








1991.09~1995.07      哈尔滨师范大学,生物系,理学学士

1995.09~2000.06      哈尔滨工业大学,市政环境工程学院,环境工程,工学博士

2000.10~2002.08      中国地震局工程力学研究所,市政工程,博士后


2000/07~2002/07   哈尔滨工业大学市政环境工程学院,讲师

2002/08~2005/07   哈尔滨工业大学市政环境工程学院,副教授

2005/08~至今     哈尔滨工业大学市政环境工程学院,教授/博导

2002/09~2002/12   澳大利亚国立大学,访问学者

2006/07~2007/07   美国密歇根州立大学,访问学者/博士后

2007/07~2007/09   美国俄克拉荷马州大学,访问学者

2015/08~2015/09   比利时根特大学,高级访问学者


2014年-至今:IWA Resource  Recovery Cluster(Management Committee)

2013年-至今:IWA Anaerobic Digestion  Specialist Group(Management Committee)

2010年-至今:American Society for  Microbiology (Ambassador to the China)

2007年-至今:Okahoma Univeristy of  U.S(Adjunct Professor)

2009年-至今:International Wastes  Recycling Society(Executive Member)

2013年-至今:IWA AD China Chapter  (Vice Chair)






Ø 2010年,  国家科技进步二等奖,有机废水碳氮硫同步脱除新技术及工程应用(排名第1)

Ø 2004年,  国家科技进步二等奖,高浓度有机废水生物处理技术研发与示范工程(排名第4)

Ø 2007年,  国家技术发明二等奖,乙醇型发酵生物产氢技术(排名第6)

Ø  2014年,黑龙江省自然科学二等奖,微生物催化电解强化水中难降解污染物定向转化及调控机制(排名第1)

Ø 2009年,  黑龙江省技术发明奖一等奖,有机废水碳氮硫同步脱除回收单质硫集成技术(排名第1)

Ø  2011年,黑龙江省自然科学二等奖,有机废物梯级利用定向生物能源转化关键问题(排名第1)

Ø  2013年,教育部自然科学一等奖,生物电化学系统强化污水定向处理与能源回收的过程与机制(排名第4)

Ø 2009年,  黑龙江省科技进步奖二等奖,复合型生物絮凝剂产业化技术研究(排名第4)

Ø 2003年,  建设部华夏建设科技进步一等奖,高浓度有机废水生物处理技术研发与示范工程(排名第4)

Ø 2002年,  黑龙江省科技进步二等奖,高浓度难降解有机废水生物处理成套技术(排名第4)


Ø 国家杰出青年科学基金获得者(2012年)  

Ø 教育部“新世纪优秀人才支持计划”(2005年)  

Ø  第十届霍英东教育基金会高等学校优秀青年教师奖(2005)

Ø 第七届黑龙江青年科学技术奖(2005)  

Ø 第三届黑龙江省留学人员报国奖(2008)  

Ø  第十五届黑龙江省杰出青年科学基金获得者(2010)

Ø 黑龙江省青年五四奖章获得者(2011)  



l  难降解废水高效生物处理原位资源化理论与技术

l  面向废水安全回用强化污染物深度去除及定向调控

l  废弃生物质梯级利用定向生物转化及资源化

l  工程系统微生物生态学理论及方法


Ø  英文著作章节:K.J. Wang*, C.P. Wang,  A.J. Wang, H. Gong, B.C. Dong, H. Xu, L.W. Deng and C. Li.Applications and  Developments of Anaerobic Technology in China. Chapter in Anaerobic  Biotechnology: Environmental Protection and Resource Recovery. Edited by Herbert  H. P. Fang. 2015. Imperial Colleage Press.

Ø  Guest Editor:Eldon R. Rene ,  Pimluck Kijjanapanich, Aijie Wang, Davide  Zannoni, Piet N.L. Lens. Special  Issue in Journal of Hazardous Materials: Chalcogen Cycle Science and Technology  

Ø  著作章节:Wang Aijie.  Hydrolysis-acidification based anaerobic technology and practical uses. Chapter  in Environmental Anaerobic Technology. 2010. World Scientific Publishing

Ø  马放,杨基先,王爱杰. 《复合型微生物絮凝剂》(专著).  科学出版社. 2013

Ø   王爱杰、任南琪等.《生物电化学系统:从胞外电子传递到生物技术应用》(译著). 科学出版社. 2012

Ø  Wang Aijie, Cao Guangli, Liu  Wenzong. Biohydrogen Production from Anaerobic Fermentation. Chapter in  Biotechnology in China III: Biofuels and Bioenergy to be published in Advances  in Biochemical Engineering/Biotechnology. 2012. Springer

Ø  Wang Aijie, Li Wenwei, Yu  Hanqing. Advances of Biogas Technology. Chapter in Biotechnology in China III:  Biofuels and Bioenergy to be published in Advances in Biochemical  Engineering/Biotechnology. 2012. Springer

