








1978.03-1982.03       哈尔滨建筑工程学院 给水排水工程系,工学学士学位

1984.09-1987.09       哈尔滨建筑工程学院 给水排水工程系,市政工程硕士

1998.09-2001.09       哈尔滨工业大学 市政环境工程学院,市政工程博士


2000.10-至今    哈尔滨工业大学 教授,博士生导师

1994.10-2000.10  哈尔滨建筑大学市政环境工程学院 市政工程学科 副教授

1988.03-1994.10  哈尔滨建筑工程学院 市政工程学科 讲师

1982.03-1988.03  哈尔滨建筑工程学院 市政工程学科 教师


国际水协会IWA Anaerobic  Digestion China Committee Director(2014-)





Ø  2012年,低C/N比污水连续流脱氮除磷工艺与过程控制技术,国家科技进步二等奖(排名第5)

Ø 2012年,Anaerobic  co-metabolism of coal gasification wastewater with methanol  addition,国际水协(IWA)东亚区域应用研究项目创新奖二等奖(排名第1)

Ø  2012年,多级生化组合工艺处理煤化工废水技术及应用,黑龙江省科技进步二等奖(排名第1)

Ø 2011年 Thermophilic  anaerobic digestion of Lurgi coal gasification wastewater in a UASB  reactor;国际埃尼奖提名(排名第1)

Ø  2010年,有毒(有机)工业废水物化/生化组合工艺处理效能与工程应用,黑龙江省技术发明一等奖(排名第2)

Ø  2009年,SBR法污水处理工艺与设备及实时控制技术,国家科技进步二等奖(排名第5)

Ø  2007年,两级两相厌氧工艺处理高浓度化工废水的技术研究,中国石油和化学化工科技进步二等奖(排名第1)

Ø  2006年,循环式高速厌氧反应器的开发和应用,教育部高等学校科技进步二等奖(排名第1)

Ø  2004年,循环复合厌氧(EC)处理高浓度工业废水技术,黑龙江省科技进步二等奖(排名第1)

Ø  2004年,UASB法处理高浓度化工废水的技术研究,中国石油和化学化工协会科技进步二等奖(排名第1)

Ø  2004年,高浓度有机废水生物处理技术与示范工程,2004年国家科技进步二等奖(排名第2)


Ø 《水质工程学》国家精品课程负责人(2006)  

Ø 黑龙江省教学名师(2007)

Ø 国家精品资源共享课负责人(2012)


l   污水生物处理理论与应用:从微生物生理生态学和传质动力学等角度出发,深入开展污水生物处理的理论研究与工程应用研究。

l   高浓度废水处理新技术及回用资源化技术:基于厌氧-好氧工艺的低碳节能,提出高难度有机废水处理工艺的基础理论和关键技术,探索废水的深度处理工艺和回用零排放技术研究  

污水处理新技术新工艺及污泥减量技术:  基于交叉学科的基础研究和科技发展的新技术研究,深入开展污水处理新技术新工艺的开发以及污水处理中污泥减量技术的研究。

l   煤化工废水零排放及浓盐水资源化技术:研究煤化工废水零排放关键技术机理及影响因素;开展浓盐水资源化技术系统构建、污染物转化机制、优化调控等研究,提高废水中污染物的去除效果,解决煤化工废水目前不能有效处理的难题。  


1      韩洪军,污水处理构筑物设计与计算,哈尔滨工业大学出版社,2005.3

2      韩洪军、杜茂安,水质处理工程设计计算,普通高等教育土建学科专业“十五”规划教材,高等学校给水排水工程专业指导委员会规划推荐教材   中国建筑工业出版社,2006.3

3      杜茂安、韩洪军,水源工程与管道系统设计计算,普通高等教育土建学科专业“十五”规划教材,高等学校给水排水工程专业指导委员会规划推荐教材,中国建筑工业出版社,2006.3  

4      韩洪军、徐春艳、刘硕,城市污水处理构筑物设计计算及运行管理,普通高等教育 “十一五”国家级规划教材,哈尔滨工业大学出版社,2011.01



1. Fang fang, Hong-jun  Han*, Chun-yan Xu,Qian Zhao, Lin-han Zhang, Degradation of Phenolic Compounds in  Coal Gasification Wastewater by Biofilm Reactor with Isolated Klebsiella sp.  Journal of Harbin Institute of Technology (new series), 2014, 21,9-17.

