








2003.9—2007.7 吉林大学 化学学院,化学系,本科;

2007.9—2012.6 吉林大学 化学学院,高分子专业,博士

2012.8—2015.12 哈尔滨工业大学 市政工程系,博士后

2013.4—2014.8 新加坡南洋理工大学 博士后


2014.04—至今      哈尔滨工业大学 博士生导师

2012.07—至今      哈尔滨工业大学 市政环境工程学院 市政系 副教授

2013.01—至今      哈尔滨工业大学 城市水资源与水环境国家重点实验室 固定成员

2013.04—2014.08  Research Fellow,南洋理工大学—新加坡国立大学联合创新中心





Ø  2015年,一维高分子功能复合材料的可控制备与性能研究,吉林省自然科学一等奖(排名第4)


Ø 哈尔滨工业大学高层次引进人才(2012)  

Ø  哈尔滨工业大学基础研究杰出人才培养计划III(2014)


l  饮用水深度处理及水质保障。

l  水处理化学理论与技术

l  水处理功能材料开发及应用技术(纳米材料、膜材料)




1. Jiaojie He, Wei Wang* et.  al, Fenglian Sun, Wenxin Shi, et al. High-efficient Phosphate Scavenger Based on  Well-dispersed- La(OH)3 Nanorods in Polyacrylonitrile Nanofibers for  Nutrient-Starvation Antibacteria, ACS Nano, 2015, 9, 9092-9302. (IF 12.881)

2. Wei Wang, Xiaodong Chen,  Fuyi Cui, et al. Bio-inspired Nano-sucker Array for Enhancing Bioelectricity  Generation in Microbial Fuel Cells, 2015,2 7, :doi:10.1002/adma.201503609. (IF  17.494)

3. Wei Wang,* Jiaojie He, Fuyi Cui,* Ce  Wang, Preparation of Ag2O/TiO2 Nanowires Heterojunction and Their Photocatalytic  Activity Under Visible light Irradiation,Chem. J. Chin. Univ. 2015, 36,  1367-1371. (SCI, 期刊封面)

4. Wei Wang, Ke Wang, Xintong Zhang, Fuyi  Cui,* Ce Wang, A synergistic Strategy for nanoparticle/Nanofiber Composites  towards p-nitrophenol catalytic hydrogenation, Wei Wang, Chem. Chem. Res. Chin.  Univ. 2015, accepted.

5. Ruijun Zhang, Wenxin Shi,* Shuili Yu,**  Wei Wang, Zhiqiang Zhang, et al. Influence of salts, anion polyacrylamide and  crude oil on nanofiltration membrane fouling during desalination process of  polymer flooding produced water, Desalination, 2015, 373, 27-37.

6. Ke Wang* Chao He;  Shijie You,** Weijie Liu, Wei Wang, Ruijun zhang, Huanhuan Qi,

Nanqi Ren, Transformation of organic matters  in animal wastes during composting, J Hazard. Mater. 2015, 300, 745-753.


7. Wei Wang, Xiaofeng Lu, Zhenyu Li, et al.  One-Dimensional Polyelectrolyte/Polymeric

Semiconductor Core-Shell Structure:  Sulfonated Poly(arylene ether ketone)/Polyaniline Nanofibers for FETs, Adv.  Mater. 23, (2011) 5109-5112. (IF:17.494)

8. Wei Wang*, Tingting Jiang, Zhenyu Li, Ce  Wang* et al. Sulfonated Poly(ether ether ketone)/Polypyrrole  Core−Shell Nanofibers: A Novel Polymeric Adsorbent/Conducting  

Polymer Nanostructures for Ultrasensitive  Sensors, ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 2012(4) 6080−6084.

9. Wei Wang, Zhenyu Li, Ce Wang et al.  Weak-acceptor-polyacrylonitrile/donor-polyaniline core-shell nanofibers: A novel  1D polymeric heterojunction with high photoconductive properties, Organic  Electronics 13 (2012) 2319-2325.

10. Wei Wang, Zhenyu Li*, Ce Wang*, Shaoli  Fang, Au-Doped Polyacrylonitrile–Polyaniline Core-Shell Electrospun Nanofibers  Having High Mobilities, Small 7 (2011) 597-600.

11. Wei Wang, Zhenyu Li, Ce Wang, Jinghui  Sun, et al. Cr2O3-sensitized ZnO electrospun nanofibers based ethanol detectors,  Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical 143 (2010) 754–758.

12. Wei Wang, Zhenyu Li, Shangyu Li, Bo  Dong, Ce Wang*, et al. A Novel Non-Enzymatic Glucose Sensor Based on NiO  Electrospun Nanofibers, J. Nanosci. Nanotech. 10 (2010) 7537-7540.

13. Junyu Lei, Wei Wang, Ce Wang, Bo Dong et  al. 并列第一作者Ag/AgCl Coated Polyacrylonitrile Nanofiber Membranes: Synthesis and  Photocatalytic Properties, Reat&Funct. Polymer, 71 (2011) 1071-1076.

14. Jie Liu, Wei Wang, Zhiwei Zhao*, Hui  Feng, Fuyi Cui*, One-step synthesis of noble metal/oxide nanocomposites with  tunable size of noble metal particles and their size

-dependent catalytic activity, RSC Adv 4  (2014) 30624-30629.

15. Yanyan Han, Wei Wang, Jinghui Sun, Ce  Wang,* et alAg/AgCl Composite Nanoparticles/Polyacrylonitrile Nanofiber Films  for Visible-light Photocatalysis,Chem. J. Chin. Univ-Chin 33 (2012)604-607.