Ø  Ren Nanqi, Wang Aijie.  Biohydrogen Production by Fermentation and Microbial Electrolysis Cells. Chapter  in Environmental Anaerobic Technology. 2010. World Scientific Publishing

Ø  Wang Aijie, Chen Chuan, Liu  Chunshuang. An Innovative Integrated Reactor System for Simultaneous Removal of  Carbon, Sulfur and Nitrogen Based on Biological Niches. Chapter in Water  Infrastructure for Sustainable Communities: China and the World. 2010. IWA  Publishing, London, UK

Ø  任南琪,  王爱杰.《废水厌氧处理硫酸盐还原菌生态学》(专著), 科学出版社, 2009

Ø  任南琪、王爱杰.  《产酸发酵微生物生理生态学》(专著),科学出版社,2005

Ø  王爱杰、任南琪.  《环境中的分子生物学诊断技术》,化工出版社,2004任南琪, 王爱杰等. 国家标准,《化学合成类制药工业水污染物排放标准》(GB21904-2008)

Ø  任南琪、王爱杰.  《厌氧生物技术原理与应用》,化工出版社,2004



1.        Deyong Kong, Bin Liang, Hui Yun, Haoyi Cheng,  Aijie Wang*, Nanqi Ren*. Cathodic degradation of antibiotics: Characterization  and pathway analysis. Water Research, 2015, 72, 281–292.

2.        Hao-Yi Cheng, Bin Liang, Yang Mu, Min-Hua  Cui, Kun Li, Wei-Min Wu, Ai-Jie Wang*. Stimulation of oxygen to bioanode for  energy recovery from recalcitrant organic matter aniline in microbial fuel cells  (MFCs). Water Research, 2015, 81, 72–83.

3.        Wenzong Liu, Weiwei Cai, Anzhou Ma, Ge Ren,  Zhiling Li, Guoqiang Zhuang, Aijie Wang*. Improvement of bioelectrochemical  property and energy recovery by acylhomoserine lactones (AHLs) in microbial  electrolysis cells (MECs). Journal of Power Sources. 2015. 284: 56–59  

4.        Dan Sun, Shaoan Cheng*, Aijie Wang, Fujian  Li, Bruce E. Logan, Kefa Cen. Temporal-Spatial Changes in Viabilities and  Electrochemical Properties of Anode Biofilms. Environ. Sci. Technol. 2015, 49,  5227−5235

5.        Deyong Kong, Bin Liang, Hui Yun, Jincai Ma,  Zhiling Li, Aijie Wang*, Nanqi Ren*. Electrochemical degradation of nitrofurans  furazolidone by cathode: characterization, pathway and antibacterial activity  analysis. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2015, 262, 1244–1251.

6.        Hongxu Bao*, Lei Jiang, Chunxiao Chen,  Chunxue Yang, Zhangwei He, Yaodong Feng, Weiwei Cai, Wenzong Liu, Aijie Wang*.  Combination treatment of ultrasound and Fenton for improving hydrolysis and  acidification of waste activated sludge. RSC Adv., 2015, 5, 48468-48473  

7.        Chong Liu, Wenzong Liu, Jia Liu, Xu Zhou,  Aijie Wang* and Jun Nan*. The effect of a short term biofilm-aeration treatment  on energy recovery in microbial electrolysis cells. RSC Adv., 2015. 5,  69714–69719

8.        Chunxue Yang, He Zhangwei, Guo Zechong, Zhou  Aijuan, Aijie Wang* and Wenzong Liu*. Effect of temperature on hydrolysis  products accumulation and short-chain fatty acids production during thermophilic  micro-aerobic fermentation of waste activated sludge. Desalination and Water  Treatment. 2015.1-7

9.        Chunxue Yang, Wenzong Liu, Zhangwei He,  Sangeetha Thangavel, Ling Wang, Aijuan Zhou, Aijie Wang*. Freezing/thawing  pretreatment coupled with biological process of thermophilic Geobacillus sp. G1:  Acceleration on waste activated sludge hydrolysis and acidification. Bioresource  Technology 2015, 175: 509–516.

10.    Cong Huang , Youkang Zhao, Zhiling Li, Ye Yuan,  Chuan Chen, Wenbo Tan, Shuang Gao, Lingfang Gao, Jizhong Zhou, Aijie Wang*.  Enhanced elementary sulfur recovery with sequential sulfate-reducing,  denitrifying sulfide-oxidizing processes in a cylindrical-type anaerobic baffled  reactor. Bioresource Technology, 2015, 192: 478–485.

11.    Cong Huang, Zhi-ling Li, Fan Chen, Qian Liu,  You-kang Zhao, Ji-zhong Zhou, Aijie Wang*. Microbial community structure and  function in response to the shift of sulfide/nitrate loading ratio during the  denitrifying sulfide removal process. Bioresource Technology, 2015, 197:  227-234.