2. Zhuang Haifeng, Han  Hongjun*, Jia Shengyong, Zhao Qian, Hou Baolin,  Advanced treatment of  biologically pretreated coal gasification wastewater using a novel anoxic moving  bed biofilm reactor (ANMBBR)-biological aerated filter (BAF) system.  Bioresource. Technology, 2014, : 157: 223-230,

3. Baolin Hou, Hongjun  Han*, Shengyong Jia, Haifeng Zhuang, Qian Zhao, Peng Xu,  Effect of alkalinity  on nitrite accumulation in treatment of coal chemical industry wastewater using  moving bed biofilm reactor. Journal of Environmental Sciences, 2014, 26, 5,  1014-1022页.

4. Qian Zhao, Hongjun  Han*, Chunyan Xu, Haifeng Zhuang, Fang Fang, Linghan Zhang. Adsorption and  bioregeneration in the treatment of phenol, indole and mixture with activated  carbon. Accepted by Desalination and Water Treatment in Feb. 19, 2014.;563-568  

5. Zhuang Haifeng, Han  Hongjun*, Hou Baolin, Jia Shengyong, Zhao Qian,  Heterogeneous catalytic  ozonation of biologically pretreated Lurgi coal gasification wastewater using  sewage sludge based activated carbon supported manganese and ferric oxides as  catalysts. Bioresource. Technology, 2014,  166: 178-186,

6. Zhuang Haifeng, Han  Hongjun*, Jia Shengyong, Hou Baolin, Zhao Qian,  Advanced treatment of  biologically pretreated coal gasification wastewater by a novel integration of  heterogeneous catalytic ozonation and biological process. Bioresource.  Technology, 2014,  166, 592-595

7. Jia Shengyong, Han  Hongjun*, Hou Baolin, Zhuang Haifeng, Fang Fang, Zhao Qian,.Treatment of coal  gasification wastewater by membrane bioreactor hybrid powdered activated carbon  (MBR–PAC) system. Chemosphere, 2014, 117, 753-759

8. Zhao Qian, Han  Hongjun*, Hou Baolin, Zhuang Haifeng, Jia Shengyong, Fang Fang, . Nitrogen  removal from coal gasification wastewater by activated carbon technologies  combined with short-cut nitrogen removal process. Journal of Environmental  Sciences, 2014, 26, 2231-2239

9. Hongjun Han*, Shiyi  Zheng, Wencheng Ma, Jihua Huang, Lingyue Chen,Xiao Liu, Shengyong Jia , Jinming  Mu, .The Current Situation and Treatment and Disposal Techniques of Antibiotic  Bacterial Residues in China. Applied Mechanics and  Materials,2014,587~589,820-823.

10. Peng Xu, Hongjun  Han*, Shengyong Jia, Baolin Hou, Haifeng Zhuang, Qian Zhao. Biodegradation  kinetics and Mechanismof typical coal gasification pollutant: Quinoline [J].  Journal of Harbin Institute of Technology (New Series), 2014, 21(6) 121-128.  

11. 韩洪军,庄海峰,赵茜,徐春燕,方芳.非均相催化臭氧处理煤化工生化出水,哈尔滨工业大学学报, 2014,46(6): 50-54.  

12. 徐春艳,韩洪军,姚杰,赵茜,王德欣,煤化工废水处理关键问题解析及技术发展趋势. 中国给水排水, 2014, 30卷,  78-80页.

