








1999. 9—2003. 7   东北农业大学  微生物学专业,本科,学士学位

2003. 9—2006. 7   东北农业大学 微生物学专业,  硕士,硕士学位

2006. 9—2010. 7   哈尔滨工业大学,环境工程专业,博士,博士学位


2013.05—至今   哈尔滨工业大学,硕士生导师 

2013.12—至今   哈尔滨工业大学,生物学,副教授

2010.07—2013.12 哈尔滨工业大学,生物学,讲师

2013.10—2014.10 访问学者, 生物工程系, 美国普渡大学

2012.05—2012.10 访问学者, 生物工程系, 美国普渡大学

2011.03—2015.03 博士后,哈尔滨工业大学仪器科学与工程流动站



International Journal of  Hydrogen Energy、Bioresource Technology、Biomass Bioengineering 、Biotechnology for  Biofuels和Water Science Technology 审稿人


Ø  2013年,Enhanced  cellulosic hydrogen production from lime-treated cornstalk wastes using  thermophilic anaerobic microflora microflora,哈尔滨市自然科学技术学术成果奖二等奖(排名第1)


l   生物质废弃物生物转化:基于合成生物学指导,通过微生物代谢调控及代谢工程手段高效低污染利用生物质废弃物资源获得高附加值能源产品氢气、甲烷、丁醇等。  

l   微生物分子生态学: 利用生物化学和分子生物学技术,结合现代高通量测序技术,开展与生物质厌氧转化及微生物资源利用相关的基础和应用研究,分析重要环境和能源微生物基因表达调控及环境适应性机制,实现系统优化与调控。  


Ai-Jie Wang, Guang-Li Cao and Wen-Zong Liu. Advances in Biochemical  Engineering Biotechnology: Bigtechnology in ChinaⅢ:Biofuels and Bioenergy,  Chapter 7: Biohydrogen production from anearobic fermentation. Springer-Verlag  Berlin Heidelberg. 2012



1. Zhen-Yu Wang, Guang-Li Cao, Ju Zheng, De-Feng Fu, Jin-Zhu Song, Jun-Zheng  Zhang, Lei Zhao, Qian Yang. Developing a mesophilic co-culture for direct  conversion of cellulose to butanol in consolidated bioprocess. Biotechnology for  Biofuels 2015, 8:84. (SCI IF=6.04)

2. Guang-Li Cao, Eduardo Ximenes, Nancy N. Nichols, Sarah E.  Frazer, Daehwan Kim, Michael A. Cotta, Michael Ladisch. Bioabatement with  hemicellulase supplementation to reduce enzymatic hydrolysis inhibitors.  Bioresource Technology. 2015, 190: 412-415. (SCI IF=4.494)


1. Guang-Li Cao, Lei Zhao, Ai-Jie Wang, Zhen-Yu Wang and  Nan-Qi Ren. Single-step bioconversion of lignocellulose to hydrogen using novel  moderately thermophilic bacteria. Biotechnology for Biofuels 2014, 7:82.(SCI  IF=6.04)

2. Lei Zhao, Guang-Li Cao, Ai-Jie Wang, Hong-Yu Ren, Kun  Zhang and Nan-Qi Ren. Consolidated bioprocessing performance of  Thermoanaerobacterium thermosaccharolyticum M18 on fungal pretreated cornstalk  for enhanced hydrogen production. Biotechnology for Biofuels 2014, 7:178. (SCI  IF=6.04)

3.  Cheng-Jiao Xu, Guang-Li Cao, Lei Zhao, Ai-Jie Wang,  Lin-Na Chen, Nan-Qi Ren. A dual-chamber reactor to assess the saccharification  capability of the cellulytic microflora from straw waste. RSC Advances. 4:  9617-9621, 2014.(SCI, IF=3.708)

4.  Lei Zhao, Guang-Li Cao, Ai-Jie Wang, Hong-Yu Ren, Nan-Qi Ren. An  anaerobic sequential batch reactor for enhanced continuous hydrogen production  from fungal pretreated cornstalk hydrolysate. International Journal of Hydrogen  Energy. 2014,39. (SCI, IF=3.313)


1. Guang-Li Cao, Xun-Feng Xia, Zhao L, Zhen-Yu Wang, Xuan Li,  Qian Yang. Development of AFEX-based consolidated bioprocessing on wheat straw  for biohydrogen production using anaerobic microflora. International Journal of  Hydrogen Engergy. 38: 15653-15659, 2013. (SCI, IF=3.313)

2. Guang-Li Cao, Eduardo Ximenes, Nancy Nichols, Le-Yu Zhang,  Michael Ladisch. Biological abatement of cellulase inhibitors. Bioresource  Technology. 146:604–610, 2013. (SCI, IF=4.494)

3. Lei Zhao, Guang-Li Cao, Jing Yao, Hong-Yu Ren, Cheng-Jiao  Xu, Nan-Qi Ren. Enzymatic Saccharification of Cornstalk by Onsite Cellulases  Produced by Trichoderma viride for Enhanced Biohydrogen Production. GCB  Bioenergy. 5(5): 591-598, 2013. (SCI, IF=4.882)

