









1997.09-2001.07:东北林业大学(211工程大学)  林学, 农学学士;

2001.09-2004.02:东北林业大学(211工程大学)  分子遗传学, 农学硕士;

2004.02-2008.07:哈尔滨工业大学 环境科学与工程,工学博士;


2012  -2014.10 

香港科技大大学   土木环境工程系,博士后

2009.10-2012.6清华大学  环境科学与工程 ,博士后

2008.10-至今哈尔滨工业大学 环境科学与工程  工作 讲师/硕导




Ø   2010年,油田含油污水深度处理与资源化利用,黑龙江省科技进步二等奖一项(排名9);

Ø  2009年度,哈尔滨工业大学优秀博士论文;  


Ø  获得科学中国人2014年度人物称号(2015年)。

Ø 国家创新研究群体后备骨干

Ø  第十三届环境微生物“简浩然”奖(2010年);

Ø 哈尔滨工业大学优秀青年教师(2009年);  





盐碱地、含油土壤等生物修复技术(电化学生物耦合、  潜流湿地修复技术、菌剂开发以及景观设计等);







1     魏利、李春颖、唐述山.著.  油田含油污泥生物-电化学耦合深度处理技术及其应用研究.北京:科学出版社,2015.12

2     郑国臣,张静波,魏利,编著.松辽流域水环境监测概论.中国水利水电出版社.2014.1

3     李永峰、王岩、赵震、魏利.基础环境毒理学.哈尔滨:哈尔滨工业大学出版社.2013.7

4     陈忠喜,魏利,著.油田含油污泥处理技术及其工艺应用研究. 北京:科学出版社,2012.11  

5     马放,杨基先,魏利.著.环境微生物图谱. 北京:中国环境科学出版社,2010.6

6     刘长莉,魏利,黄剑.编著.农业有机废弃物资源化利用.哈尔滨:东北林业大学出版社.2010.6  

7     曲媛媛, 魏利.编著.微生物非培养技术原理与应用. 北京:科学出版社,2010.1  

8     马放,魏利.著.油田硫酸盐还原菌分子生态学及其活性生态调控研究.北京:科学出版社,2009.10  



1.        Bin-xia Xue, Li Wei, Cheng-hu Zhang, Tong-yu Li,  Han Xu. Study of a double subsurface snow-water utilization system for the  melting of snow using the waste heat of urban sewage. Desalination and Water  Treatment,2014, 52:1153–1162 .

2.        Bin-xia Xue, Zhi-qing Zhao, Li Wei.Study of the  Comprehensive Landscaping Treatment Technique of Saline-Alkali Land in  Daqing Based on the Network of the Grading of Trapezoidal Terrace Ditches.  Desalination and Water Treatment 2014,52 (1183-1192).

3.        Di Wu, George A. Ekama , Hai-Guang Wang, Li Wei,  Hui Lu,Ho-Kwong Chui, Wen-Tso Liu , Damir Brdjanovic ,Mark C.M. van Loosdrecht ,  Guang-Hao Chen.Simultaneous nitrogen and phosphorus removal in the sulfur  cycle-associated Enhanced Biological Phosphorus Removal (EBPR) process. Water  Research. 2014,49:251-264

4.        Zhen Zhao, Li Wei*, Fang Ma, Chun-ying Li, Zhe  Wang,Liu Xin-yan. Study on Optimization of Cultural Medium of Bioflocculant  Production and its Flocculant Performance Considering the Anaerobic Dried  Fermentation of Corn Straw as Substrate. Journal of Pure and Applied  Microbiology. Accepted

5.        Binxia Xue, Li Wei* , Chunying Li , Tongyu Li.  Study on the Continuous Operation Technology and Pattern of Urban Stormwater  Utilization System during the Transition between Autumn and Winter in Winter  Cities. Desalination and Water Treatment (accepted).

6.        Jing-Hai Luo,  Tian-Wei Hao, Li Wei, Hamish Mackey, Zi-Qiao Lin, Guang-Hao Chen. Impact of  Influent COD/N Ratio on Disintegration of Aerobic Granular Sludge. Water  Research. (accepted).