13. 徐春艳.贾胜勇,韩洪军,刘潇,  鄂尔多斯能源化工有限公司煤气化废水处理工程调试. 中国给水排水, 2014, 30卷, 145-148页.

14. Haifeng Zhuang,  Hongjun Han*, Wencheng Ma, Baolin Hou, Shengyong Jia,Qian Zhao. Advanced  treatment of biologically pretreated coal gasification  wastewater by a novel heterogeneous Fenton oxidation process. Journal of  Environmental Sciences.

15. Peng Xu, Wencheng Ma,  Hongjun Han*, Baolin Hou, Shengyong Jia. Characterization of naphthalene  degradation by Streptomyces sp. QWE-5 isolated from active sludge [J]. Water  Science & Technology, 2014, 70(6) 1129-1134.(SCI,IF=1.212)


16.    Chunyan Xu,  Hongjun Han*,Research on the removal results of hydrogen sulfide of the  Treatment of Coal Gasification Wastewater biogas in the anaerobic biotrickling  filter;Advanced Materials Research,2013,610-613,2000-2005

17.    Chunyan Xu,  Hongjun Han*,Research on the Treatment of Coal Chemical Wastewater by Activated  Sludge Process with Fixed Biological Media Process and Strains; Advanced  Materials Research,2013,610-613,2006-2011

18.    Huiqiang Li,  Hongjun Han*, Maoan Du,Effect of nitrate concentration on performance of  predenitrification moving bed biofilm reactor system in treating coal  gasification wastewater,Desalination and Water Treatment,2013,37,1–7,

19.    Yinsong Liu,  Hongjun Han*, Fang Fang. ,Degradation of long-chain n-alkanes by Acinetobacter  sp. Advanced Materials Research,2013,726-731,2151-2155

20.    Liu Yinsong,Han  Hongjun*, Fang Fang,Application of bioaugmentation to improve the removal  efficiency of long chain alkanes in coal gasification wastewater,Fresenius  Environmental Bulletin,2013,22,9,2448-2455

21.     韩洪军、徐鹏、贾胜勇、侯保林、庄海峰;厌氧/生物增浓/改良A/O工艺处理煤化工废水,中国给水排水2013 年8 月;P65-68

22.     李志远、韩洪军;芬顿氧化-混凝处理煤化工废水生化出水实验研究;给水排水;2013.10(39);316-318

23.     唐安琪、韩洪军、赵茜、方芳、徐春艳;焦化废水中氨氮去除的进展;给水排水;2013.10(39);369-373

24.    Fang Fang, Hongjun  Han*, Qian Zhao, Chunyan Xu, Linghan Zhang. . Bioaugmentation of biological  contact oxidation reactor (BCOR) with phenol-degrading bacteria for coal  gasification wastewater (CGW) treatment [J]. Bioresource Technology, 2013,  150C,314-320

25.    Zhao Qian, Han  Hongjun*, Xu Chunyan, Zhuang Haifeng, Fang Fang, Zhang Linghan, . Effect of  powdered activated carbon technology on short-cut nitrogen removal for coal  gasification wastewater. Bioresource Technology, 2013, 142, 179-185

26.    Zhao Qian, Hongjun  Han*, Xu Chunyan, Zhuang Haifeng, Xu Peng,. Coal gasification wastewater  Pretreatment with coagulation and N2 flotation combined system. Journal of  Harbin Institute of Technology (New Series), 2013, 20,20-24

27.    Han, Hongju*n;  Zhuang, Haifeng,. Heterogeneous catalytic ozonation of COD and quinoline from  coal gasification wastewater secondary effluent with carbon supported copper  oxides as catalyst. Applied Mechanics and Materials, 2013, : 316-317

28.    Xu Peng, Han  HongJun*, Jia ShengYong, Hou Baolin, Zhao Qian. Treatment phenolic compounds in  coal gasification wastewater by hydrolytic acidification-AO process [CA].  Advanced Materials Research, 2013 (807-809) 1083-1086.


