









1978年02月-1981年12月 哈尔滨建筑工程学院市政与环境工程本科

1982年02月-1984年11月 哈尔滨建筑工程学院市政与环境工程硕士   

1989年09月-1994年04月 哈尔滨建筑大学市政与环境工程系博士   

1994年12月-1998年10月 国家地震局工程力学研究所博士后


1984年12月-1987年11月   哈尔滨建筑工程学院 助教

1987年12月-1992年08月   哈尔滨建筑工程学院讲师

1992年09月-1995年08月   哈尔滨建筑工程学院副教授

1995年09月-2000年06月   哈尔滨建筑大学教授

2000年06月-至今           哈尔滨工业大学 教授

1996年02月-1999年06月   哈尔滨建筑大学校长助理

1999年06月-2000年06月   哈尔滨建筑大学副校长

2000年06月-2009年03月   哈尔滨工业大学市政环境工程学院院长

2009年03月-至今            哈尔滨工业大学 副校长

2008年01月-至今           城市水资源与水环境国家重点实验室 主任



2007年-至今,Editor, Frontiers of Environmental Science &  Engineering in China ,编委




2006年-至今, 化工学报,编委

Energy & Power Engineering,编委



Ø 2010年,有机废水碳氮硫同步脱除新技术及工程应用,国家科技部.国家科技进步奖.二等奖,第2完成人  

Ø 2007年,乙醇型发酵生物产氢技术,国家科技部.国家技术发明奖.二等奖,第1完成人

Ø 2004年,高浓度有机废水生物处理技术研发与示范工程,国家科技部.国家科技进步奖.二等奖,第1完成人

Ø 2014年,生物电化学系统强化污水定向处理与能源回收的过程与机制,教育部自然科学奖,一等奖,第1完成人  

Ø 2011年,有机废物梯级利用定向生物能源转化关键问题,黑龙江省人民政府.黑龙江省自然科学奖.二等奖,第2完成人  

Ø 2007年,松花江硝基苯污染水源供水系统应急措施及关键技术研究,黑龙江省科技厅.黑龙江省科技进步奖.三等奖,第1完成人  

Ø 2006年,有机废水发酵法生物产氢理论与技术,黑龙江省科技厅.黑龙江省技术发明奖.一等奖,第1完成人

Ø 2003年,UASBAF处理高浓度涤纶生产废水的技术研究,国家建设部科学技术进步奖.三等奖,第2完成人

Ø 2002年,高浓度难降解有机废水生物处理成套技术,黑龙江省科技厅.黑龙江省科技进步奖.二等奖,第1完成人

Ø 1998年,水解-酸化-好氧工艺处理染料废水的中试研究,黑龙江省科技厅.黑龙江省科技进步奖.三等奖,第1完成人  

Ø 1995年,发酵法生物制氢技术研究,黑龙江省科技厅.黑龙江省科技进步奖.二等奖,第1完成人


Ø 2014年,入选“南京领军型科技创业人才引进计划”

Ø 2013年,何梁何利基金获得者

Ø 2009年,当选中国工程院院士

Ø 2008年,“城市水质转化规律与保障技术”国家创新研究群体带头人

Ø 2006年,获得“全国优秀博士后”称号

Ø 2001年,国家杰出青年科学基金获得者

Ø 1998年,入选国家“百千万人才计划”一、二层次

Ø 1998年,教育部“跨世纪优秀人才培养计划”基金获得者

Ø 1998年,国务院特殊津贴获得者








1         任南琪、丁杰、陈兆波著。高浓度有机工业废水处理技术。化学工业出版社,2012

2          任南琪、冯玉杰、陈忠林、陈卫、张照韩著。城市水系统污染物转化规律及资源化理论与技术。科学出版社,2012

3         任南琪,王爱杰,赵阳国著。废水厌氧处理硫酸盐还原菌生态学。科学出版社,2009

4         任南琪,赵庆良编著。水污染控制原理与技术。清华大学出版社,2007

5         任南琪、王爱杰、马放著。产酸发酵微生物生理生态学。科学出版社,2005

6         任南琪、王爱杰编著。厌氧生物技术原理与应用. 化学工业出版社,2004

7         任南琪、马放等编著。污染控制微生物学原理与应用. 化学工业出版社,2003

8         任南琪、王宝贞著。有机废水发酵法生物制氢技术—原理与方法,黑龙江科学技术出版社,1995   



1.      Kong De-Yong; Liang Bin; Lee Duu-Jong; Wang Ai-Jie  ⃰ ; Ren Nan-Qi ⃰ .  Effect of temperature  switchover on the degradation of antibiotic chloramphenicol by biocathode  bioelectrochemical system[J]   Journal of Environmental Sciences  2014, 26,  1689-1697. IF 1.922

2.      Sun Rui; Xing De-Feng; Jia Jian-Na; Zhou Ai-Juan;  Zhang Lu; Ren Nan-Qi *. Methane production and microbial community structure for  alkaline pretreated waste activated sludge. Bioresource Technology[J], 2014,  169: 496-501. (IF:5.039).

3.      Sun Rui; Xing De-Feng* ; Jia Jian-Na; Zhou Ai-Juan;  Bai Sun-Wen; Ren Nan-Qi *. Optimization of high-solid waste activated sludge  concentration for hydrogen production in microbial electrolysis cells and  microbial community diversity analysis.  International Journal of Hydrogen Energy,2014,  DOI:  10.1016/j.ijhydene.2014.09.163.(IF:2.930).

4.      Sun Rui; Zhou Ai-Juan; Jia Jian-Na; Liang Qing; Liu  Qian; Xing De-Feng; Ren Nan-Qi*. Characterization of methane production and  microbial community shifts during waste activated sludge degradation in  microbial electrolysis cells. Bioresource Technology[J], 2014, DOI:  10.1016/j.biortech.2014.10.052. (IF:5.039).

5.      Gong Xiao-Bo; You Shi-Jie*, Wang Xiu-Heng, Zhang  Jin-Na, Gan Yang, Cui Chong-Wei, Ren Nan-Qi*. Improved interfacial oxygen  reduction by ethylenediamine tetraacetic acid in the cathode of microbial  fuel cell. Biosen. Bioelectron. 2014, 58, 272-275. (IF 6.451)

6.      Wang Yue, Guo Wan-Qian, Lo Yung-Chung, Chang Jo-Shu*,  Ren Nan-Qi*. Characterization and kinetics of bio-butanol production with  Clostridium acetobutylicum ATCC824 using mixed sugar medium simulating  microalgae-based carbohydrates..Biochemical Engineering Journal. 2014,91:  220–230. IF=2.368.

7.      Wang Yue, Guo Wan-Qian, Xing De-Feng, Chang Jo-Shu*,  Ren Nan-Qi *.Hydrogen production using biocathode singlechamber microbial  electrolysis cells fed by molasses wastewater at low temperature. International  journational journal of hydrogen energy. 2014, http://dx.doi.org/  10.1016/j.ijhydene.2014.07.071. IF=2.930

8.      Zhao Lei, Cao Guang-Li*, Wang Ai-Jie, Ren Hong-Yu,  Ren Nan-Qi*.An anaerobic sequential batch reactor for enhanced continuous  hydrogen production from fungal pretreated cornstalk hydrolysate. International  Journal of Hydrogen Energy. 2014 DOI: 10.1016/j.ijhydene. (IF:2.930)

9.      Cao Guang-Li, Zhao Lei,Wang Ai-Jie,Wang Zhen-Yu and  Ren Nan-Qi*. Single-step bioconversion of lignocellulose to hydrogen using novel  moderately thermophilic bacteria. Biotechnology for Biofuels. 2014,7:82  (IF:6.22)

10.   Gao Da-Wen*, Hu Qi, Yao Chen, Ren Nan-Qi. Treatment of  domestic wastewater by an integrated anaerobic fluidized-bed membrane bioreactor  under moderate to low temperature conditions. Bioresource Technology. 2014, 159,  193-198. (IF 5.039, SCI)

11.   Gao Da-Wen*,  Hu Qi, Yao Chen, Ren Nan-Qi, Wu Wei-Min. Integrated anaerobic fluidized-bed  membrane bioreactor for domestic wastewater treatment. Chemical Engineering  Journal. 2014, 240, 362-368. (IF 4.058, SCI)

12.   Gao Da-Wen*, Li Zhe, Guan Jun-Xue, Li Yi-Fan, Ren  Nan-Qi. Removal of surfactants nonylphenol ethoxylates from municipal  sewage-comparison of an A/O process and biological aerated filters. Chemosphere.  2014, 97, 130-134. (IF 3.499, SCI)

