









1978.08-1982.07  哈尔滨建筑工程学院 城市建设系  给水排水工程  学士;

1982.07-1985.07  哈尔滨建筑工程学院 市政环境工程系 市政工程   硕士;

1987.07-1990.07  哈尔滨建筑工程学院 市政环境工程系  市政工程  博士

1991.03-1993.08  同济大学环境工程学院  土木、水利学科 博士后

1993.12-1995.06 英国帝国理工学院  土木工程系(获国际“居里夫人”一等博士后科学基金)  水资源与环境工程  博士后

2006.10-2007.02 瑞士联邦水资源与水环境研究中心 水资源与饮用水质保障 访问教授


1985.07-1987.01   哈尔滨建筑工程学院  助教

1987.02-1991.02   哈尔滨建筑工程学院  讲师

1993.09-1996.05   哈尔滨建筑大学      副教授

1996.06-1999.11   哈尔滨建筑大学 教授

1996.01-1998.12   英国帝国理工学院土木工程系  研究员(英国皇家学会资助)

1990.01-1993.06   哈尔滨建筑工程学院中心实验室   主任

2004.03-至今     哈尔滨工业大学市政环境工程学院副院长

2004.12-至今     水的深度处理与资源化利用黑龙江省重点实验室   主任

2007.11-至今     城市水资源开发利用(北方)国家工程研究中心  常务副主任


Hazardous, Toxic, and  Radioactive Waste Management  美国土木工程学会(ASCE)期刊副主编2008.10-至今

国际臭氧协会IOA-EA3G(欧亚澳非区组)理事   2002.11-至今

国务院学位委员会学科评议组(土木工程)成员    2003.3-至今

澳大利亚南澳大学          兼职教授       2004.11-2010.6

Applied Water Science     编委           2008.0-至今

国际水协会水与纳米委员会委员             2012.10-至今

《给水排水》                编委           2014.11-至今

《工业水处理》             编委  

 哈尔滨供排水集团           技术咨询专家委员会委员   2015.1-至今

Royal Society of  Chemistry  Fellows        2015.8-至今


Ø  国际“居里夫人”一等博士后科学基金                    1993年

Ø  高锰酸钾预氧化取代预氯化减少氯仿生成量   国家科技进步奖  三等奖  1995年

Ø  高锰酸钾除微污染技术        建设部科技进步奖   一等奖  1997年

Ø  中国青年科技奖                                         1997年

Ø  国家杰出青年科学基金获得者                             1998年

Ø   首批入选国家“百千万人才工程”一、二层次人才和跨世纪优秀人才计划 1998年

Ø  高锰酸盐复合剂除污染技术    国家技术发明奖     二等奖  2002年

Ø  化学预氧化除污染集成化技术  黑龙江省技术发明奖 一等奖  2002年

Ø  臭氧催化氧化除污染技术      国家技术发明奖     二等奖  2005年

Ø  中国青年科学家奖                                       2006年

Ø  城镇水环境关键技术           黑龙江省技术发明奖  一等奖2008年


l   膜法水处理技术的开发与应用:以高性能膜材料的制备为目标,系统研究膜材料表观性能和材料内部特性之间的相关性,并通过纳米掺杂、化学接枝、表面修饰等方法,提高膜材料的选择性和抗污染性能,优化膜材料工业化制备工艺。  

l   臭氧氧化技术开发与应用:以水体中高稳定性有机物的去除为目标,系统研究净水工艺中臭氧预处理优化方法、均相及非均相催化臭氧氧化技术方法、臭氧消毒技术、以及臭氧氧化工艺中副产物的控制技术。  

l   高锰酸钾水处理技术研究:发现并利用高锰酸钾在水处理过程中所产生的极高活性中间态锰,并开发出高锰酸钾及其复合剂预氧化技术。以控制水中有机微污染物为目标,研究高锰酸钾及高活性中间态锰氧化水中有机为污染物的反应路径,分析氧化产物并提出反应机理。  


l   高铁酸盐在水处理中的应用研究:研究简易低廉的高纯度高铁酸盐制备方法,利用其强氧化性去除水中难降解有机微污染物及重金属,同时研究高铁酸盐中间价态变化和产物性质特征,并利用高铁酸盐的高活性新生态还原产物同步吸附去除水中污染物质,优化高铁酸盐在水处理中的应用工艺。  

