









1990.9—1994.6 武汉水利电力大学 应用化学专业,本科,工学学士学位;

1994.9—1999.12 中国科学院长春应用化学研究所电分析化学国家重点实验室,分析化学,理学博士


2007.1—至今    哈尔滨工业大学 博士生导师

2004--2006     加拿大国家研究委员会化学过程与环境技术研究所,NSERC Fellow

2000.07—2004.05  德国马普胶体与界面研究所,洪堡学者

2011-至今      哈尔滨工业大学微纳米技术研究中心  副主任


Ø 2004年,功能化电极界面的研究——从化学修饰到自组装,吉林省科学技术进步奖一等奖(排名第2)


Ø 教育部新世纪优秀人才支持计划(2009)

Ø 黑龙江省杰出青年科学基金支持计划(2011)

Ø 黑龙江省龙江学者计划(2012)


l   具有光电活性的纳米结构材料:根据生化检测及能源转化的需求,设计和制备具有光电活性的金属、半导体和金属氧化物纳米粒子、纳米线及相应的复合纳米材料,并对这些无机纳米结构材料可能产生的独特的集合光、电、磁学性质展开研究。  

l   纳米结构材料在环境污染物检测及医学检测方面的应用:利用纳米材料和纳米结构,重点发展痕量、实时、便捷、廉价、高精密、高灵敏、抗干扰能力强的农药残留、生物毒素、重金属纳米检测技术;针对重大疾病如肿瘤、糖尿病、心血管疾病等,重点发展高灵敏、高选择性、高通量的微纳米检测技术和生物芯片。  



1.        Kurth DG, Liu SQ, Volkmer D. Polyoxometalate Nanoclusters in  Tailored Architectures: From Structure to Function. Eds.: E. Coronado, A.  Muller, NATO Series, Kluwer, 2004.

2.        刘绍琴*,付蕾,胡涛,《氧基簇化合物》一章,2012。



1.      Zhao SL, Yin HJ, Du L, He LC, Zhao K, Chang L, Yin GP, Zhao HJ, Liu  SQ*, Tang ZY, Carbonized Nanoscale Metal–Organic Frameworks as High Performance  Electrocatalyst for Oxygen Reduction Reaction, ACS Nano DOI: 10.1021/nn505582e  

2.      Zhu F, Li XY, Li YC, Yan M, Liu SQ*, Enantioselective Circular  Dichroism Sensing of Cysteine and 2 Glutathione with Gold Nanorods, Anal. Chem.  dx.doi.org/10.1021/ac504017f3.      Li XY, Zheng ZZ, Liu XF, Zhao SL, Liu SQ*,  Nanostructured photoelectrochemical biosensor for highly sensitive detection of  organophosphorous pesticides, Biosensors and Bioelectronics 64 (2015)  1–5.4.      Zhao SL, Yin HJ, Du L, Yin GP, Liu SQ*, Tang ZY, Three Dimensional  N-Doped Graphene/PtRu Nanoparticle Hybrids as High Performance Anode for Direct  Methanol Fuel Cells, Journal of Materials Chemistry A 2 (11), 3719 – 3724,  2014.5.      Liu Y, Zhu FJ, Dan WX, Fu Y, Liu SQ*, Construction of carbon  nanotube based nanoarchitectures for selective impedimetric detection of cancer  cells in whole blood, Analyst, 2014, 139, 5086-5092.6.    Yan M, Gu HX, Liu ZZ,  Guo CS, Liu SQ*, Effective near-infrared absorbent: ammonium tungsten bronze  nanocubes, RSC Adv., 2015,5, 967–973.7.      Hu T, Liu XF, Liu SQ*, Wang ZL,  Tang ZY, Toward Understanding of Transfer Mechanism between  Electrochemiluminescent Dyes and Luminescent Quantum Dots, Anal. Chem., 2014, 86  (8), 3939–3946.8.      Hu T, Isaacoff BP, Bahng JH, Hao CL, Zhou YL, Zhu J, Li  XY, Wang ZL, Liu SQ, Xu CL, Biteen JS,  Kotov NA, Self-Organization of Plasmonic  and Excitonic Nanoparticles into Resonant Chiral Supraparticle Assemblies, Nano  Lett. 2014, 14, 6799-6810.  


1.      Liu DQ, Zheng ZZ, Wang CQ, Yin YQ, Liu SQ*, Yang B*, Jiang  ZH*, CdTe Quantum Dots Encapsulated Zn O Nanorods for Highly Efficient  Photoelectrochemical Degradation of Phenols, Journal of Physical Chemistry C   117(50), 26529-26537, 2013.2.      Gu HX, Bi LH, Fu Y, Wang N, Liu SQ*, Tang  ZY, Multistate electrically controlled photoluminescence switching, Chemical  Science 4 (12), 4371- 4377, 2013. (Inside cover)3.      Guo CS, Wu XY, Yan M,  Dong Q, Yin S*, Sato S, Liu SQ*, Visible-light-driven Photocatalytic Destruction  of NOx Using Mesoporous TiO2 Spheres Synthesized by a “Water  Controlled-Releasing Process”, Nanoscale 5(17), 8184-8191, 2013.4.      Guo CS,  Yin S*, Yu HJ*, Liu SQ*, Dong Q, Goto T, Zhang ZW, Li YP, Sato S, Photothermal  Ablation Cancer Therapy using Homogeneous CsxWO3 Nanorods with Broad  Near-Infra-Red Absorption,Nanoscale 5(14), 6469-6478, 2013.5.      Liu SQ*,  Zheng ZZ, Li XY, Advances in pesticide biosensors: current status,  challenges,and future perspectives, Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry   405(1), 63-90, 2013 (top 10 most-downloaded articles published 2013 in  ‘Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry').6.      Wang L, Ma SH, Wang XJ, Liu  DQ, Liu SQ, Han XJ, Electrochemiluminescent TiO2/CdS nanocomposites for  efficient immunosensing of HepG2 cells, Journal of Materials Chemistry B 1(38),  5021-5027, 2013.7.      Ma GX, Zhou YL, Li XY, Sun K, Liu SQ, Hu JQ, Kotov NA,  Self-Assembly of Copper Sulfide Nanoparticles into Nanoribbons with Continuous  Crystallinity, ACS NANO  7(10), 9010-9018, 2013.        