12.    Fan Chen, Ye Yuan, Chuan Chen, Youkang Zhao,  Wenbo Tan, Cong Huang, Xijun Xu, Aijie Wang*. Investigation of colloidal  biogenic sulfur flocculation: Optimization using response surface analysis.  Journal of Environmental Sciences. 2015. Accepted.

13.    Fanying Kong, Aijie Wang*, Hong-Yu Ren.  Optimized matching modes of bioelectrochemical module and anaerobic sludge in  the integrated system for azo dye treatment. Bioresource Technology , 2015, 192:  486–493.

14.    Hongliang Guo, Chuan Chen, Duu-Jong  Lee∗,  Aijie Wang, Nanqi Ren. Mixotrophic growth of Pseudomonas sp. C27 at different  C/N ratios: Quantitative proteomic analysis. Journal of the Taiwan Institute of  Chemical Engineers 2015, 1–5.

15.    Hongxu Bao*, Lei Jiang, Chunxiao Chen, Chunxue  Yang, Zhangwei He, Yaodong Feng, Weiwei Cai, Wenzong Liu, Aijie Wang*.  Combination treatment of ultrasound and Fenton for improving hydrolysis and  acidification of waste activated sludge. RSC Advances, 2015, DOI:  10.1039/C5RA05791D.

16.    Qian Sun, Zhiling Li, Youzhao Wang, Dan Cui, Bin  Liang, Sangeetha Thangavel, Jong Shik Chung, Aijie Wang*. A horizontal plug-flow  baffled bioelectrocatalyzed reactor for the reductive decolorization of Alizarin  Yellow R. Bioresource Technology, 2015,  http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.biortech.2015.06.086

17.    Yang Chunxue, Zhou Aijuan, Hou Yanan, Zhang Xu,  Guo Zechong, Wang Aijie* and Liu Wenzong*. Effects of ultrasonic-assisted  thermophilic bacteria pretreatment on hydrolysis, acidification, and microbial  communities in waste-activated sludge fermentation process. Environ Sci Pollut  R. 22(12): 9100-9109

18.    Ye Yuan, Chuan Chen, Youkang Zhao, Aijie Wang*,  Dezhi Sun, Cong Huang, Bin Liang, Wenbo Tan, Xijun Xu, Xu Zhou, Duu-Jung Lee,  Nanqi Ren. Influence of COD/sulfate ratios on the integrated reactor system for  simultaneous removal of carbon, sulfur and nitrogen. Water Science &  Technology, 2015, 71(5):709-716.

19.    Yunfeng Xu, Hui Hua, Jianyong Liu*, Jinghuan  Luo, Guangren Qian, Aijie Wang*. pH dependent phosphorus release from waste  activated sludge: contributions of phosphorus speciation. Chemical Engineering  Journal. 2015, 267: 260–265.

20.    Zhangwei He, Aijuan Zhou, Chunxue Yang, Zechong  Guo, Aijie Wang*, Wenzong Liu* and    Jun Nan. Toward bioenergy recovery from  waste activated sludge: Improving bio-hydrogen production and sludge reduction  by pretreatment coupled with anaerobic digestion-microbial electrolysis cells.  RSC Adv., 2015, 5, 48413-48420 


21.    Ye Yuan, Chuan Chen*, Bin Liang, Cong Huang,  Youkang Zhao, Xijun Xu, Wenbo Tan, Xu Zhou, Shuang Gao, Dezhi Sun, DuuJong Lee,  Jizhong Zhou, Aijie Wang*. Fine-Tuning Key Parameters of an Integrated Reactor  System for the Simultaneous Removal of COD, Sulfate and Ammonium and Elemental  Sulfur Reclamation. Journal of Hazardous Material. 2014, 269: 56-69 .  

22.    Xijun Xu, Chuan Chen, Aijie Wang*, Hao Yu, Xu  Zhou, Hongliang Guo, Ye Yuan, Duu-Jong Lee, Jizhong Zhou, Nanqi Ren*. Bioreactor  performance and functional gene analysis of microbial community in a  limited-oxygen fed bioreactor for co-reduction of sulfate and nitrate with high  organic input. Journal of Hazardous Material. 2014, 278: 250-257.

23.    Xijun Xu, Chuan Chen, Aijie Wang*, Hongliang  Guo, Ye Yuan, Duu-Jong Lee, Nanqi Ren*. Kinetics of nitrate and sulfate removal  using a mixed microbial culture with or without limited-oxygen fed. Applied  Microbiology and Biotechnology, 2014, 98(13): 6115-6124. 

24.    Chuan Chen, Lihong Liu, Duu-Jong Lee*, Wanqian  Guo, Aijie Wang*, Xijun Xu, Xu Zhou, Donghai Wu, Nanqi Ren. Integrated  simultaneous desulfurization and denitrification (ISDD) process at various  COD/sulfate ratios. Bioresource Technology, 2014, 155: 161-169.

