![]() 城市水资源与水环境国家重点实验室(哈尔滨工业大学) 哈尔滨工业大学一校区理学楼806室 哈尔滨市南岗区西大直街92号1254信箱 电话:+86-451-86413711 电子邮件:shaolu@hit.edu.cn 教育经历 1995.9—1999.7 哈尔滨工业大学 应用化学系,高分子材料与工程专业,学士学位; 1999.9—2001.7 哈尔滨工业大学 应用化学系,高分子材料与工程专业,硕士学位; 2002.1—2005.11 新加坡国立大学 化学系 博士学位 工作经历 2005.04—2006.05 新加坡C-PAK Pte Ltd公司材料研发部, 助理项目经理 2010.04—至今 哈尔滨工业大学 博士生导师 2011.12—至今 哈尔滨工业大学 化学工程与技术学科 教授 2006.06—2008.09 哈尔滨工业大学 理学院 副教授(引进人才) 2008.10—2011.11 哈尔滨工业大学 化工学院 副教授 2011.12—至今 哈尔滨工业大学 化工学院 教授 2011.10—至今 城市水资源与水环境国家重点实验室 固定成员 主要学术兼职 国际期刊编委 (Editorial Board Member) of 1) International Journal of Membrane Science and Technology (2014- ); 2) Journal of Environment Protection and Sustainable Development (2015- ) ; 3) International Journal of Advanced Materials Research (2015- ) ; 4) Journal of Nanoscience & Nanoengineering (2015- ) 美国石油基金评审专家 美国以色列双边基金评审专家 教育部项目评审专家 科技部国际合作项目评审专家 哈尔滨市科技攻关和重大产业化项目评审专家 科技部-广东省企业科技特派员 三十余个SCI期刊特邀审稿人,包括(1) Journal of Membrane Science, (2) Journal of Physical Chemistry, (3) Journal of Materials Chemistry A, (4) Environmental Science & Technology等。 主要科研获奖 Ø 2013年, BOPET薄膜表面功能化关键技术及应用, 教育部高等学校科学研究优秀成果奖科技进步二等奖(排名第5) Ø 2013年,新型有机硅树脂制备方法及应用,黑龙江省科技奖技术发明一等奖(排名第7) Ø 2010年,能源与环保用高性能化工新材料的基础研究,黑龙江省科技奖自然科学一等奖 (排名第2) 学术奖励及荣誉 Ø 获Journal of Membrane Science最佳审稿人奖“Best Reviewers 2013”(2013年) Ø 获得江苏省“双创”人才(2012) Ø 获得教育部“新世纪优秀人才”(2011) Ø 获得2004年度国家优秀自费留学生奖(2004) Ø 获新加坡政府奖学金(2002-2005) 研究方向 l 分离膜的制备与在能源环保上的应用研究 (气体分离,水处理,药品缓释等) l 新型功能高分子材料、 材料改性技术、 聚合物材料的成型工艺和应用(如抗静电高分子材料生产工艺与技术等) l 包装材料、生物医用和环境友好材料。 发表论文 第一部分:英文论文 2015 1. X.Q. Cheng, C. Zhang, Z.X. Wang, L. Shao*, Tailoring nanofilatration membrane performance for highly-efficient antibiotics removal by mussel-inspired modification, Journal of Membrane Science, 499 (2016) 326-334. 2. Y.C. Xu, X.Q. Cheng, J. Long, L. Shao*, A novel monoamine modification strategy toward High-performance organic solvent nanofiltration (OSN) membrane for sustainable molecular separations, Journal of Membrane Science, 497 (2016) 77-89.2015 3. Z.X. Wang, J. Guo, J. Ma, L. Shao*, Highly regenerable and alkali-resistant magnetic nanoparticles inspired by mussel for smartly selective dye removal toward high-efficiency environmental remediation, Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 3 (2015) 19960-19968. 4. X.Q. Cheng, Y.Y. Liu, Z.H. Guo, L. Shao*, Nanofiltration Membrane Achieving Dual Resistance to Fouling and Chlorine for Green Separation of Antibiotics, Journal of Membrane Science, 493 (2015) 156-166. 5. S. Quan, S.W. Li, Z.X. Wang, Z.H. Guo*, L. Shao*, A bio-inspired CO2-philic network membrane for enhanced sustainable gas separation, Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 3 (2015) 13758-13766. 6. Z.X. Wang, Y.C. Xu, Y.Y. Liu, L. Shao*, A Novel Mussel-Inspired Strategy toward Superhydrophobic Surface for Self-Driven Oil Spill Cleanup, Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 3 (2015) 12171-12178 .