1.      Ma XH, Zhao YY, Jiang XY, Liu W*, Liu SQ*, Tang ZY*, Facile  Preparation of Ag2S/Ag Semiconductor/Metal Heteronanostructures with Remarkable  Antibacterial Properties, ChemPhysChem 13(10), 2531-2535, 2012.2.      Hu T, Li  TS, Yuan L, Liu SQ*, Wang ZL*, Anodic electrogenerated chemiluminescence of  quantum dots: size and stabilizer matter, Nanoscale  4, 5447-5453, 2012. 3.       Guo CX, Zeng LK, Liu SQ, et al. In Vitro Evaluation and Finite Element  Simulation of Drug Release from Polydiacetylene-Polyethylene Glycol Stearate  Nanovesicles, Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology 12(1), 245-251, 2012.  


1.        Zheng ZZ, Li XY, Dai ZF, Liu SQ*, Tang ZY*. Detection of mixed  organophosphorus pesticides in real samples using quantum dots/bi-enzyme  assembly multilayers, Journal of Materials Chemistry 21(42), 16955-16962, 2011.  

2.        Zheng M, Cui Y, Li XY, Liu SQ*, Tang ZY*. Photoelectrochemical  sensing of glucose based on quantum dot and enzyme nanocomposites, Journal of  Electroanalytical Chemistry 656(1-2), 167-173, 2011.

3.         Cui Y, Chen HY, Zheng M, Dai ZF, Liu SQ*. CdSe@CdS core-shell  quantum dot -polymer multilayer sensitized TiO2 for photovoltaics, Journal of  Nanoscience and Nanotechnology 11(5), 3851-3860, 2011.

4.         Li TS, Zhu K, He S, Xia X, Liu SQ*, Wang Z*, Jiang XY*, Sensitive  detection of glucose based on gold nanoparticles assisted silver mirror  reaction, ANALYST 136(14), 2893-2896, 2011. (one of the top ten accessed  articles from the online version of Analyst)

5.         Zheng ZZ, Zhou YL, Li XY, Liu SQ*, Tang ZY*. Highly-Sensitive  Organophosphorous Pesticide Biosensors Based on Nanostructured Films of  Acetylcholinesterase and CdTe Quantum Dots. Biosensors and Bioelectronics 26,  3081-3085, 2011.

6.         Jung SH, Chen C, Cha SH, Yeom B, Bahng JH, Srivastava S, Zhu J,  Yang M, Liu SQ, Kotov NA, Spontaneous Self-Organization Enables  Dielectrophoresis of Small Nanoparticles and Formation of Photoconductive  Microbridges, Journal of the American Chemical Society. 133(28), 10688-10691,  2011.

7.        Yue XL, Ma F, Dai ZF, Liu M, Xing L, Fan HY, Xing ZW, Liu SQ. New  insight into surface properties of LB film of an amphiphilic terpolymer, Chinese  Chemical Letters, 22 (2), 241-244, 2011.


1.         Qin B, Chen HY, Liang H, Fu L, Liu XF, Qiu XH, Liu SQ*, Song R*,  Tang ZY*. Reversible Photoswitchable Fluorescence in Thin Films of Inorganic  Nanoparticle and Polyoxometalate Assemblies. Journal of the American Chemical  Society. 132, 2886-2888, 2010.

2.         Liu SQ*, Tang ZY*. Polyoxometalate-based Functional Nanostructured  Films: Current Progress and Future Prospects. Nano Today 5(4), 267-281, 2010.  

3.        Liu SQ*, Tang ZY* Nanoparticle Assemblies for Biological and  Chemical Sensing. Journal of Materials Chemistry. 20, 24-35,2010 (Feature  Articles, one of the Top Ten most downloaded Journal of Materials Chemistry  articles for December; one of the most highly read articles published in Journal  of Materials Chemistry during 2009)

4.        Guo CX, Liu SQ, Dai ZF, et al. Polydiacetylene Vesicles as a Novel  Drug Sustained-Release System. Colloids and Surfaces B-Biointerfaces. 76,  362-365, 2010.

5.        Li SZ, Ma Y, Yue XL, Cao Z, Liu SQ, Dai ZF. Encapsulation of  Quantum Dots Inside Liposomal Hybrid Cerasome Using a One-Pot Procedure, Journal  of Dispersion Science and Technology. 31 (12), 1727-1731,2010.