7.        Chein-Chi  Chang, Tom Chapman, Yanna Zhao , Li Wei, Wenyu Zhao. Mixing and Transport. Water  Environment Research, 2014,86:1644-1650.

8.        Chein-Chi  Chang, Li Wei, Yubo Cui, Perry Schafer, Wenyu Zhao. Anaerobic Process. Water  Environment Research, 2014,86:1198-1216.

9.        Binxia Xue*, Li  Wei*,Chenghu Zhang, Tongyu Li,Han Xu. Study of a Double Subsurface Snow-Water  Utilization System for the Melting of Snow Using the Waste Heat of Urban Sewage.  Desalination and Water Treatment, 2014,52(4-6):1153–1162

10.    Zhen Zhao, Li  Wei*, Chun-ying Li*, Zhe Wang, Yi-wen Hu, Chang-chao Liu,Fang Ma. Study on  optimization of proportion between fermented liquid and traditional cultural  medium of bioflocculant production and its flocculant performance considering  the aerobic fermentation of rice straw as substrate. Pak. J. Pharm. Sci. 2014,  6(17):2119-2123


11.    Bin-song Wang,Li Wei*, Chun-ying Li, Jie Zhang.  STUDY OF ECOLOGICAL INHIBITION OF SULFATE-REDUCING BACTERIAL ACTIVITY AND  ASSOCIATED POPULATION SUCCESSION IN OILFIELD FLOODING WATER[J].  Environmental Engineering and Management Journal ,2013, 12(9): 1807-1813  

12.    Wu Qin, Li Wei*, Lei Wang, Changqing Dong, Xianbin  Xiao, Zongming Zheng, Yongping Yang . The catalytic synergetic effect of carbon  nanotubes on CuO during advanced oxidation processes: A theoretical account.  Chemical Physics Letters,2013, 572: 53–57

13.    Li Wei*, Xin-yan Liu,Fang Ma,Chun-ying Li, Zhen Zhao.  Phylogenetic Characterization and Function Verification of an Anaerobic Strain  SN9 with Simultaneous Capabilities of Denitrification and Sulfate Reduction.  Journal of Pure and Applied Microbiology. 2013,7:1245-1250.

14.    Zhen Zhao, Li Wei*, Fang Ma,Chun-ying Li, Xin-yan Liu.  Microbial Community Analysis in the Fresh Panda (Ailuropoda melanoleuca)  Excrement of Six Months Old. Journal of Pure and Applied Microbiology.  2013,7:1325-1330

15.    Changli Liu* ,Haibiao Wang ,Wenhui Xing & Li Wei*.  Composition diversity and nutrition conditions for accumulation of  polyhydroxyalkanoate (PHA) in a bacterial community from activated sludge.  Appl Microbiol Biotechnol, (2013) 97:9377–9387.

16.    TianWei Hao, Li Wei, Hui Lu, HoKwong Chui, Hamish R  Mackey, Markvan Loosdrecht, Guang-Hao Chen. Characterization of Sulfate Reducing  Granular Sludge in the SANI Process.Water Research.2013,47:7042-7052.  (IF=4.655). (香港科大博士后期间发表)

17.    Feng JIANG, Liang Zhang,Guo-Liang Peng,Si-Yun Liang,  Li Wei,Guang-Hao Chen. A novel approach to realize SANI process in freshwater  sewage treatment e Use of wet flue gas desulfurization waste streams as sulfur  source. Water Research. 2013,47:5773-5782:(IF=4.655).(香港科大博士后期间发表)


18.    Zhao Guang, Ma Fang, Wei Li, Chua Hong, Chang  Chein-Chi, Zhang Xiao-Jun. Electricity generation from cattle dung using  microbial fuel cell technology during anaerobic acidogenesis and the development  of microbial populations. Waste Management ,2012,32:1651 - 1658(IF=2.428)    

