









1978.03—1982.01 吉林大学化学系,分析化学,理学学士

1982.03—1985.01 中科院长春应化所,分析化学,理学硕士

1987.10---1988.10 日本东京工业大学 UNESCO Fellow

1992.09—1996.03 哈尔滨工业大学,环境化工,工学博士

1997.09—1999.05 香港大学,土木工程,博士后/ Croucher基金访问学者


2001.04—至今哈尔滨工业大学 环境科学与工程学科 博士生导师

1999.07—至今哈尔滨工业大学 环境科学与工程学科 教授

1992.07—1999.07哈尔滨工业大学 环境科学与工程学科 副教授

1986.07—1992.07哈尔滨工业大学 环境科学与工程学科 讲师

1985.01—1986.07哈尔滨工业大学 环境科学与工程学科 助教

2002.07—2007.07哈尔滨工业大学 市政环境工程学院 院长助理

2007.07—2014.07哈尔滨工业大学  市政环境工程学院 副院长

2002.07—至今哈尔滨工业大学  绿色化学技术研究中心 主任



中国环境科学学会 环境风险专业委员会副主任




Ø   工业废水中某些重金属及氰化物的连续自动分析方法与装置研究,1993年度航天部科技进步三等奖(第1作者)

Ø   头孢噻肟钠生产废渣资源化研究,2001年度黑龙江省科学技术三等奖(第3作者)

Ø  有机污染物定量构效关系及研究方法,  2002年度黑龙江省高校科学技术二等奖(第1作者)

Ø   环境科学与工程学科多层次创新人才培养体系研究,2009年度黑龙江省高等教育教学成果一等奖(第4作者)

Ø   食品加工装备集成创新与应用—大跨度波段电磁场混频常压室温灭菌与紫微光微波炉工业化技术,2011年度中国食品工业协会科学技术奖一等奖(第8作者)


Ø 黑龙江省优秀中青年专家(第五批)

Ø 国家创新研究群体学术骨干(2008-2014)  

Ø 教育部创新团队学术骨干(2005-2008)  


l  物化水处理技术

l  环境分析与监测技术

l  环境微波化学理论与技术

l  环境功能材料制备与应用技术

l  突发环境污染预警及应急处理技术


1     王鹏,郑彤,张广山.  环境微波化学技术. 科学出版社. 2014年9月

2   王鹏. 定量构效关系及研究方法.  哈尔滨工业大学出版社. 2011年10月

3     王鹏. 环境监测.  中国建筑工业出版社. 2011年8月



1.        Hao Linlin, Liu  Qin, Li Xilan, Du Zhaolin, Wang, Peng*. A potentially low-cost modified sawdust  (MSD) effective for rapid Cr(VI) and As(V) removal from water. RSC Advances.  2014,4(91):49569-49576.

2.        Qi Hu, DaWen   Gao, Hongyu Pan, Linlin Hao, Peng Wang*. Equilibrium  and  kinetic s of  aniline  adsorption onto crosslinked sawdust-cyclodextrin polymers. RSC Advances.  2014,4(91):49569-49576

3.        Yi Wang, Tong  Zheng, Ying Zhao, Jiping Jiang, Yuanyuan Wang, Liang Guo, Peng Wang*. Monthly  water quality forecasting and uncertainty assessment via boot strapped wavelet  neural networks under missing data for Harbin, China. Environmetnal Science and  Pollution Research. 2014,20(12): 8909- 8923

4.        Guo Liang, Zhao  Ying, Wang Peng*. Determination of the principal factors of river water quality  through cluster analysis method and its prediction. Frontiers of Environmental  Science & Engineering, 2014, 6(2): 238-245

5.        Jiping Jiang,  Ashish Sharma, Bellie Sivakumar and Peng Wang*. A global assessment of  climate–water quality relationships in large rivers: An elasticity perspective.  Science of The Total Environment, 2014,877-891

6.        Nannan Wang,  Tong Zheng, Jiping Jiang, Wu-seng Lung, Xiaojun Miao, Peng Wang*. Pilot-scale  treatment of p-Nitrophenol wastewater by microwave-enhanced Fenton oxidation  process: Effects of system parameters and kinetics study. Chemical Engineering  Journal, 2014, 239(2014):351-359