13.   Gao Da-Wen*, Li Zhe, Wen Zhi-Dan, Ren Nan-Qi.  Occurrence and fate of phthalate esters in full-scale domestic wastewater  treatment plants and their impact on receiving waters along the Songhua River in  China. Chemosphere. 2014, 95, 24-32. (IF 3.499, SCI)

14.   Ren Hong-Yu,Liu Bing-Feng, Kong Fan-Ying, Zhao  Lei, Xie Guo-Jun, Ren Nan-Qi*. Energy conversion analysis of microalgal lipid  production under different culture modes.  Bioresource Technology.  2014;166:625-629 (SCI, IF: 5.039)

15.   Ren Hong-Yu, Liu Bing-Feng*, Kong Fan-Ying, Zhao  Lei, Xing De-Feng, Ren Nan-Qi*. Enhanced energy conversion efficiency from high  strength synthetic organic wastewater by sequential dark fermentative hydrogen  production and algal lipid accumulation. Bioresource Technology.  2014;:157:355-359 (SCI, IF: 5.039)

16.   Xie Guo-Jun, Liu Bing-Feng, Ren Hong-Yu, Xing  De-Feng, Nan Jun and Ren Nan-Qi*. Material flow analysis of feedstock for  enhancing its conversion efficiency during continuous photo-hydrogen production.  GCB Bioenergy, 2014; 6(5):599-605  (SCI/EI, IF: 4.248)

17.   Ren Hong-Yu, Liu Bing-Feng, Xie Guo-Jun, Zhao Lei  and Ren Nan-Qi*. Carrier modification and its application in continuous  photo-hydrogen production using anaerobic fluidized bed photo-reactor. GCB  Bioenergy,2014; 6(5):621-628  (SCI/EI, IF:4.248,Cover  Image封面文章)

18.   Guo Hong-Liang,Chen Chuan, Lee Duu-Jong, Liu  Li-Hong, Xu Xi-Jun, Wang Li, Wang Ai-Jie, Gao Da-Wen, Ren Nan-Qi. Sulfate  reduction and denitrifying sulfide removal as a natural remediation process in  an inland river. Ecological Engineering. 2014, 71: 605-609. (SCI, IF:  3.041)

19.   Chen Chuan, Liu Li-Hong, Lee Duu-Jong*, Guo  Wan-Qian, Wang Ai-Jie*, Xu Xi-Jun, Zhou Xu, Wu Dong-Hai, Ren Nan-Qi. Integrated  simultaneous desulfurization and denitrification (ISDD) process at various  COD/sulfate ratios. Bioresource Technology, 2014, 155, 161-169. Impact Factor:  5.039.

20.   Xu Xi-Jun, Chen Chuan, Wang Ai-Jie*, Guo  Hong-Liang, Yuan Ye, Lee Duu-Jong, Ren Nan-Qi*. Kinetics of nitrate and sulfate  removal using a mixed microbial culture with or without limited-oxygen fed.  Appl.Microbiol.Biotechnol, 2014, 98: 6115-6124. Impact Factor: 3.811.    

21.   Xu Xi-Jun, Chen Chuan, Wang Ai-Jie*, Yu Hao, Zhou  Xu, Guo Hong-Liang, Yuan Ye, Lee Duu-Jong, Zhou Ji-Zhong, Ren Nan-Qi*.  Bioreactor performance and functional gene analysis of microbial community in a  limited-oxygen fed bioreactor for co-reduction of sulfate and nitrate with high  organic input. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2014, 278: 250-257. Impact  Factor: 4.331.

22.   Du Yue, Feng Yu-Jie*, Dong Yue, Qu You-Peng, Liu  Jia, Zhou Xiang-Tong and Ren Nan-Qi. Coupling interaction of cathodic reduction  and microbial metabolism in aerobic biocathode of microbial fuel cell. RSC  Advances. 2014,4, 34350–34355.IF=3.708

23.   Du Yue, Feng Yu-Jie*, Qu You-Peng, Liu Jia, Ren  Nan-Qi, and Liu Hong, Electricity Generation and Pollutant Degradation Using a  Novel Biocathode Coupled Photoelectrochemical Cell. Environ. Sci. Technol. 2014,  48, 7634−7641. IF=5.481

24.   Feng Yu-Jie*, He Wei-Hua, Liu Jia, Wang Xin, Qu  You-Peng, Ren Nan-Qi. A horizontal plug flow and stackable pilot microbial fuel  cell for municipal wastewater treatment. Bioresource Technology. 2014, 156:  132-138 . IF=5.039

25.   Zhou Xiang-Tong, , Byung Hong Kim, Pamela  Yengfung Choo, Liu Jia, Du Yue, He Wei-Hua, In Seop Chang, Ren Nan-Qi, Feng  Yu-Jie *. Effects of Azide on Electron Transport of Exoelectrogens in  Air-cathode Microbial Fuel Cells. Bioresource Technology. 2014, 169: 265–270.  IF=5.039  

26.    Jie Wei-Guang; Peng Yong-Zhen*; Ren  Nan-Qi; Li Bai-Kun. Volatile fatty acids (VFAs) accumulation and microbial  community structure of excess sludge (ES) at different pHs[J]. Bioresource  Technology, 2014,152:124-129. 

27.   Zhang Zhao-Han, Zou Qiu-Yan, Xiang Li-Jun, Lin  Nan, Gao Peng, Zhan Pei-Rong, Feng Yu-Jie *, Ren Nan-Qi. Aerobic biodegradation  kinetics of 17β-estradiol in activated sludge: influence factors and metabolic  products prediction.Fresenius Environmental Bulletin, 2014,23(10): 2440-2449.  IF=0.527

28.   Liu Jia, Liu Jun-Feng *, He Wei-Hua, Qu You-Peng,  Ren Nan-Qi, Feng Yu-Jie *, Enhanced electricity generation for microbial fuel  cell by using electrochemical oxidation to modify carbon cloth anode, J Power  Sources. 2014, 265: 391-396. IF=5.211

29.   Zhang Zha-Han, Liu Guang-Min, Feng Yu-Jie, Chen  Zhong-Xi, Zhan Pei-Rong, Ren Nan-Qi, Inhibiting sulfate reducing bacteria  activity by denitrification in an anaerobic baffled reactor: influencing factors  and mechanism analysis, Desalination and Water Treatment. 2014, 52: 4144-4153.  IF=0.988

30.   Xu Cheng-Jiao, Cao Guang-Li, Zhao Lei, Wang  Ai-Jie, Chen Lin-Na and    Ren Nan-Qi *. A dual-chamber reactor to assess the  saccharification capability of the cellulytic microflora from straw waste. RSC  Adv. 2014, 4: 9617-9621. IF:3.708

31.   Cui Di; Li Ang*; Qiu Tian; Cai Rui; Pang  Chang-Long; Wang Ji-Hua; Yang Ji-Xian; Ma Fang*; Ren Nan-Qi. Improvement of  nitrification efficiency by bioaugmentation in sequencing batch reactors at low  temperature[J]. FRONTIERS OF ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE & ENGINEERING,  2014,8(6):937-944.

32.   Feng Xiao-chi; Guo Wan-Qian*; Yang Shan-Shan;  Zheng He-Shan; Du Juan-Shan; Wu Qu-Li; Ren Nan-Qi*. Possible causes of excess  sludge reduction adding metabolic uncoupler, 3,3 ',4  ',5-tetrachlorosalicylanilide (TCS), in sequence batch reactors[J]. BIORESOURCE  TECHNOLOGY, 2014,173:96-103.

33.   Zheng He-Shan; Guo Wan-Qian*; Yang Shan-Shan;  Feng Xiao-Chi; Du Juan-Shan; Zhou Xian-Jiao; Chang Jo-Shu; Ren Nan-Qi.  Thermophilic hydrogen production from sludge pretreated by thermophilic  bacteria: Analysis of the advantages of microbial community and metabolism[J].  Bioresource Technology, 2014,172:433-437.

34.   Guo Hong-Liang; Chen Chuan; Lee Duu-Jong*; Wang  Ai-Jie*; Gao Da-Wen; Ren Nan-Qi. Coupled carbon, sulfur and nitrogen cycles of  mixotrophic growth of Pseudomonas sp C27 under denitrifying sulfide removal  conditions[J]. Bioresource Technology, 2014,171:120-126.

35.   Liu Jia-Dong; Liu Li-Fen*; Gao Bo; Yang Feng-Lin;  Crittenden John; Ren Nan-Qi. Integration of microbial fuel cell with independent  membrane cathode bioreactor for power generation, membrane fouling mitigation  and wastewater treatment[J]. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy,  2014,39(31):17865-17872.

36.   Wang Ran-Deng; Peng Yong-Zhen*; Cheng Zhan-Li;  Ren Nan-Qi. Understanding the role of extracellular polymeric substances in an  enhanced biological phosphorus removal granular sludge system[J]. Bioresource  Technology, 2014,169:307-312.