4. Lei Zhao, Guang-Li Cao, Ai-Jie Wang, Hong-Yu Ren, Nan-Qi  Ren. Evaluation of continuous biohydrogen production from enzymatically treated  cornstalk hydrolysate. International Journal of Hydrogen Engergy. 38:  15100-15104, 2013. (SCI, IF=3.313)

5. Lei Zhao, Guang-Li Cao, Ai-Jie Wang, Hong-Yu Ren, Nan-Qi  Ren. Simultaneous saccharification and fermentation of fungal pretreated  cornstalk for hydrogen production using Thermoanaerobacterium  thermosaccharolyticum W16. Bioresource Technology. 145:103-107, 2013. (SCI,  IF=4.494)

6. Zheng-Yu Wang, Guang-Li Cao, Cheng Jiang, Jin-Zhu Song, Ju  Zheng, Qian Yang. Butanol Production from Wheat Straw by Combining Crude  Enzymatic Hydrolysis and Anaerobic Fermentation Using Clostridium acetobutylicum  ATCC824. Energy & Fuels, 27(10): 5900-5906, 2013. (SCI, IF=2.790)


1. Guang-Li Cao, Wan-Qian Guo, Ai-Jie Wang, Lei Zhao,  Cheng-Jiao Xu, Nan-Qi Ren. Enhanced cellulosic hydrogen production from  lime-treated cornstalk wastes using thermophilic anaerobic microflora.  International Journal of Hydrogen Energy. 2012, 37(17):13161–13166.(SCI,  IF=3.313)

2. Lei Zhao, Guang-Li Cao, Ai-Jie Wang, Wan-Qian Guo,  Bing-Feng Liu, Hong-Yu Ren, Nan-Qi Ren, Fang Ma. Enhanced bio-hydrogen  production by immobilized Clostridium sp. T2 on a new biological carrier.  International Journal of Hydrogen Energy. 2012, 37, 162–166. (SCI, IF=3.313)  

3. Lei Zhao, Guang-Li Cao, Jing Yao, Hong-Yu Ren, Fang Ma,  Nan-Qi Ren, Ai-Jie Wang. Optimization of immobilization parameters of  Thermoanaerobacterium thermosaccharolyticum W16 on a new carrier for enhanced  hydrogen production. RSC Advances. 2012, 2, 7391-7395. (SCI, IF=3.708)

4. Lei Zhao, Guang-Li Cao, Jing Yao, Hong-Yu Ren, Cheng-Jiao  Xu, Nan-Qi Ren, Ai-Jie Wang. Fungal pretreatment of cornstalk with Phanerochaete  chrysosporium for enhancing enzymatic saccharification and hydrogen production.  Bioresource Technology. 2012, 114:365–369. (SCI, IF=4.494)

5. Shan-Shan Yang, Wan-Qian Guo, Guang-Li Cao, Nan-Qi Ren.  Simultaneous waste activated sludge disintegration and biological hydrogen  production using an ozone/ultrasound pretreatment Bioresource Technology.  2012,124: 347–354.(SCI, IF=4.494)


1. Kun Zhang, Nan-Qi Ren, Guang-Li Cao, Ai-Jie Wang.  Biohydrogen production behavior of moderately thermophile Thermoanaerobacterium  thermosaccharolyticum W16 under different gas-phase conditions. International  Journal of Hydrogen Energy. 2011, 36: 14041~14048. (SCI, IF=3.313)


1. Guang-Li Cao, Nan-Qi Ren, Ai-Jie Wang, Wan-Qian Guo, Jing  Yao, Yu-Jie Feng, Qing-Liang Zhao. Statistical optimization of culture condition  for enhanced hydrogen production by Thermoanaerobacterium thermosaccharolyticum  W16. Bioresource Technology. 2010, 101(6): 2053-2058. (SCI, IF=4.494)

2. Guang-Li Cao, Nan-Qi Ren, Ai-Jie Wang. Effect of  lignocellulose-derived inhibitors on growth and  hydrogen production by  Thermoanaerobacterium thermosaccharolyticum W16. International Journal of  Hydrogen Energy. 2010, 35: 13475-13480. (SCI, IF=3.313)

3. Guang-Li Cao, Nan-Qi Ren, Ai-Jie Wang, Jing Yao, Kun  Zhang, Cheng-Jiao Xu. Combination of mild chemical pretreatment with biological  conversion for enhanced hydrogen production from cornstalk wastes. Journal of  Biotechnology. 2010, 150S: S9. (SCI, IF=2.871)

4. Guang-Li Cao, Nan-Qi Ren, Ai-Jie Wang, Jing Yao, Kun  Zhang. Direct convertion of cellulosic substrate to hydrogen production by  Clostridium cellulosi D3. Journal of Biotechnology. 2010, 150S: S563. (SCI,  IF=2.871)

5. Nan-Qi Ren, Guang-Li Cao, Wan-Qian Guo, Ai-Jie Wang.  Biological hydrogen production from corn stover by moderately thermophile  Thermoanaerobacterium thermosaccharolyticum W16. International Journal of  Hydrogen Energy. 2010, 35: 2708-2712. (SCI, IF=3.313)