重金属污染去除技术:  研究重金属及新生态铁锰氧化物在水中形态、价态转换等性质,重金属在铁锰氧化物微界面上氧化、吸附行为。在此基础上研发出高效去除饮用水中微量铊、镉、钼等重金属新技术。  



1.        Song,  Yang,Jiang, Jin, Ma, Jun, Pang, Su-Yan, Liu, Yong-Ze, Yang, Yi, Luo, Cong-Wei,  Zhang, Jian-Qiao, Gu, Jia, Qin, Wen,ABTS as an Electron Shuttle to Enhance the  Oxidation Kinetics of Substituted Phenols by Aqueous Permanganate,Environmental  science & technology,2015(49),11764-71

2.        2. Luo,  Congwei,Ma, Jun,Jiang, Jin,Liu, Yongze,Song, Yang,Yang, Yi,Guan, Yinghong,Wu,  Daoji,Simulation and comparative study on the oxidation kinetics of atrazine by  UV/H2O2, UV/HSO5- and UV/S2O(8)(2-),WATER RESEARCH,2015(80),99-108

3.        Lu,  Xinglin,Nejati, Siamak,Choo, Youngwoo,Osuji, Chinedum O.,Ma, Jun,Elimelech,  Menachem,Elements Provide a Clue: Nanoscale Characterization of Thin-Film  Composite Polyamide Membranes,ACS APPLIED MATERIALS &  INTERFACES,2015(7),16917-16922

4.        Yang, Yi,Jiang,  Jin,Lu, Xinglin,Ma, Jun,Liu, Yongze,Production of Sulfate Radical and Hydroxyl  Radical by Reaction of Ozone with Peroxymonosulfate: A Novel Advanced Oxidation  Process,ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY,2015(49),7330-7339

5.        Lu,  Xixin,Huangfu, Xiaoliu,Zhang, Xiang,Wang, Yaan,Ma, Jun,Removal of trace mercury  (II) from aqueous solution by in situ MnOx combined with poly-aluminum  chloride,JOURNAL OF WATER AND HEALTH,2015(13)383-393

6.        Lu,  Xinglin,Chavez, Laura H. Arias,Castrillon, Santiago Romero-Vargas,Ma,  Jun,Elimelech, Menachem,Influence of Active Layer and Support Layer Surface  Structures on Organic Fouling Propensity of Thin-Film Composite Forward Osmosis  Membranes,ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY,2015(49)1436-1444

7.        Xie,  Pengchao,Ma, Jun,Liu, Wei,Zou, Jing,Yue, Siyang,Li, Xuchun,Wiesner, Mark  R.,Fang, Jingyun,Removal of 2-MIB and geosmin using UV/persulfate: Contributions  of hydroxyl and sulfate radicals,WATER RESEARCH,2015(69)223-233

8.        Liu,  Yongze,Jiang, Jin,Ma, Jun,Yang, Yi,Luo, Congwei,Huangfu, Xiaoliu,Guo,  Zhongkai,Role of the propagation reactions on the hydroxyl radical formation in  ozonation and peroxone (ozone/hydrogen peroxide) processes. WATER  RESEARCH,2015(68),750-758


9.        Xinglin Lu , Chanhee Boo , Jun ma , Menachem  Elimelech ,Bidirectional Diffusion of Ammonium and Sodium Cations in Forward  Osmosis: Role of Membrane Active Layer Surface Chemistry and Charge,  Environmental Science & Technology,2014(48),14369-14376

10.    Zhao, Lei Ma, Weichao , Ma, Jun , Yang, Jingjing  , Wen, Gang , Sun, Zhizhong ,Characteristic mechanism of ceramic honeycomb  catalytic ozonation enhanced by ultrasound with triple frequencies for the  degradation of nitrobenzene in aqueous solution, ULTRASONICS  SONOCHEMISTRY,2014(21),104-112

11.    Wen, Gang , Wang, Sheng-Jun , Ma, Jun , Liu,  Zheng-Qian , Zhao, Lei , Xu, Jin-Lan ,Oxidative degradation of organic  pollutants in aqueous solution using zero valent copper under aerobic atmosphere  condition, JOURNAL OFHAZARDOUS MATERIALS ,2014(275),193-195

12.    4. Wen, Gang , Ma, Jun , Huang, Ting-Lin , Egli,  Thomas ,Using coagulation to restrict microbial re-growth in tap water by  phosphate limitation in water treatment, JOURNAL OFHAZARDOUS  MATERIALS,2014(280),348-355