37.   Ren Hong-Yu; Liu Bing-Feng*; Kong Fan-Ying; Zhao  Lei; Xie Guo-Jun; Ren Nan-Qi*. Enhanced lipid accumulation of green microalga  Scenedesmus sp by metal ions and EDTA addition[J]. Bioresource Technology,  2014,169:763-767.

38.   Li Yao-Jie; Liu Li-Fen*; Liu Jia-Dong; Yang  Feng-Lin; Ren Nan-Qi. PPy/AQS (9, 10-anthraquinone-2-sulfonic acid) and PPy/ARS  (Alizarin Red's) modified stainless steel mesh as cathode membrane in an  integrated MBR/MFC system[J]. Desalination, 2014,349:94-101.

39.   Li Xiao-Ling; Peng Yong-Zhen*; Ren Nan-Qi; Li  Bai-Kun; Chai Tong-Zhi; Zhang Liang. Effect of temperature on short chain fatty  acids (SCFAs) accumulation and microbiological transformation in sludge alkaline  fermentation with Ca(OH)2 adjustment[J]. Water Research, 2014,61:34-45.  

40.   Zhang Kun; Ren Nan-Qi*; Wang Ai-Jie. Enhanced  biohydrogen production from corn stover hydrolyzate by pretreatment of two  typical seed sludges[J]. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy,  2014,39(27):14653-14662.

41.   Chen Zhi-Qiang; Wen Qin-Xue*; Guan Hua-Bin; Bakke  Rune; Ren Nan-Qi. Anaerobic treatment of domestic sewage in modified septic  tanks at low temperature[J]. ENVIRONMENTAL TECHNOLOGY,  2014,35(17):2123-2131.

42.   Wang Ke; Li Xiang-Kun*; He Chao; Chen Chia-Lung;  Bai Jian-Wei; Ren Nan-Qi; Wang Jing-Yuan. Transformation of dissolved organic  matters in swine, cow and chicken manures during composting[J]. Bioresource  Technology, 2014,168(SI): 222-228.

43.   Chen Zhao-Bo*; He Zhang-Wei; Tang Cong-Cong; Hu  Dong-Xue; Cui Yu-Bo; Wang Ai-Jie; Zhang Ying; Yan Li-Long; Ren Nan-Qi.  Performance and model of a novel multi-sparger multi-stage airlift loop membrane  bioreactor to treat high-strength 7-ACA pharmaceutical wastewater: Effect of  hydraulic retention time, temperature and pH[J]. Bioresource Technology,  2014,167:241-250.

44.   Tang Jing*; Jia Su-Rong; Qu Shan-Shan; Xiao  Ya-Nan; Yuan Yuan; Ren Nan-Qi. An integrated biological hydrogen production  process based on ethanol-type fermentation and bipolar membrane  electrodialysis[J]. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy,  2014,39(25):13375-13380.

45.   Wang Rui-Qing; Cui Chong-Wei; Jin Ya-Ruo; Liu  Bing-Feng*; Xing De-Feng; Xie Guo-Jun; Ren Nan-Qi. Photo-fermentative hydrogen  production from mixed substrate by mixed bacteria[J]. International Journal of  Hydrogen Energy, 2014,39(25):13396-13400.

46.   Hu Dong-Xue; Cui Min-Hua; Chen Zhao-Bo; Tian Yu;  Cui Yu-Bo; Ren Nan-Qi; Ran Chun-Qiu; Sun Hong-Jie. Performance of a novel  HABR-CFASR system for the biological treatment of mixed printing and dyeing  wastewater (MPDW)[J]. Desalination and Water Treatment,  2014,52(28-30):5553-5562.

47.   Ren Jing; Li Nan*; Zhao Lin; Ren Nan-Qi*.  Enhanced adsorption of phosphate by loading nanosized ferric oxyhydroxide on  anion resin[J]. Frontiers of Environmental Science & Engineering,  2014,8(4):531-538.

48.   Yu Hao; Chen Chuan*; Ma Jin-Cai; Liu Wen-Zong;  Zhou Ji-Zhong; Lee Duu-Jong; Ren Nan-Qi; Wang Ai-Jie*. GeoChip-based analysis of  the microbial community functional structures in simultaneous desulfurization  and denitrification process[J]. Jounal of Environmental Sciences-China,  2014,26(7):1375-1382.

49.   Zhou Xuan; You Shi-Jie*; Wang Xiu-Heng*; Gan  Yang; Zhong Yi-Jian; Ren Nan-Qi. Hydrothermal synthesis of magnetic carbon  microspheres for effective adsorption of Cd(II) in water[J]. Journal of Chemical  Technology and Biotechnology, 2014,89(7):1051-1059.

50.   Ge Shi-Jian; Peng Yong-Zhen*; Qiu Shuang; Zhu Ao;  Ren Nan-Qi. Complete nitrogen removal from municipal wastewater via partial  nitrification by appropriately alternating anoxic/aerobic conditions in a  continuous plug-flow step feed process[J]. Water Research,  2014,55:95-105.   

51.   Gong Xiao-Bo; You Shi-Jie*; Wang Xiu-Heng; Zhang  Jin-Na; Gan Yang; Ren Nan-Qi*. A novel stainless steel mesh/cobalt oxide hybrid  electrode for efficient catalysis of oxygen reduction in a microbial fuel  cell[J]. Biosensors & Bioelectronics, 2014,55:237-241.

52.   Chen Bor-Yann; Chen Chun-Yen; Guo Wan-Qian; Chang  Hao-Wei; Chen Wen-Ming; Lee Duu-Jong; Huang Chieh-Chen; Ren Nan-Qi; Chang  Jo-Shu*. Fixed-bed biosorption of cadmium using immobilized Scenedesmus obliquus  CNW-N cells on loofa (Luffa cylindrica) sponge[J]. Bioresource Technology,  2014,160(SI):175-181.

53.   Liang Bin; Cheng Hao-Yi; Van Nostrand,Joy D. Ma  Jin-Cai; Yu Hao; Kong De-Yong; Liu Wen-Zong; Ren Nan-Qi; Wu Li-You; Wang Ai-Jie;  Lee Duu-Jong; Zhou Ji-Zhong. Microbial community structure and function of  Nitrobenzene reduction biocathode in response to carbon source switchover[J].  Water Research, 2014,54:137-148.

54.   Jie Wei-Guang; Peng Yong-Zhen*; Ren Nan-Qi; Li  Bai-Kun. Utilization of alkali-tolerant stains in fermentation of excess  sludge[J]. Bioresource Technology, 2014,157:52-59.

55.   Zhang Zi-Feng; Ren Nan-Qi; Kannan Kurunthachalam;  Nan Jun; Liu Li-Yan; Ma Wan-Li; Qi Hong*; Li Yi-Fan*. Occurrence of  Endocrine-Disrupting Phenols and Estrogens in Water and Sediment of the Songhua  River, Northeastern China[J]. Archives of Environmental Contamination and  Toxicology, 2014,66(3):361-369.

56.   Guo Hong-Liang; Chen Chuan; Lee Duu-Jong*; Wang  Ai-Jie*; Ren Nan-Qi. Proteomic analysis of sulfur-nitrogen-carbon removal by  Pseudomonas sp C27. under micro-aeration condition[J]. Enzyme and Microbial  Technology, 2014,56:20-27.

57.   Wang Li; Lee Duu-Jong*; Ma Fang; Wang Ai-Jie*;  Ren Nan-Qi. Bioflocculants from isolated strain or mixed culture: Role of  phosphate salts and Ca2+ ions[J]. Journal of The Taiwan Institute of Chemical  Engineers, 2014,45(2):527-532.

58.   Xu Xi-Jun; Chen Chuan; Wang Ai-Jie; Guo Wan-Qian;  Zhou Xu; Lee Duu-Jong*; Ren Nan-Qi*; Chang Jo-Shu. Simultaneous removal of  sulfide, nitrate and acetate under denitrifying sulfide removal condition:  Modeling and experimental validation[J]. Journal of Hazardous Materials,  2014,264:16-24.

59.   Yang Shan-Shan; Guo Wan-Qian*; Chen Yi-Di; Zhou  Xian-Jiao; Zheng He-Shan; Feng Xiao-Chi; Yin Ren-Li; Ren Nan-Qi. Simultaneous  nutrient removal and reduction in sludge from sewage waste using an alternating  anaerobic-anoxic-microaerobic-aerobic system combining ozone/ultrasound  technology[J]. RSC Advances, 2014,4(95):52892-52897.