25.    Hao Yu, Chuan Chen*, Jincai Ma, Xijun Xu,  Ronggui Fan, Aijie Wang*. Microbial community functional structure in response  to micro-aerobic conditions in sulfate-reducing sulfur-producing bioreactor.  Journal of Environmental Sciences, 2014, 26(5): 1099-1107.

26.    Bin Liang, Haoyi Cheng, Joy D. Van Nostrand,  Jincai Ma, Hao Yu, Deyong Kong, Wenzong Liu, Nanqi Ren, Liyou Wu, Aijie Wang*,  Duu-Jong Lee*, Jizhong Zhou. Microbial community structure and function of  Nitrobenzene reduction biocathode in response to carbon source switchover. Water  Research, 2014, 54: 137-148.

27.    Deyong Kong, Bin Liang, Duu-Jong Lee, Aijie  Wang*, Nanqi Ren*. Effect of temperature switchover on the degradation of  antibiotic chloramphenicol by biocathode bioelectrochemical system. Journal of  Environmental Sciences, 2014, 26(8): 1689-1697. 

28.    Dan Cui, Yuqi Guo, Hyung-Sool Lee, Haoyi Cheng,  Bin Liang, Fanying Kong, Youzhao Wang, Liping Huang, Meiying Xu, Aijie Wang*.  Efficient azo dye removal in bioelectrochemical system and post-aerobic  bioreactor: Optimization and characterization. Chemical Engineering Journal,  2014, 243: 355-363.

29.    Fanying Kong, Aijie Wang*, Haoyi Cheng, Bin  Liang. Accelerated decolorization of azo dye Congo red in a combined  bioanode–biocathode bioelectrochemical system with modified electrodes  deployment. Bioresource Technology, 2014, 151: 332-339.

30.    Dan Cui, Yuqi Guo, Hyung-Sool Lee, Weimin Wu,  Bin Liang, Aijie Wang*, Haoyi Cheng. Enhanced decolorization of azo dye in a  small pilot-scale anaerobic baffled reactor coupled with biocatalyzed  electrolysis system (ABR–BES): A design suitable for scaling-up. Bioresource  Technology, 2014, 163: 254-261.

31.    Youzhao Wang, Aijie Wang*, Aijuan Zhou, Wenzong  Liu, Liping Huang, Meiying Xu, Huchun Tao. Electrode as sole electrons donor for  enhancing decolorization of azo dye by an isolated Pseudomonas sp. WYZ-2.  Bioresource Technology, 2014, 152: 530-533.

32.    Fanying Kong, Aijie Wang*, Hongyu Ren, Liping  Huang, Meiying Xu, Huchun Tao. Improved dechlorination and mineralization of  4-chlorophenol in a sequential biocathode–bioanode bioelectrochemical system  with mixed photosynthetic bacteria. Bioresource Technology, 2014, 158:  32-38.

33.    Fanying Kong, Aijie Wang*, Hongyu Ren. Improved  4-chlorophenol dechlorination at biocathode in bioelectrochemical system using  optimized modular cathode design with composite stainless steel and carbon-based  materials. Bioresource Technology, 2014, 166: 252-258. IF: 5.039

34.    Cristiano Varrone, Joy D. Van Nostrand, Wenzong  Liu*,Benjamin Zhou, Zhongshi Wang, Fenghai Liu, Zhili He, Liyou Wu, Jizhong  Zhou, Aijie Wang*. Metagenomic-based analysis of biofilm communities for  electrohydrogenesis: From wastewater to hydrogen.  International Journal of  Hydrogen Energy, 2014, 39(9): 4222-4233.

35.    Aijuan Zhou, Jingwen Du, Cristiano Varrone,  Youzhao Wang, Aijie Wang*, Wenzong Liu*. VFAs bioproduction from waste activated  sludge by coupling pretreatments with Agaricus bisporus substrates conditioning.  Process Biochemistry, 2014, 49(2): 283-289.

36.    Ling Wang, Wenzong Liu*, Lingling Kang, Chunxue  Yang, Aijuan Zhou, Aijie Wang*. Enhanced biohydrogen production from waste  activated sludge in combined strategy of chemical pretreatment and microbial  electrolysis. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2014, 39(23):  11913-11919.

37.    Chunxue Yang, Aijuan Zhou, Yanan Hou, Xu Zhang,  Zechong Guo, Aijie Wang*, Wenzong Liu. Optimized culture condition for enhancing  lytic performance of waste activated sludge by Geobacillus sp. G1. Water Sci  Technol, 2014, 70: 200-208.

38.    Hao Yu, Chuan Chen*, Jincai Ma, Wenzong Liu,  Jizhong Zhou, Duu-Jong Lee, Nanqi Ren, Aijie Wang*. GeoChip-based analysis of  the microbial community functional structures in simultaneous desulfurization  and denitrification process. Journal of Environmental Sciences, 2014, 26(7):  1375-1382.