(Inside Front Cover) 7. Z.X. Wang, X. Jiang, X.Q. Cheng, C.H. Lau*, L. Shao*, Mussel-Inspired Hybrid Coatings that Transform Membrane Hydrophobicity into High Hydrophilicity and Underwater Superoleophobicity for Oil-in-Water Emulsion Separation, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 7 (2015) 9534-9545. 8. Z.X. Jiang, M.Q. Wang, H. Cheng, J. Li, A. Husnu, H.B. Lv, Y.T. Yao, L. Shao, Y.D. Huang, M.D. Dong, Facile preparation of TiO2 nanoclustes on graphene templates for photodegradation of organic compounds, Journal of Materials Science & Technology, Accepted (2015) 9. L. Zhang, Y.J. Cao, L. Wang, L. Shao, Y.P. Bai, A novel porous adhesion material with ink absorbency for digital inkjet printing, RSC Advances Accepted (2015) DOI:10.1039/C5RA04971G 10. S. Quan, Y.P. Tang, Z.X. Wang, Z.X. Jiang, R.G. Wang, Y.Y. Liu, L. Shao*, PEG-imbedded PEO membrane developed by a novel highly efficient strategy toward superior gas transport performance, Macromolecular Rapid Communications, 36 (2015) 490-495. 11. Z.X. Wang, C.H. Lau*, N.Q. Zhang, Y.P. Bai, L. Shao*, Mussel-inspired tailoring of membrane wettability for harsh water treatment, Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 3 (2015) 2650-2657. 12. S.G. Ding, X.Q. Cheng, Z.X. Jiang*, Y.P. Bai, L. Shao*, Pore morphology control and hydrophilicity of polyacrylonitrile ultrafiltration membranes, Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 132 (2015) 41991. 13. X.Q. Cheng, L. Shao*, C.H. Lau*, High flux polyethylene glycol based nanofiltration membranes for water environmental remediation, Journal of Membrane Science, 476 (2015) 95-104. 14. H.G Wei, Y.R. Wang, j. Guo, N.Z. Shen, D.W. Jiang, X. Zhang, X.R. Yan, J.H. Zhu, Q. Wang, L. Shao, H.F. Lin, S.Y. Wei, Z.H. Guo*, Advanced micro/nanocapsules for self-healing smart anticorrosion coatings, Journal of Materials Chemistry A , 3 (2015) 469-480. 2014 15. Xiaojing Chang, Zhenxing Wang, Shuai Quan, Yanchao Xua,Zaixing Jiang, Lu Shao*, Exploring the synergetic effects of graphene oxide (GO) andpolyvinylpyrrodione (PVP) on poly(vinylylidenefluoride) (PVDF)ultrafiltration membrane performance, Applied Surface Science, 316 (2014) 537-548. 16. X.Q. Cheng, Y.L. Zhang, Z.X. Wang, Z.H. Guo, Y.P. Bai, L. Shao*, Recent advances in polymeric solvent resistant nanofiltration (SRNF) membranes, Advances in Polymer Technology, 33 S1 (2014) 21455. 17. Z.X. Jiang, D.J. Zhang, Y. Li, H. Cheng, M.Q. Wang, X.Q. Wang, Y.P. Bai, H.B. Lv, Y.T. Yao, L. Shao*, Y.D. Huang*, One-step, simple, and green synthesis of tin dioxie/graphene nanocomposites and their application to lithium-ion battey anodes, Applied Surface Science, 317 (2014) 486-489. 