29.    Wei Wang, Hongjun  Han*. Recovery strategies for tackling the impact of phenolic compounds in a  UASB reactor treating coal gasification wastewater [J]. Bioresource technology,  Volume 103, Issue 1, January 2012, Pages 95-1002

30.    Wang B., Wang W.,  Han H.J*, Hu H.B., Zhuang H.F. Nitrogen removal and simultaneous nitrification  and denitrification in fluidized bed step-feed process. J. Environ. Sci.,  (journal of environmental science)2012, 24(2):303-308.

31.    Wencheng Ma, Dan  Zhong, Hongjun Han*, Peng Wang, Wei Wang,Treatment efficiency and  characteristics of bacterial community structure of two-stage and two-phase  anaerobic process ;Desalination and water treatment 11/2012; 48(1):207-214.

32.    韩洪军, 林杉, 王煨冬.  水解酸化/前置反硝化BIOFOR生物滤池性能研究. 中国给水排水.2012.01P100-102

33.     韩洪军,欧阳力;BP网络在生物滴滤塔去除硫化氢中的仿真;哈尔滨工业大学学报, 2012,44(2):43-47

34.     韩洪军,牟晋铭,微波联合PAM对污泥脱水性能的影响,哈尔滨工业大学学报, 2012,44 (10):28-32

35.     韩洪军,林杉;马栏河污水厂组合工艺中水解池的性能研究, 中国给水排水,2012年第 1期


36.    .Liu Yin-song, Han  Hong-jun*, Xu Chun-yan, Wang Bing, Li Yu-fei ;Analysis on Phosphorus Removal  from domestic Wastewater treatment plant by biological aerated filter;Energy  Procedia, Volume 11, 2011, Pages 3987-3992.

37.    Aijie Wang,  Chunshuang Liu, Nanqi Ren, Hongjun Han,Simultaneous removal of sulfide, nitrate  and acetate: Kinetic modeling.  Duujong Lee Journal of hazardous materials  01/2010; 178(1-3):35-41.

38.    Wei Wang, Hong-jun  Han*, Min Yuan, et al. Enhanced anaerobic biodegradability of real coal  gasification wastewater with methanol addition. Journal of Environmental  Science, 2010,22。 12,1868-1874

39.    Hui-qiang Li,  Hong-jun Han*, Mao-an Du, Wei Wang,Removal of phenols, thiocyanate and ammonium  from coal gasification wastewater using moving bed biofilm reactor;Bioresource  technology,2011,102,7,4667-4673

40.    Wei Wang, Wencheng  Ma, Hongjun Han*, Huiqiang Li, Min Yuan.  Thermophilic anaerobic digestion of  Lurgi coal gasification wastewater in a UASB reactor, Bioresource technology,  102, 3, 2011,2441-2447

41.     Wei Wang, Hongjun  Han*, Min Yuan, Huiqiang Li, Fang Fang, Ke Wang.  Treatment of coal gasification  wastewater by a two-continuous UASB system with step-feed for COD and phenols  removal, Bioresource technology, 2011,102,5454-5460

42.    Hongjun Han*, Fang  Fang, Wen-cheng Ma, Chun-yan Xun, Wei Wang, Hui-qiang Li. The laccase conditons  of efficient hydroxybenzene-degrading bacteria in coal chemical industry  wastewater [J]. Energy Procedia, 2011, 11,3959-3964

43.    Hui-qiang Li,  Hong-jun Han* , Mao-an Du, Wei Wang,Inhibition and recovery of nitrification in  treating real coal gasification wastewater with moving bed biofilm reactor”;  Journal of Environmental Science, 2011, 23,4,568-574