60.   Guo Wan-Qian*; Wu Qing-Lian; Yang Shan-Shan; Luo  Hai-Chao; Peng Si-Mai; Ren Nan-Qi. Optimization of ultrasonic pretreatment and  substrate/inoculum ratio to enhance hydrolysis and volatile fatty acid  production from food waste[J]. RSC Advances, 2014,4(95):53321-53326.

61.   Peng Si-Mai; Chen Yi-Di; Guo Wan-Qian*; Yang  Shan-Shan; Wu Qing-Lian; Luo Hai-Chao; Ren Nan-Qi. The application of  computational fluid dynamics (CFD) in wastewater biological treatment field[J].  Applied Mechanics and Materials, 2014,507:711-715.

62.   Wang Yue; Guo Wan-Qian*; Chang Jo-Shu; Ren  Nan-Qi. Butanol production using carbohydrate-enriched Chlorella vulgaris as  feedstock[C]//Zhang H, Jin D, Zhao X J. Advanced Materials Research.  2014:122-125.

63.   Ma Chao; Liu Bing-Feng*; Ren Hong-Yu; Ren Nan-Qi.  A Review on Biodiesel Production: Breeding Technologies of Microalgae Containing  Rich Lipid[J]. Applied Mechanics and Materials, 2014,472:759-763.


65.   Ma Bin; Wang Shuying; Zhu Guibing; Ge Shijian;  Wang Junmin; Ren Nanqi; Peng Yongzhen. Denitrification and phosphorus uptake by  dpaos using nitrite as an electron acceptor by step-feed strategies.Frontiers of  Environmental Science & Engineering, 2013, 7: 267-72. IF=0.881

66.   Wang Bing; Li Yongfeng; Wang Dexin; Liu Ruina;  Wei Zhigang; Ren Nanqi. Simultaneous coproduction of hydrogen and methane from  sugary wastewater by an ''acstr h-uasb met system.International Journal of  Hydrogen Energy, 2013, 38: 7774-9. IF=2.930

67.   Wang Bing; Li Yongfeng; Ren Nanqi. Biohydrogen  from molasses with ethanol-type fermentation: Effect of hydraulic retention  time.International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2013, 38: 4361-7. IF=2.930  

68.   Chuan Chen; Kuo-Lin Ho; Fa-Chi Liu; Mini Ho;  Aijie Wang; Nanqi Ren; Duu-Jong Lee. Autotrophic and heterotrophic  denitrification by a newly isolated strain pseudomonas sp c27.Bioresource  Technology, 2013, 145: 351-356. IF=5.039

69.   Wu Di; Xing Defeng; Mei Xiaoxue; Liu Bingfeng;  Guo Changhong; Ren Nanqi. Electricity generation by shewanella sp. Hn-41 in  microbial fuel cells.International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2013, 38:  15568-15573. IF=2.930

70.   Xiao-Chi Feng; Wan-Qian Guo; Chuan Chen;  Shan-Shan Yang; Wen-Biao Jin; Nan-Qi Ren; He-Shan Zheng; Juan-Shan Du; Bo Liu.  Treatability study of 3,3 ',4 ',5-tetrachlorosalicylanilide (tcs) combined with  2,4,6-trichlorophenol (tcp) to reduce excess sludge production in a sequence  batch reactor.Bioresource Technology, 2013, 143: 642-646. IF=5.039

71.   Feng Zhao; Lifen Liu; Fenglin Yang; Nanqi Ren.  E-fenton degradation of mb during filtration with gr/ppy modified membrane  cathode.Chemical Engineering Journal, 2013, 230: 491-498. IF=4.058

72.   Dawen Gao; Yuan Fu; Nanqi Ren. Tracing biofouling  to the structure of the microbial community and its metabolic products: A study  of the three-stage mbr process.Water Research, 2013, 47: 6680-6690.  IF=5.323

73.   Zhu Gefu; Liu Chaoxiang; Li Jianzheng; Ren Nanqi;  Liu Lin; Huang Xu. Fermentative hydrogen production from beet sugar factory  wastewater treatment in a continuous stirred tank reactor using anaerobic mixed  consortia.Frontiers of Environmental Science and Engineering, 2013, 7: 143-150.  IF=0.881

74.   Xiao-Bo Gong; Shi-Jie You; Xiu-Heng Wang; Yang  Gan; Rong-Ning Zhang; Nan-Qi Ren. Silver-tungsten carbide nanohybrid for  efficient electrocatalysis of oxygen reduction reaction in microbial fuel  cell.Journal of Power Sources, 2013, 225: 330-337. IF=5.211

75.   Hongliang Guo; Chuan Chen; Duu-Jong Lee; Aijie  Wang; Nanqi Ren. Sulfur-nitrogen-carbon removal of pseudomonas sp c27 under  sulfide stress.Enzyme and Microbial Technology, 2013, 53: 6-12. IF=2.966  

76.   Wan-Qian Guo; Jie Ding; Guang-Li Cao; Chuan Chen;  Xian-Jiao Zhou; Nan-Qi Ren. Accelerated startup of hydrogen production expanded  granular sludge bed with l-cysteine supplementation.Energy, 2013, 60: 94-98.  IF=4.159

77.   Wan-Qian Guo; Shan-Shan Yang; Ji-Wei Pang; Jie  Ding; Xian-Jiao Zhou; Xiao-Chi Feng; He-Shan Zheng; Nan-Qi Ren. Application of  low frequency ultrasound to stimulate the bio-activity of activated sludge for  use as an inoculum in enhanced hydrogen production.Rsc Advances, 2013, 3:  21848-21855. IF=3.708

78.   Wan-Qian Guo; Shan-Shan Yang; Wen-Sheng Xiang;  Xiang-Jing Wang; Nan-Qi Ren. Minimization of excess sludge production by in-situ  activated sludge treatment processes - a comprehensive review.Biotechnology  Advances, 2013, 31: 1386-1396. IF=8.905

79.   Xie Guo-Jun; Liu Bing-Feng; Wen Han-Quan; Li Qi;  Yang Chao-Yong; Han Wen-Lin; Nan Jun; Ren Nan-Qi. Bioflocculation of  photo-fermentative bacteria induced by calcium ion for enhancing hydrogen  production.International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2013, 38: 7780-7788.  IF=2.930

80.   Jianna Jia; Yu Tang; Bingfeng Liu; Di Wu; Nanqi  Ren; Defeng Xing. Electricity generation from food wastes and microbial  community structure in microbial fuel cells.Bioresource Technology, 2013, 144:  94-99. IF=5.039

81.   Li Jianzheng; Ai Binling; Ren Nanqi. Effect of  initial sludge loading rate on the formation of ethanol type fermentation for  hydrogen production in a continuous stirred-tank reactor.Environmental Progress  & Sustainable Energy, 2013, 32: 1271-9. IF=1.271

82.   Li Junjing; Liu Huiling; Cheng Xiuwen; Chen  Qinghua; Xin Yanjun; Ma Zhenpeng; Xu Wenxian; Ma Jun; Ren Nanqi. Preparation and  characterization of palladium/polypyrrole/foam nickel electrode for  electrocatalytic hydrodechlorination.Chemical Engineering Journal, 2013, 225:  489-98. IF=4.058

83.   Zhao Lei; Cao Guang-Li; Wang Ai-Jie; Ren Hong-Yu;  Xu Cheng-Jiao; Ren Nan-Qi. Enzymatic saccharification of cornstalk by onsite  cellulases produced by trichoderma viride for enhanced biohydrogen  production.GCB Bioenergy, 2013, 5: 591-598. IF=4.248

84.   Zhao Lei; Cao Guang-Li; Wang Ai-Jie; Ren Hong-Yu;  Ren Nan-Qi. Evaluation of continuous biohydrogen production from enzymatically  treated cornstalk hydrolysate.International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2013,  38: 15100-15104. IF=2.930

85.   Ang Li; Rui Cai; Di Cui; Tian Qiu; Changlong  Pang; Jixian Yang; Fang Ma; Nanqi Ren. Characterization and biodegradation  kinetics of a new cold-adapted carbamazepine-degrading bacterium, pseudomonas sp  cbz-4.Journal of Environmental Sciences-China, 2013, 25: 2281-2290.  IF=1.922 

86.   Bin Liang; Hao-Yi Cheng; De-Yong Kong; Shu-Hong  Gao; Fei Sun; Dan Cui; Fan-Ying Kong; Ai-Juan Zhou; Wen-Zong Liu; Nan-Qi Ren;  Wei-Min Wu; Ai-Jie Wang; Duu-Jong Lee. Accelerated reduction of chlorinated  nitroaromatic antibiotic chloramphenicol by biocathode.Environmental Science  & Technology, 2013, 47: 5353-5361. IF=5.481

