









1989.9—1993.7 哈尔滨建筑工程学院 建筑热能工程系,本科,工学学士学位;

1993.9—1996.1 哈尔滨建筑大学 建筑热能工程系,供热通风与空调工程,工学硕士;

1996.5—2000.3 日本东北大学 大学院工学研究科,都市与建筑学专业,工学博士;

2003.7—2006.1 哈尔滨工业大学 环境科学与工程,博士后


2013.07—至今   哈尔滨工业大学 市政环境工程学院 副院长

2012.09—至今   哈尔滨工业大学 深圳研究生院 “双基地”教授

2010.01—2013.06 哈尔滨工业大学  市政环境工程学院 建筑热能工程系 副主任、主任

2009.09—2010.3  日本东北大学  城市与建筑学 访问学者

2009.04- 至今   哈尔滨工业大学 市政环境工程学院 博士生导师

2008.06—至今   哈尔滨工业大学 市政环境工程学院 教授

2008.01-- 2008.12 美国Texas A&M大学 Energy System Lab.  Visiting Assistant Research Scientist

2003.04—2008.05 哈尔滨工业大学 市政环境工程学院 副教授

2000.04—2003.03 日本东京燃气公司技术研究所 研究员







Ø   2015年,防潮技术研究,军队科技进步奖三等奖(排名第5)

Ø   2013年,吉林省冬季采暖气象服务系统建设,吉林省科技进步奖三等奖(排名第6)


l   绿色生态城区热气候评价及技术:针对不同气候区、各种复杂城市区域内部热湿气候及舒适度的评价体系、实验方法、计算方法及数学模型开发与应用,城市-建筑热气候形成及相互耦合作用机制的研究等。  

l   建筑节能及环境质量保障技术:人居环境动态监测、传热传质基础问题、环境参数可视化技术研发;大气环境污染对建筑内部环境质量的影响及控制策略;地下空间及建筑工业化等状态下节能技术及环境质量保障技术等。  

l   城市智慧能源系统体系与关键技术:以北方地区集中供热系统为主要研究对象,开展智慧能源系统的在线评估及在线诊断技术、动态仿真系统、故障诊断与应急机制、高性能次世代能量计量方法等的研究,最终确立城市智慧能源理论和技术体系。  


1          专著:室内环境原理与控制技术,刘京、陈志强,哈尔滨工业大学出版社,2007年2月

2          研究生教材:室内空气环境,王昭俊(主编),刘京,赵加宁,化学工业出版社,2006年1月

3         译著: CFD与建筑环境设计  (原著:村上周三),朱清宇、刘京等,中国建筑工业出版社,2007年4月

4          专著:城市地下空间环境质量保障关键技术,姚杨(主编),刘京(副主编),中国建筑工业出版社,2010年12月



1.        H. Yoshino, J.  Liu*, J. Lee, J. Wada: Performance Analysis on Hybrid Ventilation System for  Residential Buildings Using a Test House, Indoor air, 13 (Suppl. 6), pp.28-34,  2003

2.        J. Liu*, Y.  Aizawa, H. Yoshino: CFD Prediction of Surface Condensation on Walls and Its  Experimental Validation, Building and Environment, Vol. 39, Issue 8, pp.  905-911, 2004

3.        J. Liu*, Y.  Aizawa, H. Yoshino: Experimental and numerical study on indoor temperature and  humidity with free water surface, Energy and Buildings, Vol. 37, Issue 4, pp.  383-388, 2005

4.        Y. Zhu, J.  Liu*, A. Hagishima, J. Tanimoto, Y. Yao, Z. Ma: Evaluation of Coupled Outdoor  and Indoor Thermal Comfort Environment and Anthropogenic Heat, Building and  Environment, Vol. 42, Issue2, pp. 1018-1025, 2007

5.        M. Khoukhi, H.  Yoshino, J. Liu: The Effect of the Wind Speed Velocity on the Stack Pressure in  Medium-rise Buildings in Cold Region of China, Building and Environment, Vol.  42, Issue3, pp. 1081-1088, 2007

6.        Gao Jun, Gao  Fusheng, Zhao Jianing, Liu Jing. Calculation of natural ventilation in large  enclosures, Indoor and Built Environment, Vol. 16(4): 292-301, 2007

7.        Jiantao Shao,  Jing Liu*, Jianing Zhao, Wenwu Zhang, Dexing Sun, Zhipeng Fu. A novel method for  full-scale measurement of the external convective heat transfer coefficient for  building horizontal roof, Energy and Buildings, Vol. 41(8): 840-847, 2009

8.        Jiantao Shao,  Jing Liu*, Jianing Zhao, Wenwu Zhang, Zhipeng Fu. Field Measurement of the  Convective Heat Transfer Coefficient on vertical external building surfaces  using naphthalene sublimation method, Journal of Building Physics,Vol.33(4):  307-326, 2010