18. L. Shao*, Z.X. Wang, Y.L. Zhang, Z.X. Jiang, Y.Y. Liu, A facile stategy to enhance PVDF ultrafiltration membrane performance via self-polymerized polydopamine followed by hydrolysis of ammonium fluotitanate, Journal of Membrane Science, 461 (2014) 10-21. 19. L. Shao*, Y.H. Yao, S. Quan, H.G. Wei, R.G. Wang, Z.H. Guo, One-pot in situ synthesized TiO2/layered double hydroxides (LDHs) composites toward environmental remediation, Materials Letters, 114 (2014) 111-114. 20. L.P. Ding, L.P. Wang, L. Shao, J.Y. Cao, Y.P. Bai, The water-dependent decay mechanism of biaxially-oriented corona-treated polyethylene terephthalate films, RSC Advances, 4 (2014) 54805-54809. 21. L. Zhang, Y.J. Cao, L. Wang, L. Shao, Y.P. Bai, Synthesis and properties of soap-free P(2-EHA-BA) emulsion for removable pressure sensitive adhesives, RSC Advances, 4 (2014) 47708-47713. 22. L. Shao*, X.Q. Cheng, Z.X. Wang, J. Ma, Z.H. Guo, Tuning the performance of polypyrrole-based solvent-resistant composite nanofiltration membranes by optimizing polymerization conditions and incorporating graphene oxide, Journal of Membrane Science, 452 (2014) 82-89. (ESI Highly Cited Paper) 23. L.P. Ding, L. Shao, Y.P. Bai*, Deciphering the mechanism of corona discharge treatment of BOPET film, RSC Advances, 4 (2014) 21782-21787. 24. H.B. Gu, J. Guo, H.G. Wei, X. Zhang, J.H. Zhu, L. Shao, Y.D. Huang*, N. Haldolaarachchige, D.P. You, S.Y. Wei*, Z.H. Guo*, Magnetoresistive conductive polymer-tungsten trioxide nanocomposites with ultrahigh sensitivity at low magnetic field, Polymer 55 (2014) 944-950. 2013 25. J.H. Zhu, M.J. Chen, Q.L. He, L. Shao, S.Y. Wei, Z.H. Guo*, An overview of the engineered graphene nanostructures and nanocomposites, RSC Advances, 3 (2013) 22790-22824. 26. L. Zhang, Y.J. Cao, S. Wang, Z. Czech, L. Shao, Y.P. Bai*, Synthesis of poly (n-butyl acrylates) by a novel microemulsion polymerization for PSAs applications, International Journal of Adhesion and Adhesives, 47 (2013) 69-72. 27. L. Shao*, S. Quan, Y. Liu, Z.H. Guo, Z.X. Wang, A novel gel-sol strategy to synthesize TiO2 nanorod combining reduced graphene oxide composites, Materials Letters, 107 (2013) 307-310. 28. L. Shao*, S. Quan, X.Q. Cheng, X.J. Chang, H.G. Sun, R.G. Wang, Developing cross-linked poly(ethylene oxide) membrane by the novel reaction system for H-2 purification, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 38 (2013) 5122-5132. 29. L. Shao*, X.Q. Cheng, Y. Liu, S. Quan, J. Ma, S.Z. Zhao, K.Y. Wang, Newly developed nanofiltration (NF) composite membranes by interfacial polymerization for Safranin O and Aniline blue removal, Journal of Membrane Science, 430 (2013) 96-105. 30. L. Shao*, X.J. Chang, Y.L. Zhang, Y.F. Huang, Y.H. Yao, Z.H. Guo, Graphene oxide cross-linked chitosan nanocomposite membrane, Applied Surface Science, 280 (2013) 989-992. 