7.        Shijie Chen,  Yingjie Li, Renjiang Lv, Jiping Jiang, Guangshan Zhang, Peng Wang*. Optimization  and Modeling of Photocatalytic Removal of Norfloxacin Using Tungsten Bismuth  Loaded Carbon Iron Complexes Based on Response Surface Methodology. Industrial  & Engineering Chemistry Research, 2014, 53(26): 10775-10783

8.        Qiao Wang,  Guang-shan Zhang, Zhan-shuang Li, Sheng Deng, Han Chen, Peng Wang*. Preparation  and properties of polyamide/titania composite nanofiltration membrane by  interfacial polymerization. Desalination, 2014, 352(0): 38-44

9.        Zhao Ying,  Ashish Sharma, Bellie Sivakumar, Lucy Marshall, WANG Peng*. A Bayesian method  for multi-pollution source water quality model and seasonal water quality  management in river segments. Environmental Modelling & Software, 2014, 57:  216-226

10.    Zhao ying, Guo  Liang, Wang Yi, Wang Peng*. Regional optimal allocation for reducing waste loads  via ANN and PSO: a case study of ammonia nitrogen in Harbin, northeast of China.  Water Science and Technology, 2014, 70(7): 1211-1219

11.    Liu QS, Zheng T,  Wang P*, Li YJ. Regeneration of 4-Chlorophenol Exhausted GAC with a Microwave  Assisted Wet Peroxide Oxidation Process. Separation Science and Technology,  2014, 49(1): 68-73


12.    Chen Shijie, Li  Yingjie, Lue Renjiang, Wang Peng*. Preparation Characterization of C/Fe-Bi2WO6  Nanosheet Composite and Degradation Application of Norfloxacin in Water. Journal  of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, 2013, 13(8): 5624-5630

13.    Shanshan Zhao,  Peng Wang*, Ce Wang, James L, Langer Gulizhaer, Abulikemu, Xin Sun. Recycling of  high temperature steam condensed water from petroleum refinery by thermostable  PPESK ultrafiltration membrane. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2013, 219(3):  419-428

14.    Wang Yi, Wang  Peng*, Bai Yujun, Tian Zaixing, Li Jingwen, ShaoXue, Mustavich Laura F, Li  Bai-Lian. Assessment of surface water quality via multivariate statistical  techniques: A case study of the Songhua River Harbin region, China. Journal of  Hydro-Environment Research, 2013, 7(1): 30-40

15.    Zhang Guangshan,  Zhang Wen, Crittenden John C, Chen Yongsheng, Minakata, Daisuke, Wang Peng.  Photocatalytic hydrogen production under visible-light irradiation on  (CuAg)(0.15)In0.3Zn1.4S2 synthesized by precipitation and calcination. Chinese  Journal of Catalysis, 2013, 34(10): 1926-1935

16.    Zhang Guangshan,  Zhang Wen, Wang Peng*, Minakata Daisuke, Chen Yongsheng, Crittenden John.  Stability of an H-2-producing photocatalyst (Ru/(CuAg)(0.15)In0.3Zn1.4S2) in  aqueous solution under visible light irradiation. International Journal of  Hydrogen Energy, 2013, 38(3): 1286-1296

17.    Liu Guodong, Wang  Peng*, Wang Shuai, Sun Liyan, Yang Yunchao, Xu Pengfei. Numerical simulation of  flow behavior of liquid and particles in liquid­solid risers with multi scale  interfacial drag method. Advanced Powder Technology, 2013, 24(2): 537-548

18.    Guangshan Zhang,  Wen Zhang, Daisuke Minakata, Yongsheng Chen, John Crittenden*, andPeng Wang*.  The pH Effects on H2 Evolution Kinetics for Visible Light Water Splitting over  the Ru/(CuAg)0.15In0.3Zn1.4S2 Photocatalyst. International Journal of Hydrogen  Energy, 2013, 38: 11727-11736

19.    Guangshan Zhang ,  Wen Zhang, John C. Crittenden, Yongsheng Chen, Daisuke Minakata, Peng Wang*.  Photocatalytic hydrogen production under visible-light irradiation on  (CuAg)0.15In0.3Zn1.4S2 synthesized by precipitation and calcination. 催化学报,  2013, 34(10): 1872-2067


20.    Guo Liang, Zhao  Ying, Wang Peng*. Determination of the principal factors of river water quality  through cluster analysis method and its prediction. Frontiers of Environmental  Science & Engineering, 2012, 6(2): 238-245