19.    Zheng, Guochen, Li, Jianzheng, Zhao, Feng, Zhang,  Liguo, Wei, Li, Ban, Qiaoying, Zhao, Yongsheng. Effect of illumination on the  hydrogen-production capability of anaerobic activated sludge. FRONTIERS OF  ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE & ENGINEERING ,2012,6(1):125-130(IF=0.754)

20.    Guang Zhao, Fang Ma, Li Wei, Hong Chua. Using rice  straw fermentation liquor to produce bioflocculants during an anaerobic dry  fermentation process, Using rice straw fermentation liquor to produce  bioflocculants during  an anaerobic dry fermentation process. Bioresource  Technology , 2012, (113): 83-88(IF=4.98)

21.    Chunying Li , Weiguang Li, Li Wei.Research on  absorption of ammonia by Nitric acid modified bamboo charcoal at low  temperature[J]. Desalination and Water Treatment, 2012, 47: 3-10.  (IF=0.752).

22.    Binxia Xue, Li Wei, Tongyu Li, Chunying Li, Jiming  Hao. Study of the environmentalmanagement schema for mixed residential areas  near extra-low-permeability oilfield based on PVC-blend hollow-fiber membrane  wastewater treatment. Energy Education Science and Technology Part A: Energy  Science and Research. 2012,30(1): 293-302  

23.    Chun-ying  Li , Wei-guang Li, Li Wei, Removal of  Ammonia from Aaqueous Solution using Copper-Incorporated Chitosan[J]. Energy  Education Science and Technology Part A: Energy Science and Research .  2012,30(1): 223-230

24.    Li Wei*, Chun-ying Li, Wu Qin, Guo-chen Zheng,Zhen  Zhao. Analysis of the Composition of Electrical Fixtures and Microbial  Communities in Electrical Dehydrators[J]. Energy Education Science and  Technology Part A: Energy Science and Research . 2012 ,30(1): 231-238

25.    Zhen Zhao, Li Wei*, Fang Ma, Chun-ying Li. The  Pretreatment of Oilfield Wastewater Prior To PVC Hollow Fiber Membrane  Treatment[J]. Energy Education Science and Technology Part A: Energy Science and  Research, 2012, 2: 405-412

26.    Li Wei*, Zhen Zhao,Fang Ma,Chun-ying Li,Qiu Shi Zhao,  Wen-ge Gu. Morphologial, physiological and phylogenetic characterization and  function verification of an anaerobic strain SN22-2 with simultaneous  capabilities of denitrification and sulfate reduction. African Journal of  Microbiology Research. [J].2012, 6(50):7595-7602

27.    Xue Binxia,Wei Li*, Li Tongyu, Li Chunying; Hao  Jiming. Study of the environmental management schema for mixed residential areas  near extra-low-permeability oilfield based on PVC-blend hollow-fiber membrane  wastewater treatment . ENERGY EDUCATION SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY PART A-ENERGY  SCIENCE AND RESEARCH, 2012,30(1):293-302

28.    Li Chunying, Li Weiguang,Wei Li*. Removal of ammonia  from aqueous solution using copper-incorporated chitosan . ENERGY EDUCATION  SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY PART A-ENERGY SCIENCE AND RESEARCH, 2012,30(1):223-230.  


29.    Li Wei, Fang Ma,Guang Zhao. Composition and Dynamics  of Sulfate Reducing Bacteria during the Waterflooding Process in the Oil Field  Application, Bioresource Technology, 2010(101), 2643-2650

30.    Min Sun, Zhong-Hua Tong, Guo-Ping Sheng, Yong-Zhen  Chen, Feng Zhang, Zhe-Xuan Mu,Hua-Lin Wang, Li Wei, Fang Ma. Microbial  communities involved in electricity generation from sulfide oxidation in a  microbial fuel cell[J]. Biosensors and Bioelectronics,2010,6:470-476

31.    G. Zhao, L. Wei*, F. Ma.Electricity generation from  Cattle Dung Using Micreobial Fual Cell in Acidification Process of Two –Phase  Anaerobic Digestion System[J].Environment Macterials and Environment Management  , 2010,286-290(会议推荐被SCI收录:UT WOS:000291337700062)