39.    Chongyang Gao, Aijie Wang*, Weimin Wu, Yalin  Yin, Yangguo Zhao. Enrichment of anodic biofilm inoculated with anaerobic or  aerobic sludge in single chambered air-cathode microbial fuel cells. Bioresource  Technology, 2014, 167: 124-132.

40.    Hongliang Guo, Chuan Chen, Duu-Jong Lee*, Aijie  Wang*, Nanqi Ren. Proteomic analysis of sulfur–nitrogen–carbon removal by  Pseudomonas sp. C27 under micro–aeration condition. Enzyme and Microbial  Technology, 2014, 56: 20-27.

41.    Li Wang, Duu-Jong Lee*, Fang Ma, Aijie Wang*,  Nanqi Ren. Bioflocculants from isolated strain or mixed culture: Role of  phosphate salts and Ca 2+ ions. Journal of the Taiwan Institute of Chemical  Engineers, 2014, 45(2): 527-532.

42.    Dan Sun, Douglas Call, Aijie Wang*, Shaoan  Cheng, Bruce E. Logan*. Geobacter sp. SD-1 with enhanced electrochemical  activity in high-salt concentration solutions. Environmental Microbiology  Reports, 2014, 6(6): 723-729.

43.    Dan Sun, Aijie Wang*, Shaoan Cheng, Matthew  Yates, Bruce E. Logan*. Geobacter anodireducens sp. nov., an exoelectrogenic  microbe in bioelectrochemical systems. International Journal of Systematic and  Evolutionary Microbiology, 2014, 64(Pt 10): 3485-3491. IF: 2.798

44.    Chunxue Yang, Wenzong Liu, Zhangwei He,  Sangeetha Thangavel, Ling Wang, Aijuan Zhou, Aijie Wang*. Freezing/thawing  pretreatment coupled with biological process of thermophilic Geobacillus sp. G1:  Acceleration on waste activated sludge hydrolysis and acidification. Bioresource  Technology, 2015, 175: 509-516.

45.    Fanying Kong, Aijie Wang*, Hong-Yu Ren. Improved  azo dye decolorization in an advanced integrated system of bioelectrochemical  module with surrounding electrode deployment and anaerobic sludge reactor.  Bioresource Technology, 2015, 175: 624-628.

46.    Deyong Kong, Bin Liang, Hui Yun, Jincai Ma,  Zhiling Li, Aijie Wang*, Nanqi Ren*. Electrochemical degradation of nitrofurans  furazolidone by cathode: Characterization, pathway and antibacterial activity  analysis. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2015, 262: 1244-1251.

47.    Wenbo Tan, Zhao Jiang, Chuan Chen, Ye Yuan,  Lingfang Gao, Hongfei Wang, Juan Cheng, Wenjun Li, Aijie Wang*. Thiopseudomonas  denitrificans gen. nov. sp. nov., isolated from anaerobic activated sludge.  International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology, 2015, 65(Pt  1): 225-229.

48.    Ruofei Jin*, Tianqi Liu, Guangfei Liu, Jiti  Zhou, Jianyu Huang, Aijie Wang*. Simultaneous Heterotrophic Nitrification and  Aerobic Denitrification by the Marine Origin Bacterium Pseudomonas sp. ADN-42.  Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology, 2014: 1-12.


49.    Zhou J*, Liu W, Deng Y, Jiang Y, Xue K, He, Van  Nostrand JD, Wu L, Yang Y, and Wang A*. Stochastic assembly leads to alternative  communities with distinct functions in a bioreactor microbial community. mBio.  2013, 4(2): DOI:10.1128/mBio.00584-12.

50.    Bin Liang, Hao-Yi Cheng, De-Yong Kong, Shu-Hong  Gao, Fei Sun, Dan Cui, Fan-Ying Kong, Ai-Juan Zhou, Wen-Zong Liu, Nan-Qi Ren,  Wei-Min Wu, Ai-Jie Wang*, Duu-Jong Lee*. Accelerated reduction of chlorinated  nitroaromatic antibiotic chloramphenicol by biocathode. Environmental Science  & Technology, 2013, 47(10), 5353−5361.

51.    You-Zhao Wang, Ai-Jie Wang*, Wen-Zong Liu, Qian  Sun. Enhanced azo dye removal through anode biofilm acclimation to toxicity in  single-chamber biocatalyzed electrolysis system. Bioresource Technology 142  (2013) 688–692.

52.    You-Zhao Wang, Ai-Jie Wang*, Wen-Zong Liu,  De-Yong Kong, Wen-Bo Tan, Chong Liu. Accelerated azo dye removal by biocathode  formation in single-chamber biocatalyzed electrolysis systems. Bioresource  Technology 146 (2013) 740–743.