13.    5.Wang, Zhenghui ,Cheng, Wei ,Ma, Jun ,Wang,  Panpan ,Condensed solute droplets templated honeycomb pattern on polymer films.  JOURNAL OF COLLOID AND INTERFACE SCIENCE,2014(436),16-18

14.    Jin Jiang, Yuan Gao, Su-Yan Pang, Qiang Wang,  Xiaoliu Huangfu, Yongze Liu, and Jun ma, Oxidation of Bromophenols and Formation  of Brominated Polymeric Products of Concern during Water Treatment with  Potassium Permanganate. Environmental Science and Technology,2014(18),  10850–10858

15.    Su-Yan Pang, Jin Jiang, Yuan Gao, Yang Zhou,  Xiaoliu Huangfu, Yongze Liu, and Jun ma, Oxidation of Flame Retardant  Tetrabromobisphenol A by Aqueous Permanganate: Reaction Kinetics, Brominated  Products, and Pathways. Environmental Science and Technology,2014(1),  615–623    

16.    Xixin Lu, Xiaoliu Huangfu, Xiang Zhang, Yaan  Wang, Jun ma, Strong enhancement of trace mercury removal from aqueous solution  with sodium thiosulfate by in situ formed Mn–(hydr)oxides. WATER RESEARCH, 2014,  22-31

17.    Xixin Lu, Xiaoliu Huangfu, Jun ma, Removal of  trace mercury (II) from aqueous solution by in situ formed Mn–Fe (hydr)oxides.  Journal of Hazardous Materials,2014

18.    Xuchun Li, Jingyun Fang, Guifang Liu, Shujuan  Zhang, Bingcai Pan, Jun ma, Kinetics and efficiency of the hydrated  electron-induced dehalogenation by the sulfite/UV process. WATER RESEARCH, 2014,  220-228

19.    Gang Wen, Sheng-Jun Wang, Jun ma, Ting-Lin  Huang, Zheng-Qian Liud, Lei Zhao, Jun-Feng Su, Enhanced ozonation degradation of  di-n-butyl phthalate byzero-valent zinc in aqueous solution: Performance and  mechanism. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2014, 69–78

20.    Yi Yang, Joseph J. Pignatello, Jun ma, and  William A. Mitch, Comparison of Halide Impacts on the Efficiency of Contaminant  Degradation by Sulfate and Hydroxyl Radical-Based Advanced Oxidation Processes  (AOPs). Environmental Science and Technology,2014(4), 2344–2351

21.    Jing Zou, Jun ma, Xiang Zhang, Pengchao Xie,  Rapid spectrophotometric determination of peroxymonosulfate in water with  cobalt-mediated oxidation decolorization of methyl orange. Chemical Engineering  Journal, 2014, 34–39

22.    Jing Zou, Jun ma, and Jianqiao Zhang, Comment on  Electrolytic Manipulation of Persulfate Reactivity by Iron Electrodes for TCE  Degradation in Groundwater. Environmental Science and Technology,2014(8),  4630–4631

23.    Ji Zhao, Jingjing Yang, Jun ma, Mn(II)-enhanced  oxidation of benzoic acid by Fe(III)/H2O2 system. Chemical Engineering Journal,  2014, 171–177


24.    Pengchao Xie, Jun ma, Jingyun Fang, Yinghong  Guan, Siyang Yue, Xuchun Li, and Liwei Chen, Comparison of Permanganate  Preoxidation and Preozonation on Algae Containing Water: Cell Integrity,  Characteristics, and Chlorinated Disinfection By Product Formation.  Environmental Science and Technology. 2013(24), 14051–14061

25.    Jingjing Yang, Ji Zhao, Jun ma, Zheng-Qian Liu,  Simultaneous oxidation of phenol and bisphenol A by permanganate:Synergetic or  competitive effect. Separation and Purification Technology,2013,271-276  

26.    Xinglin Lu, Santiago Romero-Vargas Castrillón,  Devin L Shaffer, Jun ma, Menachem Elimelech. In Situ Surface Chemical  Modification of Thin-Film Composite Forward Osmosis Membranes for Enhanced  Organic Fouling Resistance. Environmental Science and Technology,  2013(21).12219–12228.