44.    王冰,韩洪军, 刘硕,马文成.  颗粒活性炭加速厌氧反应器污泥颗粒化的研究. 中国给水排水,2011.11;P72-74

45.    王丽彩, 马文成, 韩洪军, 姚杰,  韩伟慧, 马春艳.煤化工企业突发性水污染事件应急处理系统. 中国给水排水. 2011.14,23-27

46.    DAI Chang-lei, SUN  Si-miao, HAN Hong-jun;“Water Resources and Water Environment Influencing Factors  of Biomass Energy Plant (Generating by Straw) in Frigid Zone”Advanced Materials  Research Vols. 179-180 (2011) pp 1272-1277

47.    Hongbo Hu,Hongjun  Han*,Wencheng MA,Wei WANG,Bing Wang.,Research on pre-denitrification  double-layer media biological aerated filter in municipal wastewater  treatment[J]. Desalination and Water Treatment,2011,31,1-3,366-371

48.    Hongbo Hu,Hongjun  Han*,Wei WANG,Bing Wang,Yufei Li.  Effect of coal gangue-fly ash ceramic(CFC)  media on municipal wastewater treatment in a pre-denitrification biological  aerated filter[J]. Desalination and Water Treatment,2011,31,372-378

49.    Han Hongjun*, Fang  Fang, Xu Chunyan. . Capability of phenol-degrading bacteria [J]. Journal of  Harbin Institute of Technology, 2011, 18,4,5-8

50.    Hong-jun Han*, Wei  Wang, Ma wencheng Min Yuan. Treatment of Methanol Wastewater in External  Circulation Anaerobic Reactor with Different Inoculums. Journal of Harbin  Institute of Technology,2011,51-55

51.    Han Hongjun*, HU  Hongbo, LI Yufei,WANG Bing,Nitrogen removal from municipal wastewater by  limit-oxic/anoxic/oxic biological aerated filter system.  Journal of Harbin  Institute of Technology,2011,47-51

52.    Han Hongjun*, HU  Hongbo,Preparation of biological aerated filter media with coal fly ash and coal  gangues,Journal of Harbin Institute of Technology,2011,6,68-72

53.     韩洪军,韩伟慧,马文成,王丽彩,马春艳,突发性酚污染事故处理方法的研究, 哈尔滨工业大学学报,2011,10期,29-32页


54.    Hongjun Han*, Fang  Fang, Wen-cheng Ma, Chun-yan Xun, Wei Wang, Hui-qiang Li.  Phenoloxidase  activity of phenol-degrading bacteria[C]. International Conference on  Bioinformatics and Biomedical Technology, 2010,06,125

55.    韩洪军 戴亚辉 徐春艳,   EC-CASS工艺在啤酒废水改造工程中的应用,  给水排水  2010,02  58-61

56.     韩洪军,李慧强,杜茂安,马文成,王伟,厌氧/好氧/生物脱氨工艺处理煤化工废水,中国给水排水,2010,26(6):1-3

57.    LI Yu-Fei , HAN  Hong-Jun*  Effects of different acclimations on high solution bacteria in  coal-gas wastewater degradation;Journal Of Harbin Institute of technology,  2010,17(3):389-392 

58.    HAN Hong-Jun*, LI  Yu-Fei , HU Hong-Bo , WANG Bing, Effect of External Carbon Source on  Denitrification in Biofilter at Low Temperature, Advanced Materials Research  ,Vols. 113-114 (2010), pp 1358-1362

59.    韩洪军, 王伟, 敖凯,  外循环厌氧反应器的快速启动研究. 哈尔滨工业大学学报, 2010.4;580-583

60.    韩洪军, 王伟, 马文成, 袁敏,  外循环厌氧工艺处理鲁奇煤制气废水的研究. 哈尔滨工业大学学报, 2010.6;907-910.