31. S.L. Liu, L. Shao*, M.L. Chua, C.H. Lau, H. Wang, S. Quan, Recent progress in the design of advanced PEO-containing membranes for CO2 removal, Progress in Polymer Science, 38 (2013) 1089-1120. 32. Z. Czech, K. Wilpiszewska, B. Tyliszczak, X. Jiang, Y.P. Bai, L. Shao*, Biodegradable self-adhesive tapes with starch carrier, International Journal of Adhesion and Adhesives, 44 (2013) 195-199. 33. Z. Czech, L. Shao*, A. Kowalczyk, J. Kabatc, X.Q. Cheng, J. Swiderska, Photocrosslinking of solvent-based acrylic pressure-sensitive adhesives (PSA) by the use of selected photoinitiators type I, Journal of Adhesion Science and Technology, 27 (2013) 2398-2410. 34. Z. Czech, A. Kowalczyk, L. Shao*, X.Q. Cheng, S. Quan, Y.P. Bai, Novel acrylic pressure-sensitive adhesive (PSA) containing silver particles, Journal of Adhesion Science and Technology, 27 (2013) 1446-1454. 35. Z. Czech, A. Kowalczyk, J. Kabatc, L. Shao, Y. Bai, J. Swiderska, UV-initiated crosslinking of photoreactive acrylic pressure-sensitive adhesives using excimer-laser, Polymer Bulletin, 70 (2013) 479-488. 36. E. Atabey, S.Y. Wei, X. Zhang, H.B. Gu, X.R. Yan, Y.D. Huang, L. Shao, Q.L. He, J.H. Zhu, L.Y. Sun, A.S. Kucknoor, A. Wang, Z.H. Guo, Fluorescent electrospun polyvinyl alcohol/CdSe@ZnS nanocomposite fibers, Journal of Composite Materials, 47 (2013) 3175-3186. 2012 37. H.B. Gu, Y.D. Huang, X. Zhang, Q. Wang, J.H. Zhu, L. Shao, N. Haldolaarachchige, D.P. Young, S.Y. Wei, Z.H. Guo, Magnetoresistive polyaniline-magnetite nanocomposites with negative dielectrical properties, Polymer, 53 (2012) 801-809. 38. Z. Czech, A. Kowalczyk, R. Pelech, R.J. Wrobel, L. Shao, Y. Bai, J. Swiderska, Using of carbon nanotubes and nano carbon black for electrical conductivity adjustment of pressure-sensitive adhesives, International Journal of Adhesion and Adhesives, 36 (2012) 20-24. 39. Z. Czech, A. Kowalczyk, J. Kabatc, J. Aewiderska, J. Swiderska, L. Shao, Y.P. Bai, Influence of selected photoinitiators type II on tack, peel adhesion, and shear strength of UV-crosslinked solvent-borne acrylic pressure-sensitive adhesives used for medical applications, Polymer Bulletin, 68 (2012) 441-452. 40. Z. Czech, A. Kowalczyk, K. Gorka, U. Gluch, L. Shao, J. Swiderska, Influence of the unsaturated photoinitiators kind on the properties of uv-crosslinkable acrylic pressure-sensitive adhesives, Polish Journal of Chemical Technology, 14 (2012) 83-87. 2011 41. L. Shao*, C.Z. Mu, Y.F. Huang, S.G. Ding, X. Li, Y.P. Bai, Y.D. Huang, Enhancement of Ink-receiving Properties of SiO2/PVA Composite Films by Using Rare Earth-modified SiO2 Particles, Iranian Polymer Journal, 20 (2011) 955-967. 42. L. Shao*, C.Z. Mu, H.P. Du, Z. Czech, H.C. Du, Y.P. Bai, Covalent marriage of multi-walled carbon nanotubes (MWNTs) and beta-cyclodextrin (beta-CD) by silicon coupling reagents, Applied Surface Science, 258 (2011) 1682-1688. 