27.    Zou Jing, Ma  jun, Chen Liwei, Li Xuchun, Guan  Yinghong, Xie Pengchao, Pan Chao. Rapid Acceleration of Ferrous  Iron/Peroxymonosulfate Oxidation of Organic Pollutants by Promoting  Fe(III)/Fe(II) Cycle with Hydroxylamine. Environmental Science and  Technology.2013(20), 11685–11691.

28.    Huangfu Xiaoliu, Jiang Jin, Ma  jun, liuyongze,  yangjing. Aggregation kinetics of manganese dioxide colloids in aqueous  solution: influence of humic substances and biomacromolecules. Environmental  Science and Technology,2013(18), 10285-92.

29.    Guan Ying-Hong, Ma  jun, Ren Yue-Ming, Liu  Yu-Lei, Xiao Jia-Yue, Lin Ling-qiang, Zhang, Chen.Efficient degradation of  atrazine by magnetic porous copper ferrite catalyzed peroxymonosulfate oxidation  via the formation of hydroxyl and sulfate radicals. WATER RESEARCH, 2013(14)  , 5431-5438.

30.    Shi Fengmei, Ma Yuxin, Ma  jun, Wang Panpan, Sun  Weixiao. Preparation and characterization of PVDF/TiO2 hybrid membranes with  ionic liquid modified nano-TiO2 particles. JOURNAL OF MEMBRANE  SCIENCE.2013(427),259-269.


31.    Li Xuchun, Ma  jun, Liu Guifang, Fang Jingyun,  Yue Siyang, Guan Yinghong, Chen Liwei, Liu Xiaowei.Efficient Reductive  Dechlorination of Monochloroacetic Acid by Sulfite/UV Process. Environmental  Science and Technology, 2012(13), 7342-7349.

32.    Wang Panpan, Ma  jun, Wang Zhenghui, Shi  Fengmei, Liu Qianling. Enhanced Separation Performance of PVDF/PVP-g-MMT  Nanocomposite Ultrafiltration Membrane Based on the NVP-Grafted Polymerization  Modification of Montmorillonite (MMT). LANGMUIR, 2012(10), 4776-4786

33.    Jiang Jin, Pang Su-Yan, Ma  jun, Liu Huiling.  Oxidation of Phenolic Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals by Potassium Permanganate  in Synthetic and Real Waters. Environmental Science and Technology,  2012(3), 1774-1781.

34.    Shi Fengmei, Ma Yuxin, Ma  jun. Preparation and  characterization of PVDF/TiO2 hybrid membranes with different dosage of  nano-TiO2. Journal of Membrane Science, 2012(389), 522-531.

35.    Wen Gang, Pan Zhi-Hui, Ma  jun, Liu Zheng-Qian,  Zhao Lei, Li Jun-Jing. Reuse of sewage sludge as a catalyst in ozonation -  Efficiency for the removal of oxalic acid and the control of bromate formation.  JOURNAL OF HAZARDOUS MATERIALS, 2012(239), 381-388.


36.    Guan Ying-Hong, Ma  jun, Li Xu-Chun, Fang  JingYun, Chen LiWei, Influence of pH on the Formation of Sulfate and Hydroxyl  Radicals in the UV/Peroxymonosulfate System. Environmental Science and  Technology, 2011(21),  9308-9314.

37.    Wen Gang, Ma  jun, Liu ZhengQian, Zhao  Lei. Ozonation kinetics for the degradation of phthalate esters in water and the  reduction of toxicity in the process of O-3/H2O2 JOURNAL OF HAZARDOUS MATERIALS,  2011(195), 371-377.

38.    Pang Su-Yan, Jiang Jin, Ma  jun. Response to  Comment on Oxidation of Sulfoxides and Arsenic(III) in Corrosion of Nanoscale  Zero Valent Iron by Oxygen: Evidence against Ferryl Ions (Fe(IV)) as Active  Intermediates in Fenton Reaction. Environmental Science and Technology,  2011(7), 3179-3180.

39.    Chen Liwei, Ma  jun, Li Xuchun, Zhang Jing. Fang  Jingyun. Guan Yinghong, Xie Pengchao. Strong Enhancement on Fenton Oxidation by  Addition of Hydroxylamine to Accelerate the Ferric and Ferrous Iron Cycles.  Environmental Science and Technology, 2011(9), 3925-3930.