61.    Fang Fang, Wen  cheng Ma, Hong jun Han*, Wei Wang, Huiqiang Li.The separation and degradation  ability of predominant aerobic microorganism in coal chemical industry  wastewater process . Asia-Pacific Power and Energy Engineering Conference,  2010.06

62.    Wei Wang, Hongjun  Han*, Huiqiang Li, et al. Treatment of Coal Chemical Wastewater by Two-Stage  Anaerobic Process. Asia-Pacific Power and Energy Engineering Conference, 2010,03  

63.    Hui-qiang Li,  Hong-jun Han*, Mao-an Du, Wei Wang, Post-treatment of coal gasification  wastewater using a moving bed biofilm reactor in present of methanol,  Asia-Pacific Power and Energy Engineering Conference ,2010,03

64.    LI Yu-Feia,b , HAN  Hong-Juna*, WANG Ying-Weib, FANG Fanga ,WANG Weia ,Effects of Different  Acclimations on High Solution Bacteria in Coal-gas Wastewater  Degradation、2010.03、389-392

65.    HAN Hong-jun*,MA  Wen-cheng;Treatment of methanol wastewater with two-stage and two-phase  anaerobic process ;Journal of Harbin Institute of Technology, 2010 17(1)

66.    Wei Wang, Hong-jun  Han*, Jie Yao; Treatment of low C/N ratio monosodium glutamate wastewater in  suspended carrier biofilm process; The 4th International Conference on  Bioinformatics and Biomedical Engineering,2010,06

67.    HAN Hong-jun*,  Wang Bing, LI Yu-fei, HU Hong-bo; Experimental Study on Simultaneous  Nitrification and Denitrification in Municipal Wastewater; The 4th International  Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedical Engineering,2010,06

68.    Han Hong Jun* ,Li  Yu Fei ,Xu Chun Yan,;Performance Study of Enhancing Pretreatment Process for  Pre-denitrification Aerated Filter; The 4th International Conference on  Bioinformatics and Biomedical Engineering,2010,06

69.    HU Hongbo, HAN  Hongjun*, JIE Yao; Adsorption of Ammonium to Biologically Aerated Filter  Backwashed Sludge; The 4th International Conference on Bioinformatics and  Biomedical Engineering,2010,06

70.    HAN Hongjun*, HU  Hongbo, XU Chunyan, LI Yufei;Effect of low-temperature for the treatment of  municipal wastewater in a full-scale BAF; The 4th International Conference on  Bioinformatics and Biomedical Engineering,2010,06

71.    Hong-jun Han*,  Hui-qiang Li, Mao-an Du, Wei Wang,Treatment of Coal Gasification Wastewater by  Full Scale Activated Sludge Process with Fixed Media; The 4th International  Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedical Engineering,2010,06

72.     张凌瀚,韩洪军,李雨霏,王煨冬,水解酸化/前置反硝化BAF工艺处理城市生活污水,中国给水排水,2010,(12):7-9

73.    HAN Hong-Jun*, LI  Yu-Fei , HU Hong-Bo , WANG Bing, Effect of External Carbon Source on  Denitrification in Biofilter at Low Temperature, Advanced Materials Research  ,Vols. 113-114 (2010),  1358-1362

74.    DAI Chang-lei,SUN  Si-miao,HAN Hong-jun*,LI Zhi-jun ,Water Resources and Water Environment  Influencing Factors of Biomass Energy Plant(Generating by Straw) in Frigid Zone  ;ICMSES  2010,918页Advanced Materials Research ,Vols. 113-114 (2010),  918-921  

75.    Li Yufei, Han  Hongjun*, Hu Hongbo, Wang Bing, Liu Yinsong ;Study on low carbon-to-nitrogen  municipa lwastewater using Pre-denitrification Biological Filter;Energy  Procedia, Volume 11, 2011, Pages 3942-3947

76.    Wang Bing, Han  Hong-jun*, Ma Wen-cheng, Li Yu-fei, Liu Yin-song ;Study on Nitrogen Removal in  A2O reactor with fluidized carriers;Energy Procedia, Volume 11, 2011, Pages  3954-3958

77.    Han Hongjun*, Li  Huiqiang, Du Maoan, Wang Wei;Study on Post-treatment of Coal Gasification  Wastewater by Coagulation;Energy Procedia, Volume 11, 2011, Pages 3970-3975