16. Wei Wang, Zhenyu Li,  Wei Zheng, Jie Yang, Hongnan Zhang, Ce Wang, Electrospun palladium (IV)-doped  copper oxide composite nanofibers for non-enzymatic glucose sensors,  Electrochemistry Communications 11 (2009) 1811–1814.

17. Wei Wang, Zhenyu Li, Li Liu, Hongnan Zhang,Wei Zheng, Yu  Wang, Huimin Huang, Zhaojie Wang, Ce Wang*, Humidity sensor based on LiCl-doped  ZnO electrospun nanofibers, Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical 141 (2009)  404–409. (SCI, IF: 3.898)

18. Wei Wang, Huimin  Huang, Zhenyu Li, Hongnan Zhang, Yu Wang, Wei Zheng, and Ce Wang, Zinc Oxide  Nanofiber Gas Sensors Via Electrospinning, Journal of the American Ceramic  Society 91 (2008) 3817–3819.

19. Zhenyu Li, Hongnan  Zhang, Wei Zheng, Wei Wang, et al., Highly Sensitive and Stable Humidity  Nanosensors Based on LiCl Doped TiO2 Electrospun Nanofibers, Journal of the  American Chemical Society 130(2008)5036–5037.

20. Dinhthao Vu, Zhenyu  Li*, Hongnan Zhang, Wei Wang, Zhaojie Wang, Xiuru Xu, Bo Dong, Ce Wang  Adsorption of Cu(II) from Aqueous Solution by Anatase Mesoporous TiO2 Nanofibers  Prepared Via Electrospinning. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 367,  (2012) 429-435.

21. Wei Zheng, Xiaofeng Lu, Wei Wang, et al. Assembly of Pt  nanoparticles on electrospun In2O3 nanofibers for H2S detection, Journal of  Colloid and Interface Science 338, 366–370.

22. Zhaojie Wang, Zhenyu Li, Jinghui Sun, Hongnan Zhang, Wei  Wang, Wei Zheng, Ce Wang, Improved Hydrogen Monitoring Properties Based on  p-NiO/n-SnO2 Heterojunction Composite Nanofibers, Journal of Physical Chemistry  C, 114 (2010) 6100-6105.

23. Wei Zheng, Zhenyu Li, Hongnan Zhang, Wei Wang, Yu Wang,  Ce Wang*, Electrospinning route for α-Fe2O3 ceramic nanofibers and their gas  sensing properties, Materials Research Bulletin 44 (2009) 1432–1436.

24. Wei Zheng, Xiaofeng Lu, Wei Wang, Zhenyu Li, Hongnan  Zhang, Yu Wang, Zhaojie Wang, Ce Wang*, A highly sensitive and fast-responding  sensor based on electrospun In2O3 nanofibers, Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical  142 (2009) 61–65.

25. Wei Zheng, Xiaofeng Lu, Wei Wang, Bo Dong, Hongnan Zhang,  Zhaojie Wang, Xiuru Xu, Ce Wang, A rapidly responding sensor for methanol based  on electrospun In2O3-SnO2 nanofibers, Journal of the American Ceramic Society 93  (2010) 15-17.

26. Wei Zheng, Xiaofeng Lu, Wei Wang, Zhaojie Wang, Mingxin  Song, Yu Wang, and Ce Wang*, Fabrication of novel Ag nanowires/poly(vinylidene  fluoride) nanocomposite film with high dielectric constant. Physica Status  Solidi A 207 (2010) 1870-1873.

27. Hongnan Zhang, Zhenyu Li, Li Liu, Xiuru Xu, Zhaojie Wang,  Wei Wang, Wei Zheng, Bo Dong, Ce Wang*, Enhancement of hydrogen monitoring  properties based on Pd-SnO2 composite nanofibers, Sensors and Actuators B:  Chemical 147 (2010) 111-115.

28. Hongnan Zhang, Zhenyu Li, Wei Wang, Wang Ce, Li Liu,  Na+-Doped Zinc Oxide Nanofiber

Membrane for High Speed Humidity Sensor, Journal of the  American Ceramic Society 93 (2010) 142-146.

29. Zhaojie Wang, Zhenyu Li, Li Liu, Xiuru Xu, Hongnan Zhang,  Wei Wang, Wei Zheng, Ce Wang*, A Novel Alcohol Detector Based on ZrO2-Doped SnO2  Electrospun Nanofiber, Journal of the American Ceramic Society 93 (2010)  634-637.

30. Huimin Huang, Zhenyu Li, Wei Wang, et al. Fabrication and  investigation of core-sheath polymer/polyaniline composite nanofibers,  E-polymers 2009, No. 148.

31. Xiuru Xu, Jinghui Sun, Hongnan Zhang, Zhaojie Wang, Bo  Dong, Tingting Jiang, Wei Wang, Zhenyu Li*, Ce Wang*, Effects of Al doping on  SnO2 nanofibers in hydrogen sensor. Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical (2011),  160, 858-863.

32. Junyu Lei, Zhicheng Li, Xiaofeng Lu,  Wei Wang, Xiujie Bian, Tian Zheng, Yanpeng Xue, Ce Wang, Controllable  fabrication of porous free-standing polypyrrole films via a gas phase  polymerization, Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 364 (2011) 555-560.  


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2. 聚吡咯改性的玉米芯复合吸附剂的制备方法,201410757383;

3. 一种催化硼烷氨脱氢的聚吡咯/钯-纤维素纸基催化剂的制备方法,201510009416;

4. 高性能陶瓷基纳米纤维气敏传感器;    200810050660.5    2010.12授权

5. 快速响应-恢复陶瓷基纳米纤维湿敏传感器 200710056363.7    2010.5授权

6. 一种水体低浓度磷复合吸附剂的制备方法,201510043822,1

7. PVA/金属纳米粒子复合纳米纤维膜的制备方法,201310703811.3,中国专利

