion of Infrared Light. Advanced Optical Materials, 2015, 3 (4),  575-582特刊: SI; (SCI)

8.        Huai Guo, Liangcheng Song, Chunhui Yang*, Yu Tao,  Yongjun Long, Yingbei Cui, Solubility of Clopidogrel Hydrogen Sulfate (Form II)  in Ethanol + Cyclohexane Mixtures at (283.35 to 333.75) K, J. Chem. Eng. Data,  2015, 60 (3), 545–550; (SCI)

9.        Tianhui Ma, Chongqiang Zhu, Zuotao Lei, Chunhui  Yang*, Liang Sun, Hongchen Zhang, Growth and characterization of LiInSe2 single  crystals, Journal of Crystal Growth, 2015, 415, 132–138; (SCI)


10.    Shuwei Hao, Wei Shao, Hailong Qiu, Yunfei Shang,  Rongwei Fan, Xuyun Guo, Lili Zhao, Guanying Chen and Chunhui Yang*, Tuning the  size and upconversion emission of NaYF4:Yb3+/Pr3+ nanoparticles through Yb3+  doping, RSC Adv., 2014, 4, 56302; (SCI)

11.    Hailong Qiu, Guanying Chen*, Rongwei Fan, Liming Yang,  Cheng Liu, Shuwei Hao, Michael J.Sailor, Hans Ågren, Chunhui Yang* and Paras  Nath Prasad*, Intense Ultraviolet Upconversion Emission from Water-Dispersed  Colloidal YF3:Yb3+/Tm3+ Rhombic Nanodisks, Nanoscale, 2014, 6(2),753-757; (SCI)  

12.    Wei Shao,Guanying Chen*, Jossana Damasco, Xianliang  Wang,Aliaksandr Kachynski,Tymish Y. Ohulchanskyy, Chunhui Yang*, Hans Ågren, and  Paras N. Prasad*, Enhanced upconversion emission in colloidal (NaYF4:Er3+)/NaYF4  core/shell nanoparticles excited at 1523 nm, Optics Letters, 2014, 39,1386-1389  ; (SCI)

13.    Qiu Hailong; Yang Chunhui*;Shao Wei; Damasco Jossana;  Wang Xianliang; Agren Hans;Prasad Paras N.; Chen Guanying, Enhanced Upconversion  Luminescence in Yb3+/Tm3+-Codoped Fluoride Active Core/Active Shell/Inert Shell  Nanoparticles through Directed Energy Migration, NANOMATERIALS, 2014, 4, 55-68;  (SCI)

14.    Lei Zuotao ; Zhu Chongqiang; Xu Chao; Yao Baoquan;  Yang Chunhui*, Growth of crack-free ZnGeP2 large single crystals for high-power  mid-infrared OPO applications, JOURNAL OF CRYSTAL GROWTH, 2014, 389, 23-29;  (SCI)

15.    Liangcheng Song, Huai Guo, Yifang Xu, Zhengqing Wei,  Xiaolei Zhang, Jinshu Ji, Chunhui Yang*, Correlation of solubility of  hexamethylene-1,6-bisthiosulphate disodium salt dihydrate versus dielectric  constants of water + ethanol mixtures, Fluid Phase Equilibria, 2014, 384,  143–149; (SCI)


16.    Guanying Chen, Jangwon Seo, Chunhui Yang*, and Paras  N. Prasad *, Nanochemistry and Nanomaterials for Photovoltaics, Chemical Society  Reviews, 2013, 42, 8304-8338; (SCI)

17.    Guanying Chen*, Chunhui Yang*, and Paras N. Prasad,  Nanophotonics and Nanochemistry: Controlling the Excitation Dynamics for  Frequency Up- and Down-Conversion in Lanthanide-Doped Nanoparticles, Accounts of  Chemical Research, 2013, 46(7)1474-1486; (SCI)

18.    Shuwei Hao, Guanying Chen*, and Chunhui Yang*, Sensing  Using Rare-Earth-Doped Upconversion  Nanoparticles, Theranostics, 2013, 3(5),331-345(封面); (SCI)


19.    Guanying Chen, Hailong Qiu, Rongwei Fan, Shuwei Hao,  Shuo Tan, Chunhui Yang*, Gang Han*, Lanthanide-Doped Ultrasmall Yttrium Fluoride  Nanoparticles with Enhanced Multicolor Upconversion  Photoluminescence, Journal of Materials Chemistry,  2012,22(38),20190-20196(封面); (SCI)

20.    Xu C, Lei ZT, Zhu CQ, Yang CH*, Zhang CL, Sun T, Wang  R, Xu YH, Investigation on the OH- absorption and blue photorefractive  properties in Zr:Ru:Fe:LiNbO3 crystals as a function of Li composition, Journal  of The Optical Society of America B-Optical Physics,2012, 29(10): 2814-2818;  (SCI)

21.    Xu, C ; Yang, CH *; Zhu, CQ ; Sun, T ; Wang, R ; Xu,  YH,  Improved nonvolatile holographic storage properties in Zr:Ru:Fe:LiNbO3  crystal by blue light recording, MATERIALS LETTERS,2012, 67(1): 320-322; (SCI)  


22.    Li, J ; Yang, CH *; Zhang, L; Ma, TL, A novel fumed  silica-supported nitrogenous platinum complex as a highly efficient catalyst for  the hydrosilylation of olefins with triethoxysilane, JOURNAL OF ORGANOMETALLIC  CHEMISTRY, 2011, 696(9): 1845-1849; (SCI)

23.    Hailong Qiu, Guanying Chen*,Fan Rongwei,Cheng  Cheng,Shuwei Hao, Deying Chen and Chunhui Yang*, Tuning the size and shape of  colloidal cerium oxide nanocrystals through lanthanide doping, Chemical  Communication, 2011, 47(34), 9648-9650; (SCI)