9.        Yang Lu, Jing  Liu*, Hiroshi Yoshino, Bingnan Lu, Anxi Jiang, Chunli Wan. Study on the Removal  of Indoor VOCs Using Biotechnology, Journal of Hazardous Materials,  Vol.182(1-3): 204-209, 2010

10.    Yang Lu, Hiroshi  Yoshino, Rie Takaki, Genta Kurihara, Hiroshi Yonekura, Jing Liu. A Study on  Ventilation Systems for Removing Indoor House Dust. The International Journal of  Ventilation, 9(1): 1-10, 2010

11.    J. Liu*, W. Q. Li,  H. Yoshino. A Long-term Modeling Study of Ventilation and VOC Distribution in  Multi-family Residential Buildings in the Severe Cold Region of China,  International Journal of Ventilation, 10(3) : 227-236, 2011

12.    Yang Lu, Jing  Liu*, Hiroshi Yoshino, Bingnan Lu, Anxi Jiang, Fen Li. Use of Biotechnology  coupled with Bake-out Exhaust to Remove Indoor VOCs. Indoor and Built  Environment, 21(6): 741-748, 2012

13.    Jiantao Shao, Jing  Liu*, Jianing Zhao. Evaluation of various non-linear k-epsilon models for  predicting wind flow around an isolated high-rise building within the surface  boundary layer, Building and Environment, 57(11): 145-155, 2012

14.    B. Li, J. Liu*, M.  L. Li. Wind tunnel study on the morphological parameterization of building  non-uniformity, Journal of Wind Engineering & Industrial Aerodynamics,  121(10): 60–69, 2013

15.    Biao Li, Jing  Liu*, Jiaming Gao. Surface Wind Pressure Tests on Buildings with various  non-uniformity morphological parameters. Journal of Wind Engineering &  Industrial Aerodynamics, 137(2): 14-24, 2015

16.    Yang Lu, Jing  Liu*, Hiroshi Yoshino, Rie Takaki and Genta Kurihara. Study on distribution and  deposition of house dust by different ventilation systems in a full-scale  residential room. International Journal of Ventilation, 13(4): 417-426, 2015  

17.    Taotao Shui, Jing  Liu*, Pengcheng Zhang, Shengjun Liu, Zhiqing Zhao. Development of an urban  canopy model for the evaluation of urban thermal climate with snow cover in  severe cold regions, Building and Environment(in press)

18.    Xiaocheng Song,  Jing Liu*, Lei Yu. Pedestrian environment prediction with different types of  on-shore building distribution, Journal of Central South University(in press)  

19.    Yuemei Zhu, Jing  Liu, Yang Yao, Zuiliang Ma, Aya Hagishima, Jun Tanimoto. Evaluating the impact  of solar radiation on outdoor thermal comfort by the development and validation  of a simple urban climatic model, International Solar Energy Conference, Denver,  USA, July 8-13, 2006

20.    Liu Jing, Li  wenqin. A modeling study of ventilation and VOC distribution in apartment  buildings, IWEERB2007, 248-251, 2007

21.    Lv Yang, Liu Jing,  Lv Bing-nan, Xie Bing, Li Jing, Bao Lin-lin, Jiang An-xi, Research on  biotechnology for indoor air pollution, IWEERB2007, 252-254, 2007

22.    Gao Jun, Gao  Fusheng, Zhao Jianing, Liu Jing. Applicability of traditional and a newly  modified RNG turbulence model to the indoor thermally stratified flow. Journal  of Harbin Institute of Technology (new series), IWEERB2007, 255-258, 2007

23.    Guo Liang, Liu  Jing, Qi Jingjing. Research of the River’s Influence on the Thermal Climate of  City through Infrared Remote Sensing. 2009 International Conference on Energy  and Environment Technology (ICEET09), 279-282, 2009(20101212793043)

24.    XiaoCheng Song,  Jing Liu. Field Measurement of the Large Urban River effect on Urban Thermal  Climate. 2010 International Conference on Energy and Environment Technology  (ICEET10), Dec. 5-6, 2010, Changsha

25.    Yang Lu, Haiwen  Shu, Jing Liu, Linlin Li. Research on Bake-out with Dilution Ventilation for  Indoor Air Pollution, Advanced Materials Research Vols. 518-523 (2012) pp  2749-2752

26.    X. C. Song, J.  Liu, Z. D. Ye, H. Rao, Y. Li. CFD Study of Urban Water Body Effect on the Urban  Local Thermal Climate. ISHVAC2011, Shanghai, Vol.2: 625-630, Nov. 6-9, 2011

27.    J. T. Shao, J.  Liu, J. N. Zhao. Application of the Non-Linear Eddy Viscosity Model to Wind Flow  around a High-rise Building in Surface Boundary. ISHVAC2011, Shanghai, Vol.3:  1007-1013, Nov. 6-9, 2011