53.    You-zhao Wang, Ai-jie Wang*, Ai-juan Zhou,  Wen-zong Liu, Li-ping Huang, Mei-ying Xu, Hu-chun Tao. Electrode as sole  electrons donor for enhancing decolorization of azo dye by an isolated  Pseudomonas sp. WYZ-2. Bioresource Technology. 2014, 152: 530–533

54.    Fanying Kong, Aijie Wang*, Bin Liang, Wenzong  Liu, Haoyi Cheng. Improved azo dye decolorization in a modified sleeve-type  bioelectrochemical system. Bioresource Technology 143 (2013) 669–673.  

55.    Fanying Kong, Aijie Wang*, Haoyi Cheng, Bin  Liang. Accelerated decolorization of azo dye Congo red in a combined  bioanode–biocathode bioelectrochemical system with modified electrodes  deployment. Bioresource Technology, 151 (2014) 332–339.

56.    Li Wang, Fang Ma, Duu-Jong Lee, Aijie Wang*,  Nanqi Ren. Bioflocculants from hydrolysates of corn stover using isolated strain  Ochrobactiumciceri W2. Bioresource Technology. 2013, 145: 259-263.

57.    Lei Zhao, Guang-Li Cao, Ai-Jie Wang*, Wan-Qian  Guo, Hong-Yu Ren, Nan-Qi Ren*. Simultaneous saccharification and fermentation of  fungal pretreated cornstalk for hydrogen production using Thermoanaerobacterium  thermosaccharolyticum W16. Bioresource Technology. 2013, 145: 103-107.  

58.    Liu Guangfei, Zhang Xin, Zhou Jiti*, Wang  Aijie*, Wang Jing, Jin Ruofei, Lv Hong.  Quinone-mediated microbial synthesis of  reduced graphene oxide with peroxidase-like activity. Bioresource Technology.  2013, 149: 503-508.

59.    Ya Tuo, Guangfei Liu*, Jiti Zhou, Aijie Wang*,  Jing Wang. Microbial formation of palladium nanoparticles by Geobacter  sulfurreducens for chromate reduction. Bioresource Technology. 2013, 42(13):  3385-3392.

60.    Fei Sun, Hao Liu, Bin Liang, Rentao Song, Qun  Yan*, Aijie Wang*. Reductive degradation of chloramphenicol using  bioelectrochemical system (BES): A comparative study of abiotic cathode and  biocathode. Bioresource Technology, 2013,143: 699-702.

61.    Duu-Jong Lee*, Xiangliang Pan, Aijie Wang*,  Kuo-Lin Ho. Facultative autotrophic denitrifiers in denitrifying sulfide removal  granules. Bioresource Technology. 2013, 132: 356-360.

62.    Xu Linji, Liu Wenzong, Wu Yining*, Wang Aijie*,  Li Shuai, Ji Wei. Optimizing external voltage for enhanced energy recovery from  sludge fermentation liquid in microbial electrolysis cell. International Journal  of Hydrogen Energy. 2013. 38 (2013) 15801-15806.

63.    Lihong Liu, Olga Tsyganova, Duu-Jong Lee*,  Jo-Shu Chang, Aijie Wang*, Nanqi Ren. Double-chamber microbial fuel cells  started up under room and low temperatures. International Journal of Hydrogen  Energy, 2013, 38/35: 15574-15579.

64.    Cristiano Varrone, Silvia Rosa, Floriana  Fiocchetti, Barbara Giussani, Giulio Izzo, Giulia Massini, Antonella Marone,  Antonella Signorini, Aijie Wang*. Enrichment of activity sludge for enhanced  hydrogen production from crude glycerol. International Journal of Hydrogen  Energy. 2013, 38(3): 1319-1331.

65.    Aijuan Zhou, Zechong Guo, Chunxue Yang, Fanying  Kong, Wenzong Liu* and Aijie Wang**. Volatile fatty acids productivity by  anaerobic co-digesting waste activated sludge and corn straw: Effect of  feedstock proportion. Journal of Biotechnology. 2013, 168, 234-239.

66.    Hongliang Guo, Chuan Chen, Duu-Jong Lee*, Aijie  Wang*, Nanqi Ren. Sulfur-nitrogen-carbon removal of Pseudomonas sp. C27 under  sulfide stress. Enzyme and Microbial Technology. 2013, 53: 6-12.

67.    Aijuan Zhou, Chunxue Yang, Zechong Guo, Yanan  Hou, Wenzong Liu* and Aijie Wang**. Volatile fatty acids accumulation and  rhamnolipid generation in situ from waste activated sludge fermentation  stimulated by external rhamnolipid addition. Biochemical Engineering Journal.  2013, 77, 240-245.