43. C.H. Lau, S.L. Liu, D.R. Paul, J.Z. Xia, Y.C. Jean, H.M. Chen, L. Shao*, T.S. Chung*, Silica Nanohybrid Membranes with High CO2 Affinity for Green Hydrogen Purification, Advanced Energy Materials, 1 (2011) 634-642. 44. M.L. Chua, L. Shao, B.T. Low, Y.C. Xiao, T.S. Chung*, Polyetheramine-polyhedral oligomeric silsesquioxane organic-inorganic hybrid membranes for CO2/H-2 and CO2/N-2 separation, Journal of Membrane Science, 385 (2011) 40-48. 2010 45. C.H. Lau, B.T. Low, L. Shao*, T.S. Chung, A vapor-phase surface modification method to enhance different types of hollow fiber membranes for industrial scale hydrogen separation, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 35 (2010) 8970-8982. 46. H.L. Fu, Y.Q. Li, L. Shao, S.X. Cheng, X.Z. Zhang, R.X. Zhuo, Gene expression mediated by dendrimer/DNA complexes encapsulated in biodegradable polymer microspheres, Journal of Microencapsulation, 27 (2010) 345-354. 47. Y.P. Bai*, L. Zhao, L. Shao*, Hybrid Emulsifiers Enhancing Polymerization Stabilities and Properties of Pressure Sensitive Adhesives, Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 115 (2010) 1125-1130. 第二部分:中文论文 1. Huang Yudong; Cao Hailin; SHAO Lu; Liu Yuwen; Ma Henyi. Study on interface properties of carbon-fiber-reinforced composites. Yuhang Cailiao Gongyi 32 (2002) 19-24. (中文,EI) 2. Liu Li; Zhang Zhiqian; Huang Yudong; SHAO Lu; Jiang Bin. Effect of ultrasound on wetting behavior between aramid fiber and epoxy resin. Cailiao Kexue Yu Gongyi 10 (2002) 69-72. (中文,EI) 3. 黄旭,邵路,孟令辉,黄玉东,聚酰亚胺基气体分离膜的改性方法及其最新进展,膜科学与技术,29 (2009) 101-108. (中文核心期刊) 4. 丁新艳,邵路,白永平,孟令辉,马军,聚乳酸复合材料研究进展,世界科技研究与发展,已录用 31 (2009) 409-413.(中文核心期刊) 授权专利 Ø 授权的国外专利: 1. Chung Tai-Shung, CHNG Mei Lin, SHAO Lu, Polyimide Membranes, US7169885 (2007) 2. Chuang Tai-Shung, SHAO Lu, Polyimide Membrane, PCT WO2006009520-A1 (2006) Ø 授权的中国专利: 3. 邵路,程喜全,王振兴,全帅,白永平。一种耐溶剂复合纳滤膜的制备方法。ZL201310187698.8 [授权日期] 2015.01.07 4. 邵路,白永平。一种吸墨涂层用纳米二氧化硅的改性方法。ZL201010278157.2 [授权日期] 2012.09.05 5. 邵路,牟辰中,丁新艳,杜华川,黄一峰,白永平。一种利用环糊精接枝碳纳米管的方法。ZL201110025742.6 [授权日期] 2012.06.27 6. 邵路,常晓晶,姜再兴。一种亲水性PVDF复合超滤膜及其制备方法。ZL201310353800.7 [授权日期] 2015.02.04 7. 邵路,姚宇环,全帅,谢庆坚。一种利用抗静电剂制备抗静电PET材料的方法。ZL201310029494.1 [授权日期] 2014.11.05 8. 邵路,全帅,刘洋,姚宇环,孙红光。一种气体分离膜及其制备方法。 ZL201210058323.7 [授权日期] 2014.04.23 9. 邵路,刘洋,全帅,郑少雷,白永平。一种气体分离膜的制备方法。ZL201310167130.X [授权日期] 2014.11.05 10. 邵路,程喜全。一种石墨烯/聚吡咯复合正渗透膜的制备方法。ZL201310187558.0 [授权日期] 2015.02.11 11. 白永平,邵路。阻燃发泡聚苯乙烯树脂的制备方法。ZL201210338404.2 [授权日期] 2015.02.11 12. 程喜全,邵路,白永平,孙淼,孙红光。 一种蒸汽相交联壳聚糖/聚氧化乙烯复合膜的制备方法。 ZL201110182056.X [授权日期] 2012.09.05 13. 白永平,李娜,邵路。 一种高分子型紫外光引发剂及其制备方法。 ZL201010600261.9 [授权日期] 2012.07.04 14. 白永平,张蕾,曹英杰,邵路,黄玉东。多用途可再剥离型丙烯酸酯胶黏剂多微孔材料及其制备方法。ZL201210475938.X [授权日期] 2014.04.23 15. 黄玉东,赵亮,刘立洵,刘丽,宋元军,邵路。一种含噁唑环的磺化萘型聚酰亚胺及其质子交换膜的制备。 ZL200710144832.0 [授权日期] 2010.12.08 个人主页 http://homepage.hit.edu.cn/pages/shaolu |