28.    Song Xiao-cheng,  Liu Jing, Yu Lei. CFD simulation of micro-climate in waterfront. 13th  International Conference of the International Building Performance Simulation  Association (BS2013), 25th - 28th August 2013, Chambéry, FRANCE, 498-503

29.    Mu Kang, Liu Jing,  Li Fangfang, Zhang Jianli, Lu Zhen, Liu Junyue. The dynamic prediction on  outdoor thermal climate in a complicate urban complex. 13th International  Conference of the International Building Performance Simulation Association  (BS2013), 25th-28th August 2013, Chambéry, FRANCE

30.    Jing Ao, Jing Liu,  Shengjun Liu, Zhiqing Zhao and Biao Li. The Influence of the High-Rise Buildings  on Local Thermal Environment in Severe Cold Region. Proceedings of the 8th  International Symposium on Heating Ventilation and Air Conditioning (ISHVAC),  609-616, Oct. 18-20, Xi’an, 2013

31.    Junliang Cao, Jing  Liu, Chunliang Zhang and Xiaoxin Man. Research on the Vertical Distribution of  Air-Conditioning Load in a Thousand-Meter Scale Megatall Building. Proceedings  of the 8th International Symposium on Heating Ventilation and Air Conditioning  (ISHVAC), 583-593, Oct. 18-20, Xi’an,2013

32.    Jiantao Shao, Jing  Liu, Jianing Zhao and Taotao Shui. Improvement and Validation of the Non-linear  Eddy Viscosity Model Applied to Predicting Wind Flow around Building. 1st  Conference on Computational Engineering and Science for Safety and Environmental  Problems (COMPSAFE 2014), 13-16 April, 2014, Sendai, Japan

33.    J. Li, J. Liu, Y.  Lv, B. Xie, S. Deng: Improve of IAQ by a New Bake-out Method Based on Chamber  Tests, Indoor Air 2005, 3075-3079, 2005

34.    Zhao J, Yoshino H,  Yoshino Y, Kumagai K, Ni Y, Li Z, Liu J, Shigeno T, Miyasaka H, Yanagisawa Y: A  study on indoor air quality of urban residential buildings in China, Indoor Air  2005, 543-547, 2005

35.    Yoshino H, Zhao J,  Yoshino Y, Kumagai K, Ni Y, Li Z, Liu J, Shigeno T, Miyasaka H, Yanagizawa Y: A  study on indoor air quality of urban residential buildings in China, 2nd  International Conference on Built Environment and Public Health (BEPH 2004), DEC  06-08, 2004

36.    Yang Lv, Jing Liu,  Hiroshi Yoshino, Bingnan Lu, Anxi Jiang. Removal of Indoor VOCs Using  Bioaugmentation. First International Conference on Building Energy and  Environment (COBEE 2008), 826-833, Jul. 13-16, 2008(000259578900107)

37.    Lv Yang, Lu  Bing-nan, Liu Jing, Jiang An-xi, Zhang Jing-Ru, Xie Bing, Li Jing, Zhang lei.  Numerical value research on bake-out technology with dilution ventilation for  building materials. Building Simulation 2007. Beijing: Tsinghua University, Sep.  3-6, 2007, 907-911

38.    Jingru Zhang, Jing  Liu. CFD Simulation study on formaldehyde emission from “wet” materials in a new  bake-out method. The 5th International Symposium on HVAC, Sep. 7-8, 2007,  448-452

39.    Lv Yang, Liu Jing,  Lu Bing-nan, Jiang An-xi, Zhang Jing-ru, Xie Bing, Li Jing, Zhang lei. Research  on Bake-out Technology with Dilution Ventilation for Indoor Air Pollution. The  5th International Symposium on HVAC, 424-429, 2007

40.    Jiantao Shao, Jing  Liu, Jianing Zhao. CFD study of the thermal effects on the wind flow around  building surfaces. EERB-BEPH2009, May 29‐31, 2009, Guilin, Guangxi, China,  282-289

41.    Jiantao Shao, Jing  Liu, Jianing Zhao, Zhipeng Fu, Wenwu Zhang. Field Measurements of the Convective  Heat Transfer Coefficients on the Impervious Surface in Urban Area,  ISHVAC2009,Nov. 6-9, 2009, Nanjing, 896-903

42.    J. Liu, Y. Zhu, A.  Hagishima, J. Tanimoto, H. Yoshino: Numerical Simulation on Outdoor Thermal  Comfort Using Revised AUSSSM Model, Proceedings of 3rd International Workshop on  Energy and Environment of Residential Buildings, pp.185-190, 2004

43.    J. Liu, F. Gao, H.  Yoshino, Z. Li: Air Infiltration Performance for Residential Buildings in the  Winter of Harbin, China, 9th International Conference on Air Distribution in  Rooms (Roomvent'04), 2004