87.   Bin Liang; Qian Yao; Haoyi Cheng; Shuhong Gao;  Fanying Kong; Dan Cui; Yuqi Guo; Nanqi Ren; Duu-Jong Lee; Aijie Wang. Enhanced  degradation of azo dye alizarin yellow r in a combined process of iron-carbon  microelectrolysis and aerobic bio-contact oxidation (vol 19, pg 1385,  2012).Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2013, 20: 1206-1206.  IF=2.757

88.   Liu Lihong; O. Tsyganova; Lee Duu-Jong; Chang  Jo-Shu; A. Wang; Ren Nanqi. Double-chamber microbial fuel cells started up under  room and low temperatures.International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2013, 38:  15574-9. IF=2.930

89.   Yu Liu; Jimin Shen; Zhonglin Chen; Nanqi Ren;  Yifan Li. Distribution of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in surface water and  sediment near a drinking water reservoir in northeastern china.Environmental  Science and Pollution Research, 2013, 20: 2535-2545. IF=2.757   

90.   Wan-Li Ma; Li-Yan Liu; Hong Qi; Zi-Feng Zhang;  Wei-Wei Song; Ji-Min Shen; Zhong-Lin Chen; Nan-Qi Ren; Josey Grabuski; Yi-Fan  Li. Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in water, sediment and soil of the songhua  river basin, china.Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 2013, 185:  8399-8409. IF=1.679

91.   Wen Qinxue; Chen Zhiqiang; Li Pengfei; Han Yuchi;  Feng Yujie; Ren Nanqi. Lipid production for biofuels from effluent-based culture  by heterotrophic chlorella protothecoides.BioEnergy Research, 2013, 6: 877-82.  IF=3.398

92.   Hong-Yu Ren; Bing-Feng Liu; Chao Ma; Lei Zhao;  Nan-Qi Ren. A new lipid-rich microalga scenedesmus sp strain r-16 isolated using  nile red staining: Effects of carbon and nitrogen sources and initial ph on the  biomass and lipid production.Biotechnology for Biofuels, 2013, 6.IF=6.221  

93.   Y. B. Ren; N. Q. Ren; X. K. Li; J. G. Li.  Efficiency of urban wetlands in removing agricultural non-point source  pollution.Asian Journal of Chemistry, 2013, 25: 4726-4730. IF=0.355

94.   Jing Song; Lifen Liu; Fenglin Yang; Nanqi Ren;  John Crittenden. Enhanced electricity generation by triclosan and iron anodes in  the three-chambered membrane bio-chemical reactor (tc-mbcr).Bioresource  Technology, 2013, 147: 409-415. IF=5.039

95.   Jin-Na Wang; Ang Li; Ji-Xian Yang; Ji-Hua Wang;  Jing-Bo Guo; Fang Ma; Sheng-Nan Shi; Si Zhang; Nan-Qi Ren. Mycelial pellet as  the biomass carrier for semi-continuous production of bioflocculant.Rsc  Advances, 2013, 3: 18414-18423. IF=3.708

96.   Ke Wang; Weiguang Li; XuJin Gong; Yunbei Li;  Chuandong Wu; Nanqi Ren. Spectral study of dissolved organic matter in biosolid  during the composting process using inorganic bulking agent: Uv-vis, gpc, ftir  and eem.International Biodeterioration & Biodegradation, 2013, 85: 617-623.  IF=2.235    

97.   Ke Wang; Weiguang Li; Yunbei Li; XuJin Gong;  Chuandong Wu; Nanqi Ren. The modelling of combined strategies to achieve  thermophilic composting of sludge in cold region.International Biodeterioration  & Biodegradation, 2013, 85: 608-616. IF=2.235

98.   Li Wang; Fang Ma; Duu-Jong Lee; Aijie Wang; Nanqi  Ren. Bioflocculants from hydrolysates of corn stover using isolated strain  ochrobactium ciceri w2.Bioresource Technology, 2013, 145: 259-263.  IF=5.039

99.   Xu Wang; Junxin Liu; Bo Qu; Nan-Qi Ren; Jiuhui  Qu. Role of carbon substrates in facilitating energy reduction and resource  recovery in a traditional activated sludge process: Investigation from a  biokinetics modeling perspective.Bioresource Technology, 2013, 140: 312-318.  IF=5.039

100.Qinxue Wen; Zhiqiang Chen; Pengfei Li; Ran Duan;  Nanqi Ren. Lipid production for biofuels from hydrolyzate of waste activated  sludge by heterotrophic chlorella protothecoides.Bioresource Technology, 2013,  143: 695-698. IF=5.039

101.Zhi-Dan Wen; Da-Wen Gao; Zhe Li; Nan-Qi Ren.  Effects of humic acid on phthalate adsorption to vermiculite.Chemical  Engineering Journal, 2013, 223: 298-303. IF=4.058    

102.Di Wu; Defeng Xing; Lu Lu; Ma Wei; Bingfeng Liu;  Nanqi Ren. Ferric iron enhances electricity generation by shewanella oneidensis  mr-1 in mfcs.Bioresource Technology, 2013, 135: 630-634. IF=5.039

103.Guo-Jun Xie; Bing-Feng Liu; De-Feng Xing; Jun Nan;  Jie Ding; Nan-Qi Ren. Photo-fermentative bacteria aggregation triggered by  l-cysteine during hydrogen production.Biotechnology for Biofuels, 2013, 6.  IF=6.221 

104.Xijun Xu; Chuan Chen; Duu-Jong Lee; Aijie Wang;  Wanqian Guo; Xu Zhou; Hongliang Guo; Ye Yuan; Nanqi Ren; Jo-Shu Chang.  Sulfate-reduction, sulfide-oxidation and elemental sulfur bioreduction process:  Modeling and experimental validation.Bioresource Technology, 2013, 147: 202-211.  IF=5.039

105.Yang Xu; Jie Ding; Haiyan Chen; Qi Zhao; Juan Hou;  Jin Yan; Hui Wang; Lan Ding; Nanqi Ren. Fast determination of sulfonamides from  egg samples using magnetic multiwalled carbon nanotubes as adsorbents followed  by liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry.Food Chemistry, 2013, 140:  83-90. IF=3.259

106.Meng Yang; Hong Qi; Hong-Liang Jia; Nan-Qi Ren;  Yong-Sheng Ding; Wan-Li Ma; Li-Yan Liu; Hayley Hung; Ed Sverko; Yi-Fan Li.  Polybrominated diphenyl ethers in air across china: Levels, compositions, and  gas-particle partitioning.Environmental Science & Technology, 2013, 47:  8978-8984. IF=5.481

107.Shan-Shan Yang; Wan-Qian Guo; Zhao-Hui Meng;  Xian-Jiao Zhou; Xiao-Chi Feng; He-Shan Zheng; Bo Liu; Nan-Qi Ren; Ya-Shan Cui.  Characterizing the fluorescent products of waste activated sludge in dissolved  organic matter following ultrasound assisted ozone pretreatments.Bioresource  Technology, 2013, 131: 560-563. IF=5.059

108.Xiong Yang; Yongzhen Peng; Nanqi Ren; Jianhua Guo;  Xiaoxue Tang; Jichen Song. Nutrient removal performance and microbial community  structure in an ebpr system under the limited filamentous bulking  state.Bioresource Technology, 2013, 144: 86-93. IF=5.059

109.Zhong Yi-Jian; You Shi-Jie; Wang Xiu-Heng; Zhou  Xuan; Gan Yang; Ren Nan-Qi. Synthesis of carbonaceous nanowire membrane for  removing heavy metal ions and high water flux.Chemical Engineering Journal,  2013, 226: 217-26. IF=4.058

110.Shijie You; Chuyang Tang; Chen Yu; Xiuheng Wang;  Jinna Zhang; Jia Han; Yang Gan; Nanqi Ren. Forward osmosis with a novel  thin-film inorganic membrane.Environmental Science & Technology, 2013, 47:  8733-8742. IF=5.481

111.Weitang Zhang; Yongzhen Peng; Nanqi Ren; Qingsong  Liu; Yongzhi Chen. Improvement of nutrient removal by optimizing the volume  ratio of anoxic to aerobic zone in aao-baf system.Chemosphere, 2013, 93:  2859-2863. IF=3.499      

112.Lei Zhao; Guang-Li Cao; Ai-Jie Wang; Wan-Qian Guo;  Hong-Yu Ren; Nan-Qi Ren. Simultaneous saccharification and fermentation of  fungal pretreated cornstalk for hydrogen production using thermoanaerobacterium  thermosaccharolyticum w16.Bioresource Technology, 2013, 145: 103-107.  IF=5.059

113.Qi Zhao; Jie Ding; Haiyan Jin; Lan Ding; Nanqi Ren.  A green method using a micellar system for determination of andrographolide and  dehydroandrographolide in human plasma.Journal of Chromatographic Science, 2013,  51: 341-348. IF=1.026     