21.    Jiang Jiping, Wang  Peng*, Lung Wu-seng, Guo Liang, Li Mei. A GIS-based generic real-time risk  assessment framework and decision tools for chemical spills in the river basin.  Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2012, 227(0): 280-291

22.    Liu, Qing-Song,  Wang Peng*, Zhao Shan-Shan, Zhang Wei. Treatment of an industrial chemical  waste-water using a granular activated carbon adsorption-microwave regeneration  process. Journal of Chemical Technology and Biotechnology, 2012, 87(7):  1004-1009

23.    Zhao Shanshan,  Wang Peng*, Wang Ce, Sun Xin, Zhang Linhuan. Thermostable PPESK/TiO2  nanocomposite ultrafiltration membrane for high temperature condensed water  treatment. Desalination, 2012, 229: 35-43

24.    Shili Qin, Sheng  Deng, LiqiangSu *and Peng Wang*. Simultaneous determination of five sulfonamides  in wastewater using group-selective molecularly imprinted solid-phase extraction  coupled with HPLC-DAD. Analytical methods, 2012, 4: 4278-4283


25.    Zheng Jia, Haibo  Li, Zhenxing Yu, Peng Wang*. Densification of MOF-5 synthesized at ambient  temperature for methane adsorption. Materials Letters, 2011, 65: 2445-2447


26.    Yu Yang, Peng  Wang, Yuan Liu.Species distribution of ferric hydrolysates in microwave enhanced  Fenton-like process and possible mechanism. Journal of Hazardous Materials,  2010,178:293-297

27.    Nan Li, Peng Wang,  Qingsong Liu, Hailei Cao.Microwave enhanced chemical reduction process for  nitrite-containing wastewater treatment using sulfaminic acid. Journal of  Environmental Sciences, 2010,22(1):56-61

28.    Nan Li, Peng Wang,  Chen Zuo, et al.Microwave enhanced Fenton process for DMSO-containing wastewater  treatment. Environmental Engineering Science.2010, 27(3): 271-280.

29.     Qing-Song Liu,  Tong Zheng, Peng Wang, Liang Guo.Preparation and characterization of activated  carbon from bamboo by microwave-induced phosphoric acid activation. Industrial  Crops and Products, 2010, 31:233-238

30.    Qing-Song Liu,  Tong Zheng, Peng Wang, Ji-Ping Jiang, Nan Li.Adsorption isotherm, kinetic and  mechanism studies of some substituted phenals on activated carbon fibers.  Chemical Engineeing Journal, 2010, 157:348-356

31.    Qing-song Liu,  Tong Zheng, Nan Li, Peng Wang, et al.Modification of bamboo-based activated  carbon using microwave radiation and its effects on the adsorption of methylene  blue.Applied surface science, 2010,256:3309-3315

32.    Wenchao Liao,  Tong  Zheng, Peng Wang, Sisi Tu, Weiqian Pan.Efficient microwave-assisted  photocatalytic degradation of endocrine disruptor dimethyl phthalate over  composite catalyst ZrOx/ZnO.Journal of Environmental Science,  2010,22(11):1800-1806

33.    Wenchao Liao, Tong  Zheng, Peng Wang, Sisi Tu, Weiqian Pan.Microwave-Assisted Photocatalytic  Degradation of Dimethyl Phthalate Over a Novel ZrOx Catalyst. Environmental  Engineering Science. Dec 2010, 27(12): 1001-1007

34.    Hailei Cao, Peng  Wang, Weibo Yuan, Haifen Lei.Microwave-Assisted Preparation of  Polylactide/Organomontmorillonite Nanocomposites Via In Situ Polymerization.  Applied Polymer Science. 2010, 115: 1468-1473

35.    Hai Lei Cao, Peng  Wang, Yuan Li.Preparation of Poly(lactic acid)/ Na-Montmorillonite Nanocomposite  by Microwave-Assisted In-situ Melt Polycondensation,.Macromolecular Research,  2010,18(11):1129-1132 

36.    Wei Xu,Peng Wang,  Guoda Chi. et al.Application of Lactobacillus immobilized by Activated Carbon  Fiber in Fermentation of Lactic Acid in Starch Wastewater.  AIP Conference Proceedings. 2010.12.9