44.    Jun Gao, Fu-sheng  Gao, Jia-ning Zhao, Jing Liu: Determination of Convection Coefficients for  Internal Surfaces in Buildings with Thermal Stratification, World Renewable  Energy Congress; 20060819-25

45.    Liu Jing, Li  wenqin. Evaluation of VOC distribution in apartment buildings using an  integrated multi-zone airflow and IAQ model, CCHVAC2006, Moscow, Russia, 2006  

46.    J. Liu, J. Shao,  J. Zhao, Z. Fu, W. Zhang. Field measurement of outside convective heat transfer  coefficient on horizontal roof using naphthalene Sublimation technique. IAQVEC  2007, Sendai, Japan, I: 401-409, 2007

47.    J. Liu, X. Deng,  Y. Wang. Numerical Evaluation of Energy Consumption and Indoor Environment in  Subway Island Platform with DCV System. Building Simulation 2009, Glasgow,  Scotland, July 27-30, 2009, 1894-1898

48.    Shao Jiantao, Jing  Liu, Jianing Zhao, Qingyu Zhu, Wenwu Zhang, Zhipeng Fu. Field measurement of the  convective heat transfer coefficient on vertical external building surfaces  using naphthalene sublimation method. 409-415, Building Environment-Science  & Technology, Nanjing, May7-8, 2010

49.    Jingjing Qi, Jing  Liu and Liang Guo. Research on the Field Measurement of the Large Urban River on  Urban Thermal Climate. IAQVEC2010, Syracuse, USA, Aug 15-18, 2010

50.    Liu Jing, Zhu  Yuemei, Li Meiling, Liu Shengjun, Zhao Zhiqing. The effect of building floor  area ratio on local thermal climate and outdoor comfort in the severe cold  regions based on canopy model simulations. ARTEK Event 2012, Mar. 13-14,  Sisimiut, Greenland, Denmark, 2012

51.    Li Biao, Liu Jing,  Li Meiling. The effect of non-uniform buildings on drag force by wind tunnel  experiments, ICUC8, 8th International Conference on Urban Climates, 6th-10th  August, 2012, Dublin Ireland

52.    Liu Lin, Liu Jing,  Lin Yaoyu, Wang Dan, Ma Xiaoyang. A field study of outdoor thermal comfort under  hot and humid climatic conditions in Shenzhen, IWEERB2014, Nov.8-10, 2014,  Zhengzhou, China

53.    Junquan Rao, Jing  Liu, Rongbo Xiao, Haoyan Liang. Field measurement and simulation of the  micro-thermal climate in a typical dwelling district in China: the Guangzhou  case, IWEERB2014, Nov.8-10, 2014, Zhengzhou, China

54.    Pengcheng Zhang,  Jing Liu. Modeling of snow cover temperatures and its experimental validation,  IWEERB2014, Nov.8-10, 2014, Zhengzhou, China

55.    HuiBo Zhang, Jing  Liu and ChunAn Li. Long-term field measurement on heat and moisture environment  of underground civil air defense works, IWEERB2014, Nov.8-10, 2014, Zhengzhou,  China

56.    Yanagi U., Hiroshi  Yoshino, Zhenhai LiZhenhai, Huibo Zhang, Jingchao Xie, Yang Lv, Jing Liu,  Shengwei Zhu, Nianping Li, Kenichi Hasegawa, Naoki Kagi, Tomonobu Goto.  Microbial characterization of school children’s homes in China, IWEERB2014,  Nov.8-10, 2014, Zhengzhou, China

57.    Biao Li, Jing Liu,  Feifei Luo, Xiaoxin Man. Evaluation of CFD Simulation Using Various Turbulence  Models for Wind Pressure on Buildings Based On Wind Tunnel Experiments,  ISHVAC&COBEE2015, July 12-15, 2015, Tianjin, China

58.    Cong Zheng, Jing  Liu. Study on Indoor Air Movement under the Crowding Conditions by Numerical  simulations and PIV small-scale Experiments, ISHVAC&COBEE2015, July 12-15,  2015, Tianjin, China

59.    Junliang Cao, Jing  Liu. Research on the Vertical Distribution of Air-conditioning(AC) Load in a  Thousand-meter Scale Megatall Building, ICUC9, July 20-24, 2015, Toulouse,  France

60.    Lin Liu, Jing Liu.  Evaluation on the outdoor thermal climate using an integrated urban canopy model  and geographic information: a case study in Shenzhen, ICUC9, July 20-24, 2015,  Toulouse, France

61.    Pengcheng Zhang,  Jing Liu. Numerical study on urban wind environment and thermal climate of  cities in cold area with snow cover, ICUC9, July 20-24, 2015, Toulouse, France  