68.    Zhang Xinyu, Jin Ruofei*, Liu Guangfei, Dong  Xiyang, Wang Aijie*. Removal of nitric oxide from simulated flue gas via  denitrification in a hollow-fiber membrane bioreactor. Journal of Environmental  Sciences. 2013, 25(11): 2239-2246.

69.    Xu Zhou, Chuan Chen, Aijie Wang*, Guangming  Jiang, Lihong Liu, Xijun Xu, Ye Yuan, Duu-Jung Lee and Nanqi Ren Biosorption of  Cu(Ⅱ) by powdered anaerobic  granular sludge from aqueous medium. Water Sci. Technol. 2013, 68(1):  91-98.

70.    Aijuan Zhou, Chunxue Yang,  Fanying Kong, Dandan  Liu, Zhaobo Chen, Nanqi Ren and Aijie Wang*. Improving the short-chain fatty  acids production of waste activated sludge stimulated by a bi-frequency  ultrasonic pretreatment. Journal of Environmental Biology. 2013, 34,  381-389.  


71.    Aijie Wang*, Dan Cui, Cheng Haoyi, Nanqi Ren. A  membrane-free, continuously feeding, single chamber up-flow biocatalyzed  electrolysis reactor for nitrobenzene reduction. Journal of Hazardous Material.  2012, 199/200: 401-409.

72.    Lei Zhao, Guang-li Cao, Aijie Wang*, Hong-yu  Ren, Nan-qi Ren*. Enhanced Bio-hydrogen Production by Immobilized Clostridium  sp. T2 on A New Biological Carrier. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy.  2012, 37: 162-166.

73.    Dan Sun, Douglas F. Call, Patrick D. Kiely,  Aijie Wang*, Bruce E. Logan*. Syntrophic interactions improve power production  in formic acid fed MFCs operated with set anode potentials or fixed resistances.  Biotechnology and Bioengineering. Biotechnology and Bioengineering. 2012,  109(2): 405-414.

74.    Liu Wenzong, Aijie Wang*, Dan Sun, Nanqi Ren,  Yunqing Zhang, Bruce E. Logan, Jizhong Zhou. Community analysis duing the anode  biofilm reformation in a two-chamber microbial electrolysis cell (MEC). Journal  of Biotechnology. 2012,157: 628-632,

75.    Aijie Wang*, Cheng Haoyi, Dan Cui, Nanqi Ren.  Performance of laboratory-scale sediment microbial fuel cell with floating  three-dimensional biocathode for organic matter removal and energy recovery in  river sediments. Frontiers of Environmental Science and Engineering. 2012, 6(4):  569-574 

76.    Dan Cui, Fan-Ying Kong, Bin Liang, Hao-Yi Cheng,  Dan Liu, Qian Sun and AiJie Wang*. Decolorization of Azo Dyes in Dual-Chamber  Bioelectrochemical Systems Seeding with Enriched Inoculum. J. Environment  Analytic Toxicol 2011. doi:10.4172/2161-0525.S3-001.

77.    Bin Liang, Qian Yao, Haoyi Cheng, Shuhong Gao,  Fanying Kong, Dan Cui, Yuqi Guo, Nanqi Ren, Aijie Wang*. Enhancing  decolorization and degradation of azo dyes in a combined process of iron-carbon  microelectrolysis and aerobic bio-contact oxidation. Environ. Sci. Pollut. Res.  2012, 19(5):1385-1391. IF:2.651

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79.    Cristiano Varrone, Barbara Giussani, Giulio  Izzo, Giulia Massini, Antonella Marone, Antonella Signorini, Aijie Wang*.  Statistical optimization of biohydrogen and ethanol production from crude  glycerol by enriched activity sludge. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy.  2012, 37(21): 16479-16488. IF:4.053

80.    Liu Wenzong, Shihching Huang, Zhou Aijuan, Liu  Chong, Wang Aijie*. Hydrogen generation in microbial electrolysis cell feeding  with fermentation liquid of waste activated sludge. International Journal of  Hydrogen Energy. 2012, 37: 13859-13864

81.    Wang Aijie*, Cao Guangli, Liu Wenzong.  Biohydrogen Production from Anaerobic Fermentation. Chapter in Biotechnology in  China III: Biofuels and Bioenergy published by Springer in Advances in  Biochemical Engineering/Biotechnology. 2012, 128: 143-163. IF:2.139

82.    Wang Aijie, Li Wenwei, Yu Hanqing. Advances of  Biogas Technology. Chapter in Biotechnology in China III: Biofuels and Bioenergy  published by Springer in Advances in Biochemical Engineering/Biotechnology.  2012, 128: 119-141. IF:2.139

83.    Zhou Aijuan, Peng Jing, Chen Zhaobo, Du Jingwen,  Guo Zechong, Ren Nanqi, Wang Aijie*. Statistical optimization of operational  parameters for enhanced naphthalene degradation by TiO2/Fe3O4-SiO2  photocatalyst. Int. J. Photoenergy. 2012, . IF: 1.729