114.Aijuan Zhou; Chunxue Yang; Fanying Kong; Dandan  Liu; Zhaobo Chen; Nanqi Ren; Aijie Wang. Improving the short-chain fatty acids  production of waste activated sludge stimulated by a bi-frequency ultrasonic  pretreatment.Journal of Environmental Biology, 2013, 34: 381-389.  IF=0.553     

115.Xu Zhou; Chuan Chen; Aijie Wang; Guangming Jiang;  Lihong Liu; Xijun Xu; Ye Yuan; Duu-Jung Lee; Nanqi Ren. Biosorption of cu(ii) by  powdered anaerobic granular sludge from aqueous medium.Water Science and  Technology, 2013, 68: 91-98. IF=1.212

116.Xian-Jiao Zhou; Wan-Qian Guo; Shan-Shan Yang;  He-Shan Zheng; Nan-Qi Ren. Ultrasonic-assisted ozone oxidation process of  triphenylmethane dye degradation: Evidence for the promotion effects of  ultrasonic on malachite green decolorization and degradation  mechanism.Bioresource Technology, 2013, 128: 827-830. IF=5.059

117.Xiaoxue Tang; Nanqi Ren; Jifei Xu. Evaluation of  hydrogen production from corn cob with the mesophilic bacterium clostridium  hydrogeniproducens hr-1.International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2013, 38:  9104-9110. IF=2.930

118.Yu Tao; Da-Wen Gao; Hao-Yu Wang; Merle de Kreuk;  Nan-Qi Ren. Ecological characteristics of seeding sludge triggering a prompt  start-up of anammox.Bioresource Technology, 2013, 133: 475-481. IF=5.039  

119.Wang Bao; Ding Jie; Liu Hongjian; Liu Chunmiao;  Cheng Wangbin; Zhang Luyan; Liu Xianshu; Ren Nanqi. Study on the startup  characteristics of the methanogenic uasb reactor under acid condition at  ph5.5.Advanced Materials Research, 2013, 788: 695-700. EI

120.Liu Bo; Guo WanQian; Ren NanQi. Decontamination of  wastewaters containing synthetic organic dyes by electrochemical methods: A  review.Advanced Materials Research, 2013, 788: 405-8. EI

121.Xiaochi Feng; Wanqian Guo; Wenbiao Jin; Shanshan  Yang; Shuai Hao; Heshan Zheng; Nanqi Ren. Utilization of a combined metabolic  uncoupler to reduce sludge yield in sequence batch reactor system.Advanced  Materials Research. 2013, 2808-2812. EI

122.Shuang Guo; Wanqian Guo; Yuan Yuan; Nanqi Ren;  Aijie Wang. Feasibility analysis of anaerobic biocathode enhancing biological  degradation of recalcitrant chlorinated nitroaromatic compounds (cnas).Advanced  Materials Research .2013, 2483-2491. EI

123.Zheng Heshan; Guo Wanqian; Yang Shanshan; Feng  Xiaochi; Zhou Xianjiao; Liu Bo; Ren Nanqi. Biohydrogen production by  co-fermentation of starch wastewater and sludge under thermophilic  condition.Advanced Materials Research, 2013, 724-725: 360-364. EI

124.Yi-bin Ren; Nan-qi Ren. Effect of freeze- thaw  action on phosphorus adsorption and desorption in forest wetland soils at high  latitudes.Energy Engineering and Environmental Engineering,2013, 487-492.  EI

125.Zhiwei Song; Tingting Ning; Yuping Chen; Xiaoxia  Cheng; Nanqi Ren. Bioaugmentation of aerobic granular sludge with the addition  of a bioflocculant-producing consortium.Advances in Environmental Technologies,  Pts 1-6, 2013, 2530-2535. EI

126.Cristiano Varrone; Lei Zhao; Guang-Li Cao; Tao  Sheng; Nan-Qi Ren; Ai-Jie Wang. Comparison of different pretreatment methods to  increase hydrogen production from cornstalk.Applied Energy Technology, Pts 1 and  2, 2013, 216-221. EI


127.Lu Lu;  Xing Defeng*; Ren  Nanqi;  Logan  Bruce  E     Syntrophic interactions drive the hydrogen production from glucose at low  temperature in microbial electrolysis cells. Bioresource technology 124(2012):  68-76

128.Chen Chuan;  Zhou Xu;  Wang Aijie;  Wu Dong-hai;   Liu Li-hong;  Ren Nanqi*;  Lee Duu-Jong. Elementary sulfur in effluent from  denitrifying sulfide removal process as adsorbent for zinc(II). Bioresource  Technology, 121 (2012) :441–444

129.Xin Zhao;  Defeng Xing*; Bingfeng Liu; Lu Lu; Jun  Zhao; Nanqi Ren*. The effects of metal ions and L-cysteine on hydA gene  expression and hydrogen production by Clostridium beijerinckii RZF-1108.  INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HYDROGEN ENERGY, 37,18(2012):13711-13717.130.Hailong  lin; Xianming Chen;  Lijie Yu;  Wei Xu;  Peng Wang;  Xing Zhang; Weiguang Li;  Caihua Li; Nanqi Ren*. Screening of Lactobacillus rhamnosus strains mutated by  microwave irradiation for increased lactic acid production AFRICAN JOURNAL OF  MICROBIOLOGY RESEARCH 6,31(2012):6055-6065

131.Lu Lu;  Xing Defeng*;  Ren, Nanqi*. Bioreactor  Performance and Quantitative Analysis of Methanogenic and Bacterial Community  Dynamics in Microbial Electrolysis Cells during Large Temperature Fluctuations.  ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY 46,12(2012): 6874-6881

132.Chen Zhaobo; Wang Hongcheng; Ren Nanqi*; Chen  Zhiqiang; Cui Minhua; Nie Shukai     Performance and model of a novel membrane  bioreactor to treat the low-strengthen complex wastewater. BIORESOURCE  TECHNOLOGY,114(2012):33-45

133.Lu Lu; Xing Defeng*; Ren Nanqi*. Pyrosequencing  reveals highly diverse microbial communities in microbial electrolysis cells  involved in enhanced H-2 production from waste activated sludge. WATER RESEARCH,  46,7(2012):2425-2434

134.Lu Lu; Xing Defeng*; Liu Bingfeng; Ren Nanqi.  Enhanced hydrogen production from waste activated sludge by cascade utilization  of organic matter in microbial electrolysis cells. WATER  RESEARCH,46,4(2012):1015-1026

135.Yang Shan-Shan; Guo Wan-Qian*; Cao Guang-Li; Zheng  He-Shan; Ren Nan-Qi; Simultaneous waste activated sludge disintegration and  biological hydrogen production using an ozone/ultrasound pretreatment.  Bioresource technology,124(2012):347-354

136.Xie Guo-Jun; Liu Bing-Feng*; Guo Wan-Qian; Ding  Jie; Xing De-Feng; Nan Jun; Ren Hong-Yu; Ren Nan-Qi*. Feasibility studies on  continuous hydrogen production using photo-fermentative sequencing batch reactor  INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HYDROGEN ENERGY 37,18(2012):13689-13695

137.Xie Guo-Jun; Liu Bing-Feng*; Xing De-Feng; Ding  Jie; Nan Jun; Ren Hong-Yu; Guo Wan-Qian; Ren Nan-Qi*. The kinetic  characterization of photofermentative bacterium Rhodopseudomonas faecalis RLD-53  and its application for enhancing continuous hydrogen production. INTERNATIONAL  JOURNAL OF HYDROGEN ENERGY, 37,18(2012):13718-13724

138.Cao Guang-Li; Guo Wan-Qian; Wang Ai-Jie; Zhao Lei;  Xu Cheng-Jiao; Zhao Qing-long; Ren Nan-Qi*. Enhanced cellulosic hydrogen  production from lime-treated cornstalk wastes using thermophilic anaerobic  microflora. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HYDROGEN ENERGY,  37,17(2012):13161-13166

139.Xie Guo-Jun; Liu Bing-Feng*; Ding Jie; Xing  De-Feng; Ren Hong-Yu; Guo Wan-Qian; Ren Nan-Qi*. Enhanced photo-H-2 production  by Rhodopseudomonas faecalis RLD-53 immobilization on activated carbon fibers.  BIOMASS & BIOENERGY 44(2012):122-129

140.You Shi-Jie; Wang Xiu-Heng*; Zhong Ming; Zhong  Yi-Jian; Yu Chen; Ren Nan-QiTemperature as a factor affecting transmembrane  water flux in forward osmosis: Steady-state modeling and experimental  validation. CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL, 198(2012):52-60