24.    Hailong Qiu, Guanying Chen, Liang Sun, Shuwei Hao, Gan  Han*, and Chunhui Yang*, Ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA)-controlled  synthesis of multicolor lanthanide doped BaYF5 upconversion nanocrystals,  Journal of Materials Chemistry, 2011, 21(43), 17202-17208; (SCI)

25.    H. L. Qiu, L. Sun, S. Tan, Y. Sun, S. W. Hao, Y. Yu,  W. Q. Lv, S. B. Ge, C. H. Yang, Controlled Synthesis and Up-Conversion Emission  of Rare-Earth Tri-Doped NaYF4 Nanocrystals Under Femtosecond-Laser Excitation.  Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, 11, 2011:7700-7708, DOI:  10.1166/jnn.2011.5203 (SCI)

26.    S. X. Xia, C. H. Yang, et al. Growth of high quality  non-linear optical crystal zinc germanium phosphide for Mid-infrared optical  parametric oscillator. Laser Physics, 21, 2011: 1366-1370, DOI:  10.1134/S1054660X11150291

27.    L. Zhang, S. Hao, C. H. Yang, et al. Effects of double  promoters on direct synthesis of triethoxysilane in gas-solid stirred fluidized  bed. Applied Organometallic Chemistry. 25, 2011: 508-513. DOI: 10.1002/aoc.1794  

28.    J. Li, C. H. Yang, L. Zhang, et al. A novel fumed  silica-supported nitrogenous platinum complex as a highly efficient catalyst for  the hydrosilylation of olefins with triethoxysilane. Journal of Organometallic  Chemistry. 696, 2011: 1845-1849 DOI: 10.1016/j.jorganchem.2011.02.021

29.    朱崇强,杨春晖;马天慧等. CdGeAs2晶体的结构、弹性和电子性能的模拟计算和分析(英文). 硅酸盐学报,  2011年 02期

30.    C. Xu, C. H. Yang, L. Dai, et al. Influence of Li and  Nb ratios on the defect structure and exposure energy in LiNbO(3):Fe:Mn:Zr  crystals. Journal of Alloys and Compounds. 509, 2011: 4167-4170. DOI:  10.1016/j.jallcom.2011.01.031

31.    Xu C, Leng XS , Mo Y, Wang  YJ, Cao LC, Yang CH*, Xu YH. Investigations on growth and two-wavelength  holographic storage properties varied with RuO(2) codoping in Fe:LiNbO(3)  crystals; Journal of Crystal Growth, 2011,318(1):665-668(SCI)

32.    Qian YN, Wang R, Xing LL, Xu YL, Yang CH. Influence of  Zn(2+) ions concentration on the optical properties of Zn/Er:LiNbO3 crystals;   Crystal Research and Technology; 2011,46(11): 1137-1142


33.    S. X. Xia, M. Wang, C. H. Yang, et al. Vertical  Bridgman growth and characterization of large ZnGeP(2) single crystals. Journal  of Crystal Growth, 314, 2010:306-309, DOI: 10.1016/j.jcrysgro.2010.11.062

34.    Soitah TN, Yang CH*, Sun L.  Structural, optical and electrical properties of Fe-doped SnO(2) fabricated by  sol-gel dip coating technique; Materials Science In Semiconductor Processing,  2010,13(3):125-131(SCI)

35.    C. H. Yang, P. J. Zuo. A Special Issue on Advanced  Engineering Materials. Science of Advanced Materials, 2, 2010: 439-440. DOI:  10.1166/sam.2010.1130

36.    T. N. Soitah, C. H. Yang*, et al. Effect of Fe Doping  on Structural and Electrical Properties of Nanocrystalline ZnO Thin Films  Prepared by Sol-Gel Dip Coating Technique. Science of Advanced Materials. 2,  2010: 534-538. DOI: 10.1166/sam.2010.1120(SCI)

37.    C. Xu, C. H. Yang*, et al. Improved blue  photorefractive properties of near-stoichiometric LiNbO3:Mn:Fe:Zr crystal.  Crystal Research and Technology, 45, 2010: 1123-1126. DOI:  10.1002/crat.201000383.

38.    T. N. Soitah, C. H. Yang*, et al. Properties of Bi2O3  thin films prepared via a modified Pechini route. Current Applied Physics, 10,  2010: 1372-1377. DOI: 10.1016/j.cap.2010.04.006

39.    G. Y. Chen, C. H. Yang*, et al. Ultraviolet-blue  upconversion emissions of Ho3+ ions.  Journal of The Optical Society of America  B-Optical Physics, 27, 2010: 1158-1164

40.    Zhu CQ, Yang CH*, Sun L .The Research of Point Defects  in CdGeAs(2) Nonlinear Optical Crystals; Progress in Chemistry,  2010,22(2-3):315-321;(SCI)

41.    Wang M, Yang CH*, Lei ZT, Xia SX, Zhu CQ, Sun L , Zhou  YX.Intermediates and transport phenomena in two-temperature synthesis of  ZnGeP(2); Crystal Research and Technology, 45,2010:(1):25-30; (SCI)

42.    Zhu CQ, Yang CH*, Yang WD, Hsieh CY, Ysai HM, Chen YS  .High performances of ultrafine and layered LiCoO(2) powders for lithium  batteries by a novel sol-gel process; Journal of Alloys and Compounds,  2010,496(1-2):703-709(SCI)

43.    Xia SX, Yang CH*, Zhu CQ, Ma TH, Wang M, Lei ZT , Xu  B. Study on the Near-infrared Absorption Properties of ZnGeP(2) Single Crystals;  Journal of Inorganic Materials, 2010,25(10):1029-1033(SCI)