84.    Lei Zhao, Guang-Li Cao, Jing Yao, Hong-Yu Ren,  Fang Ma, Nan-Qi Ren, Ai-Jie Wang*. Optimization of Immobilization Parameters of  Thermoanaerobacterium thermosaccharolyticum W16 on a New Carrier for Enhanced  Hydrogen Production. RCS Advances. 2012,2 (19): 7391-7395

85.    Qun Yan*, Yongcan Li, Bin Huang, Aijie Wang*,  Hua Zou, Hengfeng Miao, Rongqing Li. Proteomic profiling of the acid tolerance  response (ATR) during the enhanced.  biomethanation process from Taihu Blue  Algae with butyrate stress on anaerobic sludge. Journal of Hazardous Material.  2012, 235-236: 286-290. IF: 4.173

86.    Cui Dan, Guo Yuqi, Cheng Haoyi, Liang Bin, Kong  Fanying, Hyung-Sool Lee, Wang Aijie*. Azo dye removal in a membrane-free up-flow  biocatalyzed electrolysis reactor coupled with an aerobic bio-contact oxidation  reactor. Journal of Hazardous Material. 2012, 239/240: 257-264

87.    Ru Liu, Chongyang Gao, Yang-Guo Zhao, Aijie  Wang*, Shanshan Lu, Min Wang, Farhana Maqbool, Qing Huang. Biological treatment  of steroidal drug industrial effluent and electricity generation in the  microbial fuel cells. Bioresource Technology. 2012, 123: 86-91


88.    Aijie Wang*, Cheng Haoyi, Liang Bin, Dan Cui,  Nanqi Ren, Na Lin1, Byung Hong Kim1, 2, Korneel Rabeay3. Efficient Reduction of  Nitrobenzene to aniline with a biocatalyzed cathode. Environmental Science &  Technology. 2011, 45( 23): 10186-10193

89.    Aijie Wang*, Gao Lingfang, Nanqi Ren, Jifei Xu.  Isolation and characterization of Shigella flexneri G3 for effective cellulosic  saccharification under mesophilic conditions. Applied and Environmental  Microbiology. 2011, 77(2): 517-523.

90.    Aijie Wang*, Dan Sun, Nanqi Ren, Bruce Logan. An  Integrated Hydrogen Production Process of Dark Fermentation, Microbial  Electrolysis Cell (MEC) and Microbial Fuel Cell (MEC) from Cellulose.  Bioresource Technology. 2011, 102: 4137-4143.

91.    Yan Qun, Wang Aijie, Yu Chungai, Ren Nanqi,  Zhang Yibo, Zhang Guangsheng. Enzymatic Characterization of acid tolerance  response (ATR) during the enhanced biohygen production process from Taihu  cynobacteria via anaerobic digestion. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy.  2011, 36(1): 405-410.

92.    He Liu, Jin Wang, Aijie Wang*. Chemical  inhibitors of methanogenesis and putative applications. Applied Microbiology and  Biotechnology. 2011, 89(5):1333-1340.

93.    Po-Chin Nien, Chin-Yu Lee, Kuo-Chuan Ho, Sunil S  Adav, Lihong Liu, Aijie Wang. Power Overshoot in Two-Chambered Microbial Fuel  Cell (MFC). Bioresource Technology. 2011, 102(7):4742-4746.

94.    Zhiqiang Chen, HongchengWang, ZhaoboChen,  NanqiRen, AijieWang. Performance and model of a full-scale up-flow anaerobic  sludge blanket (UASB) to treat the pharmaceutical wastewater containing 6-APA  andamoxicillin. Journal of Hazardous Material. 2011, 185(2-3):905-913.  

95.    Zhou Xu, Liu Lihong, Chen Chuan, Ren Nanqi, Wang  Aijie. Reduction of produced elementary sulfur in denitrifying sulfide removal  process. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology. 2011, 90(3): 1129-1136.  

96.    Lihong Liu, Chin-Yu Lee, Kuo-Chuan Ho, Po-Chin  Nien, Ay Su, Aijie Wang*, Nanqi Ren, Duu-Jong Lee. Occurrence of power  overshoots for two-chambered MFC at nearly steady-state operation. International  Journal of Hydrogen Energy. 2011, 36 (21): 13896-13899.

97.    Kun Zhang, Nanqi Ren, Cao Guangli, Aijie Wang.  Biohydrogen production behavior of moderately thermophile Thermoanaerobacterium  thermosaccharolytium W16 under different gas-phase conditions. International  Journal of Hydrogen Energy. 2011, 36 (21): 14041-14048.

98.    Kun  Zhang, Nanqi Ren, Changhong Guo, Aijie Wang. Effects of various pretreatment  methods on mixed microflora to enhance biohydrogen production from corn stover  hydrolysate. Journal of Environmental Sciences. 2011, 23(12) 1-8