141.Xu Xi-jun; Chen Chuan; Wang Ai-jie; Fang Ning; Yuan  Ye; Ren Nan-qi*; Lee Duu-Jong*; Enhanced elementary sulfur recovery in  integrated sulfate-reducing, sulfur-producing rector under micro-aerobic  condition. BIORESOURCE TECHNOLOGY, 116(2012):517-521

142.Zhao Lei; Cao Guang-Li*; Wang Ai-Jie; Ren Hong-Yu;  Dong De; Liu Zi-Nan; Guan Xiao-Yu; Xu Cheng-Jiao; Ren Nan-Qi*;       Fungal  pretreatment of cornstalk with Phanerochaete chrysosporium for enhancing  enzymatic saccharification and hydrogen production. BIORESOURCE TECHNOLOGY,  114(2012):365-369

143.Ren Hong-Yu; Liu Bing-Feng*; Ding Jie; Nan Jun; Xie  Guo-Jun; Zhao Lei; Chen Ming-Guang; Ren Nan-Qi*. Enhanced photo-hydrogen  production of Rhodopseudomonas faecalis RLD-53 by EDTA addition. INTERNATIONAL  JOURNAL OF HYDROGEN ENERGY 37,10(2012):8277-8281

144.Zhou Xian-Jiao; Guo Wan-Qian*; Yang Shan-Shan; Ren  Nan-Qi*. A rapid and low energy consumption method to decolorize the high  concentration triphenylmethane dye wastewater: Operational parameters  optimization for the ultrasonic-assisted ozone oxidation process. BIORESOURCE  TECHNOLOGY,105(2012)40-47

145.Zhao Lei; Cao Guang-Li; Yao Jing; Ren Hong-Yu; Ma  Fang; Ren Nan-Qi; Wang Ai-Jie*. Optimization of immobilization parameters of  Thermoanaerobacterium thermosaccharolyticum W16 on a new carrier for enhanced  hydrogen production. RSC ADVANCES, 2,19(2012):7391-7395

146.Ren Hong-Yu*; Liu Bing-Feng; Ding Jie; Xie Guo-Jun;  Zhao Lei; Xing De-Feng; Guo Wan-Qian; Ren Nan-Qi. Continuous photo-hydrogen  production in anaerobic fluidized bed photo-reactor with activated carbon fiber  as carrier. RSC ADVANCES,  2,13(2012):5531-5535

147.Li Ji-guang*; Ren Yi-bin; Ren Nan-qi; Yang  Chun-wen; Zuo Chun-sheng; Jin Zhi-min; Shao Yan-qiu. Contributions of  Microorganisms to Nitrogen Cycle of Wuyiling Wetland in Yichun in Northeast  China. Advanced Materials Research 418-420(2012)2286-2289

148.Li Ji-guang*; Sun Hui; Yang Chun-wen; Shao Yan-qiu;  Jin Zhi-min; Zuo Chun-sheng; Ren Nan-qi; Yuan Yi-xing; Zhang Tu-qiao. Effect of  Chlorination Conditions on Amount of THMs. Advanced Materials Research,  418-420(2012):2294-2297

149.Li Ji-guang*; Sun Hui; Ren Yi-bin; Ren Nan-qi; Yang  Chun-wen; Zuo Chun-sheng; Jin Zhi-minShao Yan-qiu. Ecological Safety Analysis  and Statistics Measures of Wuyiling Wetland in Yichun in Northeast China.  Advanced Materials Research, 418-420(2012):2298-2301

150.Xie Guo-Jun;  Liu Bing-Feng* ; Xing De-Feng ; Nan  Jun;  Ding Jie;  Ren Hong-Yu;  Guo Wan-Qian ; Ren Nan-Qi*. Photo-hydrogen  production by Rhodopseudomonas faecalis RLD-53 immobilized on the surface of  modified activated carbon fibers.RSC ADVANCES, 2,6(2012):2225-2228

151.Zhao Lei ; Cao Guang-li ; Wang Ai-jie*;  Guo  Wan-qian ; Liu Bing-feng ; Ren Hong-yu;  Ren Nan-qi*;  Ma Fang. Enhanced  bio-hydrogen production by immobilized Clostridium sp T2 on a new biological  carrier. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HYDROGEN ENERGY. 37,1(2012):162-166  

152.Tang Jing;  Yuan Yuan ; Guo Wan-Qian;  Ren Nan-Qi*;  Inhibitory effects of acetate and ethanol on biohydrogen production of  Ethanoligenens harbinese B49. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HYDROGEN ENERGY.  37,1(2012):741-747

153.Chen Zhao-Bo;  Chen Zhi-Qiang;  Ren Nan-Qi*;  Wang  Hong-Cheng;  Nie Shu-Kai;  Cui Min-Hua. Modeling of mixed liquor inorganic  suspended solids and membrane flux at different ratio of SRT to HRT in a  submerged membrane bioreactor. APPLIED MATHEMATICAL MODELLING,   36,1(2012):173-182


154.Zhou Xu, Liu Lihong, Chen Chuan, Ren Nanqi*, Wang  Aijie, Lee Duu-Jong*.Reduction of produced elementary sulfur in  denitrifying sulfide removal process. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology.  2011; 90(3):1129-36

155.Zhou Xu, Chen Chuan, Wang Aijie, Liu Li-Hong, Ho  Kuo-Ling, Ren Nanqi*, Lee Duu-Jong*. Rapid acclimation of methanogenic granular  sludge into denitrifying sulfide removal granules. Bioresource Technology,  2011;102(8):5244-7  

156.Zhao Xin, Xing Defeng*, Fu Na, Liu Bingfeng, Ren  Nanqi. Hydrogen production by the newly isolated Clostridium beijerinckii  RZF-1108. Bioresource Technology, 2011; 102(18):8432-6

157.Zhang Zifeng, Ren Nanqi, Li Yi-Fan, Kunisue  Tatsuya, Gao Dawen, Kannan Kurunthachalam. Determination of Benzotriazole and  Benzophenone UV Filters in Sediment and Sewage Sludge.    Environmental Science  & Technology, 2011; 45(9):3909-16  

158.Chen Zhao-Bo,  Cui Min-Hua, Ren Nan-Qi*, Chen Zhi-Qiang, Wang Hong-Cheng, Nie Shu-Kai.        Improving the simultaneous removal efficiency of COD and color in a combined  HABMR-CFASR system based MPDW. Part 1: Optimization of operational parameters  for HABMR by using response surface methodology. Bioresource Technology, 2011;  102(19):8839-47

159.Zhang Zifeng, Alomirah Husam, Cho Hyeon-Seo, Li  Yi-Fan, Liao Chunyang, Tu Binh Minh, Mohd Mustafa Ali, Nakata Haruhiko, Ren  Nanqi, Kannan Kurunthachalam*. Urinary Bisphenol A Concentrations and Their  Implications for Human Exposure in Several Asian Countries. Environmental  Science & Technology, 2011; 45(16):7044-50

160.Zhang Kun, Ren Nan-Qi*, Cao Guang-Li, Wang Ai-Jie.  Biohydrogen production behavior of moderately thermophile Thermoanaerobacterium  thermosaccharolyticum W16 under different gas-phase conditions. International  Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2011; 36(21):14041-8

161.You Shi-Jie*, Wang Xiu-Heng*, Zhang Jin-Na, Wang  Jing-Yuan, Ren Nan-Qi, Gong Xiao-Bo. Fabrication of stainless steel mesh gas  diffusion electrode for power generation in microbial fuel cell. Biosensors  & Bioelectronics, 2011; 26(5):2142-6

162.Yang Shan-Shan, Guo Wan-Qian*, Zhou Xian-Jiao, Meng  Zhao-Hui, Liu Bo, Ren Nan-Qi*. Optimization of operating parameters for sludge  process reduction under alternating aerobic/oxygen-limited conditions by  response surface methodology. Bioresource Technology,2011;  102(21):9843-51

163.Yan Qun*, Wang Aijie, Yu Chunfai, Ren Nanqi, Zhang  Yibo, Zhang Guangsheng. Enzymatic characterization of acid tolerance response  (ATR) during the enhanced biohydrogen production process from Taihu  cyanobacteria via anaerobic digestion. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy,  2011; 36(1):405-10

164.Xie Guo-Jun, Liu Bing-Feng*, Ding Jie, Ren Hong-Yu,  Xing De-Feng, Ren Nan-Qi*. Hydrogen production by photo-fermentative bacteria  immobilized on fluidized bio-carrier. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy,  2011; 36(21):13991-6

165.Ren Nanqi*, Kang Han, Wang Xiuheng, Li Nan.  Short-term effect of temperature variation on the competition between PAOs and  GAOs during acclimation period of an EBPR system. Frontiers of Environmental  Science & Engineering in China. 2011; 5(2):277-82