40.    Suyan Pang, Jin Jiang, Jun ma. Oxidation of  Sulfoxides and Arsenic (III) in Corrosion of Nanoscale Zero Valent Iron by  Oxygen: Evidence against Ferryl Ions(Fe(IV)) as Active Intermediates in Fenton  Reaction. Environmental Science and Technology, 2011(1), 307-312.


41.    Jin Jiang, Suyan Pang, Jun ma. Role of Ligands  in Permanganate Oxidation of Organics. Environmental Science and Technology,  2010(44), 4270-4275.

42.    Jingyun Fang, Xin Yang, Jun ma, Chii Shang.  QuanCharacterization of algal organic matter and formation of DBPs from  chlor(am)ination. Water Research, 2010(20), 5897-5906.

43.    Jingyun Fang, Jun ma, Xin Yang, Chii Shang.  Formation of carbonaceous and nitrogenous disinfection by-products from the  chlorination of Microcystis aeruginosa. Water Research, 2010(44),  1934-1940.

44.    Zhengqian Liu, Jun ma, Yuhong Cui, Lei Zhao,  Beiping Zhang. Influence of different heat treatments on the surface properties  and catalytic performance of carbon nanotube in ozonation. Applied Catalysis B:  Environmental, 2010(101), 74-80.

45.    Xiangyu Wang, Ping Ning, Huiling Liu, Jun ma.  Dechlorination of chloroacetic acids by Pd/Fe nanoparticles: Effect of drying  method on metallic activity and the parameter optimization. Applied Catalysis B:  Environmental, 2010(94), 55-63.

46.    Chengchun Jiang, Suyan Pang, Feng Ouyang, Jun  ma, Jin Jiang. A new insight into Fenton and Fenton-like processes for water  treatment. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2010(174), 813-817.

47.    Lei Zhao, Jun ma, Xuedong Zhai. Enhanced  mechanism of catalytic ozonation by ultrasound with orthogonal dual frequencies  for the degradation of nitrobenzene in aqueous solution. Ultrasonics  Sonochemistry, 2010(17), 84-91.

48.    Xiaoling Shao, Jun ma, Gang Wen, Jingjing Yang.  Oxidation of estrone by permanganate: Reaction kinetics and estrogenicity  removal. Chinese Science Bulletin, 2010(55), 802-808.

49.    Bingbing Xu, Zhonglin Chen, Fei Qi, Jun ma,  Fengchang Wu. Authors' response to comments on Inhibiting the regeneration of  N-nitrosodimethylamine in drinking water by UV photolysis combined with  ozonation by F. Xiao. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2010(177),  1167-1169.

50.    Baicang Liu, Jun ma, Lin Luo, Yuhua Bai, Shutao  Wang, Jing Zhang. Two-Dimensional LDV Measurement, Modeling, and Optimal Design  of Rectangular Primary Settling Tanks. Journal of Environmental  Engineering-ASCE, 2010(136), 501-507.

51.    Minghao Sui, Li Sheng, Jun ma, Feng Tian.  Kexiang Lu. Assistance of Magnesium Cations on Degradation of Refractory Organic  Pollutant by Ozone: Nitrobenzene as Model Compound. Ozone-Science and  Engineering, 2010(32), 113-121.

52.    Lei Zhao, Zhizhong Sun, Jun ma, Huiling Liu.  Influencing mechanism of bicarbonate on the catalytic ozonation of nitrobenzene  in aqueous solution by ceramic honeycomb supported manganese. Journal of  Molecular Catalysis A: Chemical, 2010(322), 26-32.

53.    Bingbing Xu, Zhonglin Chen, Fei Qi, Jun ma,  Fengchang Wu. Comparison of N-nitrosodiethylamine degradation in water by UV  irradiation and UV/O3: Efficiency, product and mechanism. Journal of Hazardous  Materials, 2010(179), 976-982.

54.    Xiaoling Shao, Jun ma, Jingjing Yang, Xuchun Li.  Gang Wen. Effect of humic acid on the oxidation of phenolic endocrine disrupting  chemicals by permanganate. Journal of Water Supply Research and Technology-AQUA,  2010(59), 324-334.

55.    Di He, Xiaohong Guan, Jun ma, Xue Yang, Chongwei  Cui. Influence of humic acids of different origins on oxidation of phenol and  chlorophenols by permanganate, Journal of Hazardous Materials,  2010(182),681-688.