166.Ren Nanqi*, Guo Wanqian, Liu Bingfeng, Cao Guangli,  Ding Jie. Biological hydrogen production by dark fermentation: challenges and  prospects towards scaled-up production. Current Opinion in Biotechnology. 2011;  22(3):365-70

167.Lu Lu, Ren Nanqi*, Zhao Xin, Wang Huan, Wu Di, Xing  Defeng*. Hydrogen production, methanogen inhibition and microbial community  structures in psychrophilic single-chamber microbial electrolysis cells. Energy  & Environmental Science. 2011; 4(4):1329-36

168.Guo Wan-Qian, Meng Zhao-Hui, Ren Nan-Qi*, Zhang  Zhen-Peng, Cui Fu-Yi. Optimization of key variables for the enhanced production  of hydrogen by Ethanoligenens harbinense W1 using response surface methodology.  International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2011; 36(10):5843-8

169.Guo Wan-Qian*, Ding Jie, Cao Guang-Li, Ren Nan-Qi*,  Cui Fu-Yi. Treatability study of using low frequency ultrasonic pretreatment to  augment continuous biohydrogen production. International Journal of Hydrogen  Energy, 2011; 36(21):14180-5

170.Chen Zhao-Bo, Nie Shu-Kai, Ren Nan-Qi*, Chen  Zhi-Qiang, Wang Hong-Cheng, Cui Min-Hua. Improving the efficiencies of  simultaneous organic substance and nitrogen removal in a multi-stage loop  membrane bioreactor-based PWWTP using an on-line Knowledge-Based Expert System.  Water Research, 2011; 45(16):5266-78


172.Guo WanQian,Ren NanQi*,Wang XiangJing,Xiang WenSheng  Accelerated startup of  biological hydrogen production process by addition of Ethanoligenens harbinense  B49 in a biofilm-based column reactor. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy.  2010: 35(24)

173.Jiang Yan,Cai Xun,Wu Di,Ren NanQi*    Biodegradation of phenol and  m-cresol by mutated Candida tropicalis. Journal of Environmental Sciences-China.  2010: 22(4)

174.Liu BingFeng,Ren NanQi*,Tang Jing,Ding Jie,Liu WenZong,Xu JiFei,Cao GuangLi,Guo WanQian,Xie GuoJun       Bio-hydrogen production  by mixed culture of photo- and dark-fermentation bacteria. International Journal  of Hydrogen Energy. 2010: 35(7)

175.Xu JiFei,Ren NanQi*,Su DongXia,Qiu Jie      Bio-hydrogen production from  acetic acid steam-exploded corn straws by simultaneous saccharification and  fermentation with Ethanoligenens harbinense B49.      International Journal of  Energy Research. 2010: 34(5)

176.Ren NanQi*,Cao GuangLi,Guo WanQian,Wang AiJie,Zhu YH,Liu BingFeng,Xu JiFei  Biological hydrogen production  from corn stover by moderately thermophile Thermoanaerobacterium  thermosaccharolyticum W16     International.Journal of Hydrogen Energy.2010:  35(7)

177.Ren NanQi*,Tang Jing,Liu BingFeng,Guo WanQian    Biological hydrogen  production in continuous stirred tank reactor systems with suspended and  attached microbial growth.     International Journal of Hydrogen Energy. 2010:  35(7)

178.Xu JiFei,Ren NanQi*,Wang AiJie,Qiu Jie,Zhao QingLiang,Feng YuJie,Liu BingFeng   Cell growth and hydrogen  production on the mixture of xylose and glucose using a novel strain of  Clostridium sp. HR-1 isolated from cow dung compost      International. Journal  of Hydrogen Energy.2010: 35(24)

179.Ding Jie*,Wang Xu,Zhou XueFei,Ren NanQi*,Guo WanQian  CFD optimization of  continuous stirred-tank (CSTR) reactor for biohydrogen production. Bioresource  Technology. 2010: 101(18)

180.Zhao Xin,Xing DeFeng*,Zhang Lu,Ren NanQi*    Characterization and  overexpression of a [FeFe]-hydrogenase gene of a novel hydrogen-producing  bacterium Ethanoligenens harbinense. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy.  2010: 35(18)

181.Xie GuoJun,Liu BingFeng,Ren NanQi*,Ding Jie,Liu Chong,Xing DeFeng,Guo WanQian,Ren HongYu       Control strategies for  hydrogen production through co-culture of Ethanoligenens harbinense B49 and  immobilized Rhodopseudomonas faecalis RLD-53.     International Journal of  Hydrogen Energy. 2010: 35(5)

182.Show KuanYeow*,Zhang ZhenPeng,Tay JooHwa,Liang DavidTee,Lee DuuJong,Ren NanQi,Wang AiJie       Critical assessment of  anaerobic processes for continuous biohydrogen production from organic  wastewater.       International Journal of Hydrogen Energy. 2010: 35(24)  

183.Qi Hong,Liu LiYan,Jia HongLiang,Li YiFan,Ren NanQi*,You Hong,Shi XinYuan,Fan LiLi,Ding YongSheng       Dechlorane Plus in  Surficial Water and Sediment in a Northeastern Chinese River. Environmental  Science & Technology. 2010: 44(7)

184.Cao GuangLi,Ren NanQi*,Wang AiJie,Guo WanQian,Xu JiFei,Liu BingFeng. Effect of  lignocellulose-derived inhibitors on growth and hydrogen production by  Thermoanaerobacterium thermosaccharolyticum W16. International Journal of  Hydrogen Energy. 2010: 35(24)

185.Li Nan,Ren NanQi*,Wang XiuHeng*,Kang Han     Effect of temperature on  intracellular phosphorus absorption and extra-cellular phosphorus removal in  EBPR process.   Bioresource Technology.   2010: 101(15)

186.Liu BingFeng,Ren NanQi*,Xie GuoJun,Ding Jie,Guo WanQian,Xing DeFeng. Enhanced bio-hydrogen  production by the combination of dark- and photo-fermentation in batch  culture.    Bioresource Technology. 2010: 101(14)

187.Chen Chuan,Ren NanQi*,Wang AiJie,Liu LiHong,Lee DuuJong*   Enhanced performance of  denitrifying sulfide removal process under micro-aerobic condition. Journal of  Hazardous Materials. 2010: 179(1-3)

188.Chen Chuan,Wang AiJie,Ren NanQi*,Zhao QingLiang,Liu LiHong,Adav SunilS.,Lee DuuJong*,Chang JoShu       Enhancing denitrifying  sulfide removal with functional strains under micro-aerobic condition. Process  Biochemistry. 2010: 45(6)

189.Ren NanQi*,Xu JiFei,Gao LingFang,Xin Liang,Qiu Jie Su DongXia. Fermentative  bio-hydrogen production from cellulose by cow dung compost enriched cultures.  International Journal of Hydrogen Energy. 2010: 35(7)

190.Chen Chuan,Ren NanQi,Wang AiJie,Liu LiHong,Lee DuuJong*. Functional consortium for  denitrifying sulfide removal process. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology.  2010: 86(1)

191.Wang Xu,Ding Jie*,Guo WanQian,Ren NanQi*     A hydrodynamics-reaction  kinetics coupled model for evaluating bioreactors derived from CFD  simulation.Bioresource Technology. 2010: 101(24)

192.Lu Lu,Xing DeFeng*,Xie TianHui,Ren NanQi*,Logan BruceErnest Hydrogen production from  proteins via electrohydrogenesis in microbial electrolysis cells.Biosensors  & Bioelectronics. 2010: 25(12)

193.Ren NanQi,Wang DongYang,Yang ChuanPing*,Wang Lu,Xu JingLi,Li YongFeng*  Selection and isolation of  hydrogen-producing fermentative bacteria with high yield and rate and its  bioaugmentation process. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy.2010:  35(7)

194.Cao GuangLi,Ren NanQi*,Wang AiJie,Guo WanQian,Yao Jing,Feng YuJie,Zhao QingLiang Statistical optimization of  culture condition for enhanced hydrogen production by Thermoanaerobacterium  thermosaccharolyticum W16       . Bioresource Technology. 2010: 101(6)  

195.You ShiJie*,Wang JingYuan,Ren NanQi*,Wang XiuHeng,Zhang JinNa. Sustainable Conversion of  Glucose into Hydrogen Peroxide in a Solid Polymer Electrolyte. Microbial Fuel  Cell Chemsuschem. 2010: 3(3)

196.Chen MingQi*,Ma Tao,Ren NanQi      Optimal Selection of  Several Substrates in Fermentative Biohydrogen Production Technology. Advanced  Materials Research.      2010: 105-106 

